Get to Know Me!

1. What is your name?
A: Ellen :3
2. How old are you?
A: uh... fourteen.
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?
A: Here's the link to my tumblr
4. What is your height?
A: I've stopped growing T^T but around... 5'4'' ish? 
5. Do you have any siblings? Do the triplets count?
A: I have one younger sister :)
6. What is your eye color?
A: Brown... I'm pretty sure its just brown with no "dark" in fronts of it. My sister has hazel-ish eyes jelly =.=
7. What is your hair color?
A: dark brown xD
8. Do you wear glasses or conacts?
A: Now? Contacts! Yay! Plus I don't have to wear them during the day... so I'm comfortable except for the hour that I try to fall asleep with my contacts in...
9. Are you right handed or left handed?
A: Right handed
10. Do you have any piercings?
A: Yes, I got them when I was around 3 months LOLOLOL
11. Do you smoke? 
A: Nope 
12. Do you swear?
A: Yes actually... but it mainly depends on the situation and who. I refrain from swearing in front of people I just met or don't know too well xD 
13. Do you get along with your parents?
A: Yup! :DD I get along with my mom more though.
14. Your heritage?
A: uh....idk? Vietnamese? O.o
15. Your fears?
A: Heights and bugs... or more specifically spiders. Yes I am a city gurl xDD
16. Goal you would like to achieve this year?
A: Maybe... finish a story? O.o
17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?
A: "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" Yup... thats just me.... rolling around laughing like an idiot. although I do recall that ROFL was the correct term for that. I like "LOL" better :3
18. Best physical feature?
A: ... Eyes... I think. People usually comment on my "big" eyes so I guess that's it. LOL
19. Your bedtime?
A: It used to be early... now from procrastination and the load of homework it would be at like 10:30 PM-12:00 AM
20. What time do you arise in the morning?
A: My sleep schedule got messed up after staying up all night one night with my cousins... yeah... I shouldn't have listened to them xDD Now i get up at like 10 AM or 11. If I'm really tired at 12 xDD
21. First thoughts waking up?
A: "I need to get to that computer." So there is only one computer and a laptop. My sister usually takes the laptop first so me and my dad kind of race for the computer xDD
22. Do you shower daily?
A: Errday.
This or That?
23. Bright or dark room?
A: Hmm... that depends O.o I can't sleep with the lights on... unless i'm really tired LOL I get pretty sensitive when i sleep xD
24. Chocolate or vanilla?
A: Vanilla! :DDD
25. Dogs or cats?
A: Dogs. But I do also like cats... I just haven't had a lot of experience with them xD 
26. Pepsi or Coke?
A: I still haven't found out the difference. I say both.
27. McDonalds or Burger Kings?
A: Burger King :DDD
28. Ant or dec?
A: ._. eh? What?
29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?
A: Uhh... it doesn't matter? xD 
30. Cappuccino or Coffee?
A: both. :D
In the last month have you......
31. Drank achohol?
A: Nope
32. Gone to a mall?
A: Yesh :3
33. Eaten a box of oreos?
A: Nope.
34. Eaten sushi?
A: No =.= January only started darn
35. Been on stage?
A: No. I would probably run as far away from the stage as soon as I hear about it... unless I'm part of the audience xD
36. Been dumped?
A: No.
37. Gone skinny dipping?
A: Nope
38. Stolen anything?
A: Nope... I don't think so at least... O.O
Have you ever.......
39. Laughed for no reason?
A: Well... Everyone laughs for a reason right? Actually... I have xDD I was laughing meniacly draggin my sister and my mother in and having them burst out in laughter too :3
40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?
A: Of course. Everyone has xD
41. Been in love?
A: hmmm....
42. Fired a gun?
A: No...
43. Been drunk?
A: No. i ain't even legal yet.
44. Been called a tease?
A: Nope.
45. Been beaten up?
A: No... :OO what a horrible question to ask! 
46. Shoplifted?
A: No :c I am a goody goody... plus I'm always afraid of dem alarm things going of
What was the last........
47. Furry thing you touched?
A: My fuzzy blanket :3
48. Thing you've said?
A: I was talking to my mom about my dad's ridiculous idea of going to the mall at 9AM and coming back home at 1PM for him to watch the Seahawks =.= I don't wanna wake up early!
