Stolen Questions... from iBigBang


-Are you a goodie goodie? - You could say so, I never get in trouble.

-What grades do you get in school? - Good ones.

-Are you social or a anti-social? - I talk to my classmates casually, but I don't consider myself a social person.

-Do you have friends at school? - Yup.

-Is there anyone good looking at school? - I guess, but not many.

-Do you text anyone from school? - Yes I do.

-Is school fun? - Sometimes.

-Do you do any activities at school? - Nope, just study.



-What's your favorite group? - Sigh... I can't choose just one, so I'll just say 2NE1, Big Bang and EXO, equally.

-What song do you like from them most? - Hmm... I can't just pick one, so this is how it goes: 2NE1-> Missing You and Hate You; Big Bang-> Tonight, and Lady; EXO-> History, Machine and My Lady.

-Who's your bias from that group? - 2NE1-> Bom; Big Bang-> Used to be Gdragon... but I think it's TOP now; EXO-> Kai, hands down. I like every single member from the three groups though.

-Rank the members. - Okay, I tried to do it but it was just too extensive. Try to rank nineteen people and then we can talk ._.

-Would you get jealous if your bias got married?- Heeeeell to the no. I want all of them to date and fall in love, and just experience the beautiful things in life. Even Kai, even him T^T. I kid, I kid, love is a beautiful thing and everyone has the right to experience it, and come on, getting jealous over someone that you don't know is so immature and pathetic.

-Do you think their group have sasaeng fans? - I think all of them have crazy stalkers following them, everyone in the Kpop industry does. And it is wrong and I just don't know why they aren't being put into jail for god's sake!

-Would you marry your bias? - Not really...

-Do you think you'll be their fan in 2019? - Who knows, maybe yes or maybe not, I wish them all the best in 2019 and in every year though, even if I'm no longer a fan.

Do you believe in love? - Irrelevant question to the topic, but yes, I do.



-What's your mood? - I'm bored.

-Describe your personality. - I have an INFP personality (took a test to know it), you can google it, or read about it here: , you can also take the test yourselves in the page, it's very interesting ^-^

-How much do you weigh? - I don't remember, and I wouldn't really want to say it here if I knew haha.

-How tall are you? - Average for my age I suppose, but maybe a little bit on the taller side? I'm not short that's for sure.

-How old are you? - Sweet sixteen 

-What are your eye color? - Brown, a very exotic and rare color I know.

-Are you married,single,or in a relationship? - y free and single... ok no, just free and single haha.

-Do you eat a lot? - Not really, I never finish the whole food on my plate, I always leave food there, I get full very quick.

-Have you been texting anyone lately? - Nope, my phone is so useless right now, I barely look at the poor thing

-What are you guys talking about? - I guess this question doesn't need to be answered...

-Is there anyone you're missing atm? -My friends I guess


Topic-Random questions

-Date a guy who has lots of muscle or or doesn't have any? - The muscles are the least important thing I care about in a man really...

-Choose your BF or BFF? - Well I don't have a boyfriend so how would I know..

-Who would you kiss? Luhan or Suho? - I feel uncomfortable answering this question... 

-Would you either end the conversation or start it? - Both things I guess

-Would you either meet EXO or BAP? - I'm sorry, I'm an Exotic, I have to pick EXO. But I would love to meet BAP as well though!

-Tell your friend to stop annoying you or just let them do it? - I tell them, I don't take crap from anyone haha

-Let your "best friend" lie to you or tell straightforward about their feelings towards you? - Tell me straightforward. There's nothing I hate more than people who can't come to me and tell me what's going on face to face.

-Do people talk about you a lot? - How would I know? But I guess they must have talked about me some time, I've been told things like "oh -insert name- has talked to me about you a lot" and such, I mean who haven't been told those things?

-Do you have a twitter,tumblr,Instagram,Pinterest,or MySpace? - Only Tumblr and I'm not ashamed!

-Do you play sports? - I at sports.

-Name your friends names. - Not going to name them but they are five awesome girls that I'm proud of calling them my friends!

-NOW TAG PEOPLE YOU WANT NOW!!! - You're tagged if you're reading this. 


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You're only 16??? I feel so old =___=