i think... im going crazy.

I just stepped out of the shower and my eyes are red o.o


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thedramalover1099 #1
hopefully, its just the shampoo.....or it could be that u r crazy or something major could've happened in ur head;)
Lol. You aren't crazy. It could've been the light. Or maybe your vision was blurred because of water in your eyes.. Maybe..? Or you could be crazy.
As long as you're saying that you're crazy yourself, you're okay. XD

This is what a sane person would say:
I think I'm going crazy.
This is what a crazy person would say:
WHAT? CRAZY? HAHAHAHAHA what makes you think that. IM NOT CRAZY. I SWEAR TO GOD. *hysterical laughter*
LOOL, like what kind of red?
Like RED, RED, or pinkish?
cause then it could just be shampoo xD
For one thing, if you think you're going crazy, you aren't. It's when you deny that you are crazy it becomes a problem.
As for your eye turning red, there's a couple things that could be the problem. It could've been the trick of the light, or maybe a health issue.
I pretty sure you'll be fine though.
mistressofsecrecy #6
its just shampoo/soap :D don't worry :)

everything okay, right? ^^
BunnyBandit16 #7
You turned into a vampire ^_^

but seriously are you okay?
Are you alright kiddo?
O my goodness r u alright
Like bloody red or pink red in the white part cuz that just means so etching got in your eye but if it's the iris or the whole eye then madam you hav a problem
Lol it's mostly because of soap getting into your eyes :P
babymichiie #12
Hahaha, maybe soap went into your eyes or you cried? It's nothing.. not to worry about. *hugs*
Just because something happens doesn't,mean you automatically have problems.
maybe water got into your eyes, or soap or something. You'll be fine, hun.
That happened to me too^▽^
That could just be a reaction the the steam from the shower, hun. It's quite common so I wouldn't worry about it. (: