From Heaven with Love application ^^


Username: sakuramimi


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Character Information:  

Jae Hwa was prematurely born in Seoul on the 10th July 1989. Her premature birth caused her to be a little shorter than most people, but her height never stopped her. People in her school made fun of her for being short, especially a certain bully Jae Hwa refused to speak of. Nevertheless, the bullies and names never stopped Jae Hwa from doing anything. When she was ten, she discovered she had immense singing ability, but she was always rivalled against that one bully, who was the lead in the school for the best voice. They would always compete in the auditions for the main parts of a performance, but due to the fact that Jae Hwa won the majority of the time, the bully hated Jae Hwa. She always tried to trip her whenever she could, but Jae Hwa ignored her, and enjoyed her school life with her best friends Minhyuk and Kiseop. She spent six years in training to become what she is now, but whenever she was forced to speak with people, she was usually silent, and almost enigmatic. She didn’t like socialising much, but if it was completely necessary, she would. She hated the nickname ‘shrimp’ or ‘shorty’ but she did not let them get to her. Her whole life had been difficult, but she was still able to pull through and become famous with a smile on her face.


Name:  Im Jae Hwa


Nicknames: Jay, Cheonsa


DOB: July 10th 1989 (age 22)


Birthplace: Seoul


Ethnicity: Full Korean.


Language(s) spoken: Korean, English, Japanese.


Height: 156cm


Weight: 63kg








Ah Ri:







Ulzzang Name: Jungroo


Backup Ulzzang Name:  Song Ah Ri















                Jae Hwa has an unusual personality. She has a bit of a bipolar personality. One moment she can be smiling brightly, and acting bubbly, cheerful and happy, and the next she can be quiet, solemn and secretive. Living the life she has, it’s not surprising she has this sort of personality. She is a highly secretive girl who refuses to tell anyone she does not know anything about her. She is not good at socialising very well, but when she befriends someone, she can always have as much fun as possible with them. Her true self shows when she is with a truly good friend, because she is always bubbly, bright, and smiling until her cheeks can barely take it. She is the type of girl to force back her emotions when in front of people, because she does not like to make others worry.

                Jae Hwa is someone who will hide herself when she cries, or is upset in general. While she likes to be cared for, she does not like people asking ‘are you alright’, because she sees it as a sign of worry. Making people worry about her is one of Jae Hwa’s biggest habits, yet one of her most hated traits. During her confinement, her grandmother worried herself sick. While she still recovered, Jae Hwa never got over the guilt of making her grandmother that worried.

                One thing that sticks to Jae Hwa like glue is guilt. She has guilt carried on her shoulders, and has had it there for years. She felt guilty that her mother died, because as she was young then, she felt that she did not care for her properly, and still believed that no matter how much her grandmother and friends told her otherwise. Guilt is a main aspect of Jae Hwa’s personality, and something she will never be able to get rid of. 

                Jae Hwa loves to play video games. The fun-loving side of her personality turned her into a big gamer girl, and she knows all the popular games, like Zelda, Pokémon, Call of Duty, and others. Her favourite game in the world is Pokémon. She could play Pokémon all day every day. Her favourite pastime is to play video games, and when she is not practicing or rehearsing, you will most likely find her sitting holding either her Nintendo DS or a xbox controller. Her games and games consoles are her most treasured possessions, aside from the photograph of her, her mother and her father.  

                Jae Hwa is also very, very soft hearted. If she watches a movie with even the simplest of sad moments, she will be crying floods. Her most favourite drama is Heartstrings, which she watched over and over, and cried every time. When she met Yonghwa after watching it the first time, she couldn’t help but smile every minute, because of how much different he was compared to his partially cold character in that drama. She cried the first time they met, but of course, did not let anyone see. 

                Jae Hwa has very bad eating habits. A lot of the time, she can’t eat a single thing. Not because she isn’t hungry, but because she is sick. Her stomach never seems to agree with the things she eats. Fruit, vegetables, rice, meat, smoothies, water and chocolate seem to stay down, but nothing else will. Jae Hwa hasn’t been the type of girl to eat much anyway, as she had to keep her figure in order to keep her modelling career. She is not bony, nor is she anorexic or bulimic, but she wonders constantly why she can never keep down food. Often she worries if she is catching the same illness as her mother. 

                In summary, Jae Hwa is bipolar, but the majority of the time she is happy, bubbly and smiling so much her face can’t take it. A lot of the time she will go into random moments of depression, but she will not stay with people while depressed, due to her paranoia of people worrying over her. Her personality is not fixed, nor will it ever be, but she is a different girl that people don’t easily forget once they know her.















-Running late

-Being ill


-Two faced people

-Crying in front of people










-Running away to hide when she wants to cry.

-Hiding in her bed when there is a thunderstorm.

-Smiling and looking away when someone has made her happy.

-Playing with her clothing when nervous.

-Pouting when bored or annoyed.



-Her favourite colours are sky blue, red and purple.

-Her worst fear is thunder, but she also has a fear of spiders.

-Her favourite food is rice, and her favourite drink is a homemade strawberry smoothie.



Jae Hwa’s family consisted of her mother, her father and her grandmother. The only two she saw mostly throughout her life were her mother and grandmother. Jae Hwa always longed to meet her father and tell him how much she loved and missed him as a young child. She was not angry he was not there, just sad.



