Irritating little kids....

Hi! First of all, for those of you who read my fanfics, I am sorry... I haven't updated and I feel terrible :/ I have been stressed out lately (multiple reasons) but I'll update hopefully on the weekends... And mild language is used in this so if you don't like then it's better you don't read/ comment since I was kinda mad when I wrote this :) Thanks


Anyways, onto what you came here for. So, after school I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and she came way later than I predicted she was going to. And I was just waiting in the back of my school, standing on a rock (yes a rock), leaning my backpack against it (with my jacket laying on the backpack), and talking to my friend on the phone. Minding my own business.


Then a little herd of little s, say.. 3-4th graders? (My school is a Elementary - High School type thing, if you were wondering) walked by but for some reason 2-3 of them decided it'd be 'cool' to jump over my items that lay on the ground. My innocent jacket, soon was marked with dirty shoe prints... Of course, being the person who hates it when people touch/ruin my stuff, I shouted, "Hey! (towards them) Ugh.. some turds just stepped all over my stuff. (said towards my friend on the phone)."  


And I recognized one face that was in the gang. It was some kid who likes to make stupid remarks at me when I'm eating lunch.. And he said,"Don't mess with her. She's going to kill you. She's a ." Or something along those lines. And someone who thought he was funny said,"You mess with us, we mess with you." With his whole 'gang' chuckling... maybe at his stupidity or how me so totally 'pwnd' me ...






...Did I mess with them? =.= I don't believe so... And that was such a good 'burn' it left me crying (of laughter). And you're probably thinking,'Wow this person's stupid to let something like this get to her...' Well I'm sorry, if you thought that, but it just got me ticked. I mean, seriously, if you are going to freakin run over my can you at least say you're SORRY? Or is it too ing hard? I find it idiotic that kids are so ed up in the brain and that I'm over reacting to this :/ 


And don't give me crap about them being 3-4th graders and that they're just kids because I already know that. Sure they're just kids and all that B.S. but don't you think that if kids don't learn now what they're doing is bad, that they'll end up in terrible places in the future? I believe that parents/adults around them should stop saying that everything they do considered bad (cursing, back talk, etc.) is okay. And yeah, they have lives to screw up, fix, and learn from their mistakes, but I think that learning about it mentally will increase their ability to make smart decisions later on in life.


Um.. that's pretty much it. If you have opinions about kids these days (wow I sound old) or stories, go ahead and comment below :) But if you have nothing good to say, please don't comment. ^^ Bye~!





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I think kids these days are just not that...I don't know how to describe it but there are more kids that are impolite and they curse and use bad words nowadays. I don't curse, I just don't like cursing. I'm in high school and still can't see why people curse. To me, it's not fun or that great.
They should realize their mistakes before it turns into a habit. The society we live, contains respect.
I sound old...
These are my opinions though.