LOL: Have Any Of You Guise Reacted Like This To Your Mother?



It's Sunday Dinner today and I'm sitting on the Sofa right. So my Plate looks like It's about to fall out but It's completely steady on the side and my Mum looks at the plate as says. 


''If you drop food of the plate, I will slap you.''

and I just look at her like.

And she replied with. 

''Yes, a slap''

Cause she thought I was scared or something & I looked at her like.


and then she said.

''A slap as big as you'' lol she I thought I'm to old for slaps and then I just relpied with.


& She looked at me and then away all surprised and confused like.


Lol. It's just I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but it's the truth, It's not like I don't know we can't be hit at any age, or I''m trying to be ''badass'' I just didn't feel scared anymore..I mean when I'm young I would react like.


But I'm not scared anymore, I've been In fights, like physcially fights and those things hurt more the slaps.


{Still fight for your rights doe}

So If she just slaps me, I probably won't react, I would just not react and continue scrolling down and reblogging on Tumblr.

LOL. So have any of you said something like that before?. Jus'curious.



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I'd just keep quiet all the time.