49. Songs you've listened to?
A: Rewind- Dalshabet. Pretty cute song :3
50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?
A: ... ... I'm pretty sure it was my mom xDDD 
51. Movie you watched?
A: The Mortal Insturments... I think xD
52. Things you were doing before this?
A: Washing the dishes :/ 
53. Time you cried?
A: I don't remember... 
54. Song you've sang?
A: I was trying to sing along to Rewind by Dalshabet but obviously failed. The only thing I sang correctly was Mamamoo's Don't Be Happy, and even that was only a couple of lines xD
55. Time you looked at the clock?
A: Now :3
56. Food & drink you've had?
A: Fried rice and some brocoli... and water xD
57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?
A: Holy shiz... I don't even remember the last time I chewed gum Dx I'm pretty sure it was spearmint? 
58. Shoes you've worn?
A: Converse :3 You can never go wrong with converse
59. Stores you've been in?
A: ... I think JCPenny was the most recent... or Macy's since we parked our car in front of one of the big stores in the mall xD 
60. Planet?
A: Earf (yes, that's a planet)
61. Age you've been so far?
A: Ten, when i was a fifth grader. 
62. Season?
A: Spring :3 Its when the sun finally comes out in Seattle but it ain't too hot.  
63. Number?
A: 14 or 15 :3
64. TV Show?
A: Running man! :D
65. Flower?
A: ... O.O I gotta go ask my nephew about that LOLOLOLOLOL I barely know the names of flowers xD uhh... that bell flower thing? 
66. How much cash do you have on you?
A: On me? None... I have them stored in an extra secret place hehehe [;
67. What's a word that rhymes with door?
A: sore... xD
68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?
A: Just a tank xDDD
69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?
A: Asians don't wear shoes in the house. Need i say more?
70. What did your last text message say?
A: Uhh... something along the lines of "I don't see you!" xDD long story LOLOLOL
71. What were you doing at midnight last night?
A: I probably fell asleep by then. I was tired xD
72. What's your current desktop picture?
A: Ma three besties when we were on that cruise :3 
73. What's a word that you say a lot?
A: uhh... is "LOL" a word? xD maybe... HOLY SHIZ. there have been many surprising news flying around lately. 
74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
A: I remember really liking this one color I had... I think it was ... Violet Red?
75. How is the weather right now?
A: It is pitch black because its night 
76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?
A: ...face? LOL, clothes maybe?
77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
A: Yeah. I can barely start a conversation xD
78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?
A: I can't even do one with a wall.
79. Who would you like to see right now?
A: My best friend (yes, i'm talking about you, Cindy). i miss her T.T
80. How many pillows do you sleep with?
A: Two?
81. Would you go an a date with someone on MySpace?
A: No =.= 
82. How do you want to die?
A: I wanna die peacefully in my sleep.
83: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Happy! 
84. What country would you most like to visit?
A: >.> <.< >.> South Korea, no . But I mainly just wanna go somewhere in Asia, since I have only been stuck on the North American continent
85. How many CDs do you own?
A: None T^T
86. How many things in your past do you regret?
A: Too much.
87. Do you think you are attractive?
A: not. at. all.
88. Do you believe in yourself?
A: Not really.... I should work on that xD
89. Do you want to get married?
A: Yeah :DDD
In a boy/girl.....
90. Favorite eye color?
A: brown/hazel.
91. Favorite hair color?
A: brown xD
92. Short or long hair
A: for guys? short.
93. Height?
A: taller than me.
94. Weight?
A: That's an awkward question. I don't think it really matters. I mean if you like someone, you like them xD
I thought since a lot of people seemed to be doing this, then why not? I stole most of my answers from officiaLinspirit since her answers were exactly what I was going to put XDD 


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OMGGGGG WASHINGTONIAN IN THE HOUSEEEEEEEEEE! Ugh I've only talked to one other Washingtonian on here. BUT HEYYYYYY we're the same age and Viet! That's awesome.
dukielovesuuu #2
Hehehe, this was funny. I like what you want to be when you grow up ^-^