Happy Birthday Soo!

Where do I start? Well let's just say when I wasn't a fan of EXO I would see you everywhere on my blog, some blogs reblogged EXO and you popped up and I literally thought you looked like the most perfect human being on earth... Then I got into EXO and realized you were in it, I admit I was surprised and amazed at your talent and I never thought you would become my ultimate bias. Well let's just start here, you're face.. no lets be serious but really, you are attractive, I get the old, "oh you only like them for looks" and I admit that is part of my love for you but I guess it's a lot of you personality too. From your huge "white rich" eyes and squishy cheeks and gorgeous and joyful heart shaped smile I just can't deny how perfect you look. I love your non broad shoulders and how shy you are about them, I love how you really are a manly person and can pull off such y and strong concepts but still be the squishy and baby cute Kyungsoo I love. Although I pretty much love anything and everything you do because you can pull off anything although adding the cute face to it.  I can't even explain how I feel whenever I hear you sing though, it's like an angels chorus, it's so deep yet its so breath taking I can't even breath or even comprihend air when I hear you sing and I just become a frozen being loving your voice. You have been through so much, I hate seeing news on EXO getting hurt but you the most, I hated seeing the news of your eye getting hurt from a crazy obsessed fan, I hated seeing you hurt your foot, but I loved your determination. No matter what you're so strong, you kept going even when you were injured and I cheered you on the entire time, although an international fan when I heard the news and watched the video you did amazing even though you were injured. My heart breaks whenever I hear news on EXO getting hurt, I care so much for you all, but to me you're my baby soo and I can't stand seeing you hurt or sad. When you said that your own personality has changed in front of fans because of specific ones I felt terrible and wanted nothing but to confort you. When you apologized when you though you did a poor job I realized how humble you can be, but you can also be snarky which I love and also a shy little kid. But calling you a kid seems silly now that you are older right? It also seems weird Im writing this as if you'll see it but it seems easier as if writing to you than anything else. Seems creepy me saying all this but Im not in love I swear but there is always that one person you love anc care for, and I care for EXO truly hoping and amazing and healthy future.  But I really and always will truly care for you Do Kyungsoo. So Happy Birthday to my baby soo and I hope you have an amazing day and a healthy and well future in EXO and in your own life.



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