I dunno , just feeling like ... poop .

When you love someone and they don't even know , doesn't it just break your heart ? Or like when you love them and they don't acknowlegde your feelings ? It's hurts . You lie to yourself that you don't like them , causing you to lie to everyone about it . & then in the end , nothing comes of it but heart break and tears . Sometimes I wonder , if love was such a precious thing then why do we suffer from it . Love brings happiness but why do people cry ?


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yeah, but there are also those whom you love, they do know but they pretend they don't because they don't want to hurt you, knowing they can't return your love D:
DongRin #2
lovly39 - lol , well this isn't my situation at the moment but it has happened a couple times lol , so I know what to do , thank you [:<br />
& yes , tell them even if they act like they never knew you , it's not the end of the world , they obviously weren't good enough to accept your feelings . Bahah .
T^T So true! That was (is) my situation~~Mines alot more complicated but I know what you meen exactly and my advice is:<br />
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Make sure you have no regrets.<br />
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For me that meant telling him my feelings~I never regretted it even though it complicated my life~ <br />
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^.^ Geez I hope that helped. Just remember you never wanna regret :) Also I have wondering "What if..." So that's also why I told him ^.^
DongRin #4
Just random . T^T