The 6 Degrees of Separation Exists...

So if you have been on my page, you would notice my status about the 6 Degrees of Separation and how I am connected to Zico along with Rain, Kikwang and pretty much everyone else in the kpop world. Now, this is not me trying to gloat or anything, just an odd observation I made.

For those who don't know what the 6 Degrees of Separation are, it is the idea that everyone on average is 6 steps away from each other through introduction from any other person on Earth. It's a chain of a friend of a friend connecting 2 people in 6 steps or less.

So now that you have the basis of what its about, I'll show you how I am connected to all of these people.

We have me -> ^____^ I am connected to my Unni in college (Step 1), who went to high school with Lee Joon (Step 2), who knows Rain and was in an MV with HyunA (Step 3), and HyunA knows Zico and performed with him and she also knows Beast (Step 4)~

Weird huh? Totally daebak though XD


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0.0 mad jealous right there...