To write or not to write

This post is actually more like a survey for those that have read the My Angel my love series... At least I think it's a survey... (mushy mind mode)...

I've been debating for weeks now if I should write a story about HyeoTeuk's  twins Minho and Minye. I already have a concept in mind but I'm still debating on whether I should start it or not since Happily Ever After isn't finished yet and in that story the twins are still a year and a half old...

How am I going to decide on this?

I'm excited about writing the twin's story but at the back of my mind it's telling me that the story's too early to be released.

I wish time travel was possible and that I could fast forward to the time that I've made this decision and take  peek so that my mind will not explode from all the thinking...

Just asking...*sigh*...


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HyunNi_Shin #1
write!! but... yeah.. then it's not that suspense for Happily Ever After.. but sure you have to write the twins story!! i don't want that sequel to ends.. hehehe^^ I love twins story!! yes2.. i think save it as a draft first.. then only publish after Happily Ever After finish ;)
Hmmm...<br />
Maybe you should write about the twins then just save it as a draft...<br />
and then release it when the current story is over :)<br />