Make it stop.... please...

It hurts.... Please.... Someone..... Make it stop.....


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kpopluvr27 #1
I guess that this has something to do with you're recent rants? I'm sorry, gets really hard sometimes. I wish I was there to make you feel better...Tell the people on AFF, we will care about you and listen to you. Please tell us what is wrong. Don't keep it inside, it never helps...I know.
*hugs you*
what is the problem love
*hugs you tightly* there is always a good listener here u know
Are you okay? -Worry-
What's happened?
Fight through it it'll pass ;u;
You can get through this!
I really hope this will pass soon... It seems so hard for you right now. I know that you feel pain and maybe loneliness but it will get better. We'll all be here for you. <3
WHUT?? o.o
stephani_bap #10
what? what happen??
I don't really know you, but I felt a lot like you did yesterday and while I know I may not know exactly what's going on with you and your life - hang in there. Because no matter what's wrong will get better.

There's always a silver-lining.
Me wanna help!! Whats wrong? Broken heart? Family problems? Friend problems? Anything and i can help you with it!!! T^T
hunhan_chunjoe #13
I really wanna help you! :) please tell me what happened I mean I can feel you! Please tell me I'll try to help you!