Of what is true and when is right.

One fluttering stomach, two dilating pupils, three beats too fast - the basic signs of endearment. Many have felt it and many have not. Many choose to search for it while many choose to sit tight, believing that "good things come to those who wait". There is a time and place for everthing, including love.

Although Statistics say that a large percentage of people may have met the person they are to marry by the age of 16, that isn't to say that that is the right time for love. Everyone has priorities to settle and distractions or diversions are not meant to be in the equation.

Like Princess Aurora in the popular story "Sleeping Beauty", who had to wait years before her prince can come and break the curse, we too have to bide the time until our own arrives and sweeps us off our feet.

Nowadays, true love is a phrase commonly tossed around, young men and women using it as a title for a relationship they believe would last forever - whatever their concept of it is. But in the case of some, of those who trust in the divine book of our lives called 'destiny', if it is meant to be, it will happen. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or next week, but it will, just because it is kismet. Fate.



Something extremely random, but I need opinions. CRITICISM IS WELCOME PLEASE. I'll love you if you post a suggestion, complaint, or whatever. XOXO.


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imuthis #1
So you believe in true love?

Well, I liked reading this entry. :)
So are you saying you're in love? :D