i am not okay

to my dearest 'friends' around me, fu*k you. i just cannot understand how people can be so, fake. i've never trusted people, but i always give others, even when i should do something for my own good before others, i always go running to help to others. so thank you, i thank you for being so nice to me to practicly ruin my whole life pretending and passing by like im a piece of . thank you for making me feel ugly and lame,  making me feel like i'm not worth anything. By that I mean, literally I think I'm not worth buying myself stuff, going to school for something I want, I just don't percieve myself as deserving anything. and God bless the daily panic attacks. 


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I know how you feel friend. It's a terrible feeling, and I wish this phase of feeling worthless passes quickly for you.
Confront these friends about how you feel. If you don't want to, stop associating yourself with them, and they'll figure it out by themselves. At that point, they'll either ask you what's up or let it be. If they let it be, them they aren't worth . If they do, sit down and tell them what they've done.
When I was in school, I was like that with a bunch of my friends, and then I found new friends, better friends. They took my side and they never did what those other friends did. You will find people like that soon in your life. Trust me, when you do, everything will heal and you'll feel so much better.
And if you want, you can rant to me whenever you feel like it. I know ranting like this helps, and I'll always be there to listen. I'll be a friend to you and I'll help you pull through this. I know what you're going through, and I really want to make it better.