Application for NYT




--kandarella || Sara || Jang Haebyeol


Name: Ahn Soyoung 안소영

Nickname(s) & why:

---Soah (used by almost everyone who know her personally, when she was a baby she loves to cry and it was said the name "Soyoung" didn't suit her)
---Shikshin (used by her members, she is the goddess of food)
---Mandoo Junior/ Baozi Junior (used by netizens, she has a chubby cheek like Ahn Sohee and Xiumin)

Birthday: March 20th, 1993

Age: 20, turning 21 in March

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Current Residence: Seoul, South Korea

Height: 164cm

Weight: 54kg

Face claim: Jang Haebyeol



Relative: Ahn Sohee --- Wonder Girls

Relation: Sister

Relationship: Sohee and Soah often fought because of the lack of attention from their parent. Their parent were so busy they had barely anytime to pay attention to them. Even if they wanted to go somewhere with them, and do things with them, they couldn't.




Name: Bong Taemi [OC] --- Face claim: Park Boram

Occupation: Student in Theater and Visual Art

Relationship: They spends most of their chilhood and teenhood together. They literally does everything together, make that for fun or work. Except for her family, Soah is the specific person who can bring out sadness and happiness to Taemi. Soah is the closest friend she had as a child. Even now Taemi often visits Soah and vice versa when they didn't have schedule.




Stage Name: Soah 소아

Position: Lead Vocal, Main Rapper [K]

Image: Rich, Matured (like EXO- K's Suho) --- From the surface, some people claim that she is snobbish. Manners, breeding and good taste is of enormous importance to her. In fact, she is aesthetic. She is born with excellent nose for style in everything. Possessing a strong sense of luxury, she can be extravagant and takes great pleasure in pampering herself and her loved ones; she delight in the stimulation of the senses.  



Appearance: She has a blonde hair, yellowish gold blonde, in a form of a bobcut. Quite short but not the shortest in the group. Light, she is almost underweight. Has a mandoo cheeks. Her face resembles Ahn Sohee and Xiumin. --- She always looks like she is walking out of a fashion magazine, she never dresses very comfortable and is almost constantly in heels. Sneakers or flat will not be her choice of shoe, she prefer to wear heels. She wears tons of metal jewelry, she typically has big designer bags with so many make up and accessories in it. She will wear full make up when go out and she really does take care of her skin health. She likes to wear heavy perfume.


When encountering her, we sense her quiet sincerity and purity. Put your trust on her, she won't let you down and she will never try to. She simply wants to do everything right. She is so honest that she feels guilty for the slightest error, and she is more indulgent and forgiving of others that her is of herself. She is without artifice or pretense, and dislikes forcing herself on others or being the center of attention. She allows herself to be duped easily, accepts her own faults calmly, and those of others with tolerant understanding. She is incredible sincere, almost to the point of doing herself harm, and always disarmed by the bad faith of others. Powerless against hypocrisy, she will often crucify herself in an attempt to justify her actions. She is an absolutely straight dealer and it's very rarely that she will accept compromise. Ironically, though she believes without question whatever anyone tells her, she is always finding it necessary to produce proof of what she herself asserts! But there's breaking point. Though generally tolerant, when absolutely backed into a corner. She can turn vicious. When she finds that her good nature has been seriously abused, she will give no quarter and can even stop the relationship.

She may at times be considered somewhat cool and reserved because, blessed as she is with composure and self- control, she don't usually allow emotion to cloud the issue. But this meet more than eyes as the inner her is cheerful and love company and social life. She is a splendid companion, so much fun, and game for a risque evening. She find it very easy to make friends and also seem to hang on to them for life. For them she is capable of the greatest sacrifices. She is extremely considerate of the chosen few who do merit her affection. She likes nothing better than make present for people and organize parties, she is marvelous host. She doesn't say much, but when she does decide to speak, suddenly, nothing can stop her until she runs out of subject. She is intellectual, a character with a great thirst for knowledge. She reads a lot, reads anything that happens to be around.

When she need to work she will get right to it. At these times a halp- hearted attitude just won't do. Whatever her ambition may be, whatever the tasks and goals she has set hersef, she will does her duty with all the strength she is capable of, a force that nothing can oppose. Once she has come to a decision, nothing can stop her from carrying out. But before she arrives at it, she spends ages weighing the pros and cons, which sometimes gives the impression that she is indisive. However, never try to force your opinion on her. She rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it. Whatever her troubles, she will never ask anybody else for help; she'll try to get out of the mess by herself. Her reticence in this respect may do her harm, for nobody will even suspect the toment she's going through. Food is another of her little sins. She adores food, and after- dinner chocolates. She often over- eats, but she eats with good taste. Her good qualities are sensitive, sweet but naive, and caring. Her bad qualities are possessive, jealous and exclusive.


