My Bias List

Before I started with my OTP list, let me just tell you a bit of my bias list. Hehe. So yeah, I don't have that much in my bias list. My bias list are only available when it comes to Super Junior, SNSD and B1A4. Well, I do listen to other songs and groups, I like other groups too but I'm not that hardcore yet with other groups except for those 3. 

In Super Junior, it's Donghae! Well, it's him and then the rest of the members. Lol. I just can't rank how much I love them because it's hard. I love them equally much and it's that much. I love them soooo much :D

In SNSD, it'll be my Fany Fany Tiffany. It was Sooyoung before but Fany finally made her way to my top bias list. It's not that Sooyoung is not my bias anymore, she is still one of them. But I just fall for Fany more. But yea, I love them equally much too, just like Super Junior.

In B1A4, my bias is Jinyoung! Oh my that little guy. Lol. Agaaain, I can't rank them too. They're just too adorable and I don't know who comes next after Jinyoung. Maybe it's Gongchan, or Sandeul, or CNU or Baro. Hmm. 

Anyway, I have to make it clear first, yes, I am a Sone and BANA too, but I am more as an hardcore ELF. It's my blood. There's just time where I always go for Super Junior and kind of left SNSD and B1A4 but yeah, I can't really help it. The first thing in Kpop for me is Super Junior. My priority will be Super Junior, and I guess you guys know what it means. 

Next post will be about the OTP, as I promised. I just think I should tell my bias list first before the rest of it. 

Till then, annyeong! :D


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HaeFany. I ship~