Jae Hwa’s background was different to most girls her age. She was born when her mother was just 19 years old, and a year later, her mother was diagnosed with a serious illness. At the time, it was not severe, but as the years went by, the disease gradually became worse and worse. Jae Hwa’s father was a businessman in Seoul, and he worked more often than not, so Jae Hwa did not see much of him while she was growing up. From the age of five, Jae Hwa usually was the one to take care of her sick mother, by making her food, helping her to bath and doing all the chores around the house.

 By the time she was 8, Jae Hwa had memorised most of the medicinal food recipes her mother had, and had learned how to take care of herself. She would always get herself ready for school every morning without fail, and walk the short distance all by herself, and would meet her two best friends Minhyuk and Kiseop. Jae Hwa never usually was the type to hang around with girls. She did have female friends, but Minhyuk and Kevin were her closest friends. They always comforted her when she was upset about her mother, and often visited her to help out.

When Jae Hwa was 10, she discovered she had talent in singing, Kiseop found he was good with dancing, and Minhyuk with the drums. The three of them practiced every week to improve, and Jae Hwa participated in almost all of the school performances. Singing became a passion for Jae Hwa, as she began to use it to release all the stress that built up from running things at home. Both her parents supported her, even if they couldn’t be there for her performances.

When Jae Hwa was 11, she wrote a song called ‘Cheonsa’, based on the nickname her mother gave her. She sang it when her mother died just a month after her 13th birthday. Her father sent her to live with her grandmother in Busan, so she had to leave Minhyuk and Kiseop behind. She was depressed in Busan until she was 18, and then she found out her father wasn’t going to bring her home. She had become abandoned. After that she spent two years in solitary confinement, alone and depressed with her grandmother worrying every day. Despite her depression, Jae Hwa still was able to practice her singing and dancing all of those years she was confined.

When she was 21, she came out of confinement, and returned to Seoul, where she found her two best friends had both joined boy bands. She immediately found them, and she was the happiest she had ever been for the past 8 years. She trained for that whole year with the help of Minhyuk and Kiseop, and the groups from her company.



Im Hyun Soo (father): age unknown. Jae Hwa never really met him. Abandoned her.

Choi Jae Young (mother): Died age 32 of severe illness.

Choi Sun Mi (grandmother): Aged 78.



-Minhyuk (CN Blue)

-Kiseop (UKISS)


-Big Bang


Rival: Kim Tae Yeon.

They attended school together and always battled each other for the main singing roles in their school performances. Tae Yeon was the best singer in the school until Jae Hwa opened , so Tae Yeon became infuriated and jealous towards her. Ever since then, the two have been deadly rivals, even if Jae Hwa did not want it to be that way.


Idol Life:

Jae Hwa’s idol life is pretty simple. She is popular for her singing voice and ulzzang appearance. Aside from being an idol, Jae Hwa is also works in the modelling and photography careers. She has been seen on Star King and Star Golden Bell a lot, along with Kiseop and Minhyuk, whom she always sits with. As an idol, she is extremely friendly, and will do almost anything for fans. To her, the most important thing is gaining a fan’s love. She regularly posts on Twitter, and if she can find time, will reply to her fans.  


Stage Name: Jay


Persona: Enigmatic Angel


How Were You Discovered: 

Jae Hwa was discovered while participating in a performance in Seoul. Talent scouts from YG Entertainment and JYP came the night of the performance. She sang her heart out on the night, and impressed both of them.  Her passion for singing was clearly seen, and the scouts both gave her offers. She accepted from YG Entertainment and started to train properly there.


Company you were trained by:

YG Entertainment


Duration of training: 

6 years. (5 years by herself & with Minhyuk and Kiseop, 1 year with YG)


Trainee History:

Jae Hwa spent 1 year training at YG Entertainment, where she became close to the girls of 2NE1, and the boys of Big Bang. She told them all her stories from the past life. Jae Hwa used up almost all of her time, day and night, practicing as hard as she could. She wanted to get into the music industry more than anything in the world, so she practiced until her body ached. After that one year, she got an offer from jtune to join a girl group, so she took that offer, and left YG Entertainment.


Experience prior to debut:

Jae Hwa had a lot of experience with dancing, singing and even acting before she debuted and became an idol. She would always sing in the school performances, and sing lullabies for her mother to help her sleep.


Position: Main Vocal/Sub Dancer


Personal Fan Club Name: Angels


Personal Fan Club Color: Sky blue


 Love Interest:

-Jung Yonghwa (CN Blue)

-Kevin Woo (UKISS)

-Lee Donghae (Super Junior)


BRIEF Description of His Personality and how he is with you:

Yonghwa/Kevin/Donghae is a sweet, caring guy whom Jae Hwa has been in love with ever since she met him. She is very shy around him, and always blushes whenever he gives her one of his famous smiles. He is really kind and sweet to Jae Hwa, but he isn’t sure what to do with her. She acts differently around him compared to when she is her bubbly self around others, and he thinks it’s a bad thing, but he doesn’t realise it is because she loves him so much, and he starts to like her also.


Anything Else?/Suggestions: -


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Well I'd like it to be so that she was not getting an opportunity to be put in a group at YG, so as soon as she was given a chance from JTune, she took it and joined them ^_^
phoenixpride #2
Your character was well written and developed. A little sad, but I'm not one to reject someone for "too much drama" I think it makes your character more real/relateable. It makes her unique and third dimensional. However I noticed your character trained herself and then joined YG. So at what point would you have liked for her to switch to J-Tune?
I know :L
me123456789 #4
ive messaged you......