---Chocolate [her favorite food]
---Food [one of the group's shiskshin]
---Children [she has a soft spot for children especially babies]
---Eyeliner [she really likes strong eyeliner]
---Rainy days [she likes the sound of the rain and often plays in it]


---Medicine [Especially the pill and tablet ones, it's almost possible to make her eat it]
---Spicy food [this is probably the on thing that she can't eat, she just can't stand spicy]
---/yuri [she is a straight person]
---Being a leader [she hates getting under the pressure as a leader]
---Hot days [as expected from a person who loves rainy days]

Bad Habits:

---Hugging someone when she's scared, she won't care if it's a random guy or her biggest enemy
---Puts on her earphone and listen to the song in a full volume, that's why she sometimes won't hear people calling her
---Chewing gums or sweets, she tends to have bad tooth day


---Eating [shikshin remember?]
---Cooking [she is superb in cooking]
---Onlining [sometimes she will reply the fans]
---Playing guitar [she learned that since in elementary school and owns an acoustic guitar]
---Reading book [she likes reading romantic and motivational books the most, two contradicting genres]


---Her most valueble possession is food
---She was studying in Seoul Arts High School
---Her mother told her to not be y when debut
---She is intellectual, she likes reading about everything
---Her sister, Ahn Sohee is famous in Korea and internationally
---She already showed up in variety show before her debut in the group
---She has released a solo album and single before her debut in the group
---She likes making present by herself and organize parties, she is a great host
---She is studying in Myungji University, enrolled in department of Theater and Visual Art
---Her facebook account is "Soyoung Ahn" and her instagram account is "@soyoung_ahn"


MAYBE IT'S LOVE... -Kai-kai-exo-k-35430039-500-333.jpg

[Love interest: EXO's Xiumin] || [Love rival: Block B's Jaehyo]


Love interest: Kim Minseok [Xiumin]

Relation: Ex Boyfriend, Ex Girlfriend

Relationship: They used to date before but Xiumin called it off right before he debuted with EXO with an excuse that he want to focus in his work. Soah didn't hold onto him since she don't want to look pathetic or like a clingy girl. Since then she avoided Xiumin. Moments between these two seem few and far in between, Xiumin often glances at Soah secretly. They both give off such awkward and uncomfotable auras. Nowadays, Xiumin often tease Soah when they meet, trying to ease down the atmosphere. Xiumin actually has the ability to get a rise out of Soah in public, especially when Soah is in her matured mode. Xiumin pestering Soah greatly affected her. 

Love rival: Ahn Jaehyo

Relation: Stranger

Relationship: Jaehyo didn't respect Soah as he said she is his hoobae. He always seems serious around her. Nothing much to say, but it's odd seeing him that way. Because he may seems like a playboy and all but he usually have respect to people. He treats her like he is a superior. Deep inside him, he kinda find her cute. But since Jaehyo never had a serious feeling to girls before, he doesn't know how he should treat the girl thus act meanie to her.



fxkrystal2.jpg?w=474 Yoona_from_SNSD_by_SungminLee.jpg

[Rival: Ahn Sohee] || [Backup: Park Sunyoung [Luna]]

Rival: Ahn Sohee

Relationship: Sohee debuted as an idol first in 2007 and Soah did feel inferior since they both had been having the same passion for music since children. Her mother had been supportive of both of them but she prefer them to be a soloist. Eventhough her mother prefer them to be a soloist, after Sohee debuted with Wonder Girls her mother didn't seem to care about that and started to compare the two of them.

Backup Rival: Park Sunyoung [Luna]


Scene requests:
--- Soah and Jaehyo go to the amusement park
---Xiumin and Soah fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
---Jaehyo and Soah caught in the rain, he kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps her before running away
---Soah faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Xiumin visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
---Jaehyo hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Soah, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her singing doesn't turn out well.
---EXO and NYT were having a small party at the company's little tpractice room. Soah got drunk and fall asleep, Xiumin decides to help to get her to the dorm. When they arrived and before he can excuses himself from her room, she wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, he hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
Comments: First of all english isn't my first language. Secondly, feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Lastly, hope you like Ahn Soyoung :)





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