I can finally recognize all the EXO members! Yay!

Yay!!!!!!!!~~~ I think I finally can recognize all of the Exo members! Most of the time lol.

And this was possibly the most random and pointless blog post ever. Yeah... XD



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Took me 2 weeks of watching mama mv.
LOL I got it easily XD Super Junior took me a long time and SNSD XD
It took me two weeks to really learn all of them haha but Super Junior took me a month lol
It was the names that killed me. Lay/Yixing, for a month he was the ONLY one I never knew. But now I do
There were a few members that were easily recognizable at first, like Kris or Lay, but after that, it took me about a week {>_<}

And yes! I understand when you say most of the time xD
wheres-my-cookie #6
Lol! I was like that at first! XD But I was so happy when I finally recognised them!! XDDD