She's doing it again....

Mom keeps on yelling at my sister.... She was sleeping all day yesterday and half of today. I heard mom barge into her room and start yelling.... She kept asking, "Are you pregnant? Because only pregnant people sleep like that." Mom kept yelling at her and she sounded really pissed. I don't like it... I don't like it if she yells at Any of my sisters....... I hate it... I don't like seeing or hearing my sisters cry, it makes me cry....


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*hugs* you need them and I felt really sorry for your sister...maybe your sister was sick or coming down with something and that's why she slept for along time. I just hope all is well.
Maybe she is too worried about your sisters. but sometimes I also don't like it when my mom keeps on yelling but i just keep in mind that it's her way of caring for us :) just stay strong! Fighting!
kpopluvr27 #3
Is your mother normally like this? I don't know since my mom and I lived alone with each other for the past 6~7 years, we got on our fair share of nerves. My mom yells at me a lot, and she hits me sometimes too when I really get her mad. Sometimes I talk back to her, but that only makes her more mad. And yet, I still love her, because of all the good moments we share and her caring nature as a mother sometimes. She's had a hard life too, so understand sometimes she needs to let out some steam. Maybe your mother just had some bad days.

I hope you have good memories of her that you can focus on.

In the fall, hopefully I'll be in college, because honestly I'm sick of living with her all the time. Living with just her in one house for almost seven years, when we are NOTHING alike, hasn't helped our relationship. Especially because of problems with my dad too, so I hope I can leave soon. But I don't mind coming back to visit.

I understand what it's like to care for your siblings. Whenever my mom started yelling at my older sister and she started crying, I would have to comfort her the best I could. And my sister was, and is still, sad when she has to go back to college and leave me alone with all the family problems here. I'm glad that she's away from all this chaos, but...

I can't help being jealous that she was able to 'escape'.

But now, in the fall, I'm leaving. I will only come back when I feel like it and on holidays, but only for a short time. I don't want to live alone with her ever again.

I hope you feel better about your mom. I don't think you should hate her...maybe she just has a very different way of expressing her anger. Sometimes I wish my mom would just calm down for a second before she does anything, but when she's in the heat of the know. Things happen, but I'm sure your mom regrets it afterward.
Just talk with your mom dear...

Be strong. I don't know what more to say, this is the first time I speak to you and I just had say something ;-; *hugs you*
LovesAsianDrama #6
Not to get in your business. But how old is your Mom. Because from what I've been reading it sounds line she could either be depressed or going through Menopause, depending on her age. She also could be going through something and can't talk to anyone and the only way to deal with it is by being angry.

And I ask because I had a friend whose Mom did the same thing yell, accuse say some mean things to her family and they found out she was sick.

Please don't think I'm excusing it, I'm not. It's wrong and it's hurting you and your sisters. Maybe you can talk to an Aunt or somebody close to her that can talk to her and not only get to the bottom of this but maybe get her some help.

I'm here if you need an extra ear if you nd me
Just because one sleeps a lot it doesn't mean they're pregnant O_O Maybe your sister could be sad or not sleeping well at night, your mom hasn't thought of that though I guess has she?
no offence but thats stupid.

who assumes pregnancy cuz a person is sleeping a lot?

i guess that means im pregnant for the past 5 yrs of my life
i use to sleep that but when you sleep like that it doesn't mean that you are pregnant you are just really tired or didn't get that much sleep.... she shouldn't yell at her like that.... if it's not a big deal like stealing money, or doing something bad in that nature.. she shouldn't yell at any of your sisters like that...