(harmonia's shin haesol)





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                                            HARMONIA'S CONCEITED FASHIONISTA
full name // Shin Haesol

nicknames //

★ Sun - Her family call her this because of her name Haesol! Sol means sun in Portuguese and Spanish.
Ms.President - Her band members call her this because she playfully said she would be a president if her career as an idol goes wrong.

age // 20 years old
birthdate // 1st of January 1994
hometown // Incheon, South Korea
ethicity // British-Korean
languages // English and Korean - Fluent

                                                   ALL ABOUT ME  
face claim // Moon Hyuna
back-up face claim // Yura
height // 160cm
weight // 47kg
style // 
 home  -     
    casual  -     
    formal  -     
    practice  -     

likes //
    EXO | she admires how talented and humble they are
 christmas time she loves christmas songs and decorations
 winter | she just feels good in the winter season, snow is beautiful at her eyes
 marshmallows | they are very soft and tasty
 nail art | she spends a lot of time doing her nails and creating different patterns
 pink panther | since she was a kid pink panther is her obsession
★ smurfs | she fell in love with them when she first saw the movie
★ skinship | she loves showing her love through touches
★ My Chemical Romance | they are a unique group with amazing lyrics in their songs
★ bad boys | they seem mysterious and she likes it
★ horror movies | you never know what happens next, and she feels excited seeing them
★ skydiving | she tried it once and fell in love with the mix of emotions it brought to her

dislikes //
 other people touching her things | she becomes so mad that she would literally hit you
 being bothered | when she is deep in her thoughts she hates being bothered
 bad internet connection | it's probably the thing she hates the most
 crossing the streets alone | she was hit by a car when she was 10 years old
 small places | she will feel sufocated
 crowded places | she will have a panick attack for sure
 fish | doesn't taste good and she always feels hungry after eating it
 Twilight Saga Movies | too lame and too unrealistic
 liars | she can easily know when someone is lying to her
 backstabbers | these people are worst than the devil
 violence | gets on her nerves all the time

fears //
    Cars - she says she won't take her drive license because she is afraid of driving. One of her friends was hit by a car and passed away. She just hates it.
 Clowns - they are just too scary and fake. She is scared of them since she is a kid. She even used to have nightmares with them.

hobbies / / 
  cooking (even though she is bad at it)
  nail art (she spends a lot of hours doing her nails)
   watching movies ( when the weather is cold and it's raining outside, nothing better than stay home and watch a movie)
 reading (it was something she always liked to do. She even prefers reading rather than watching a movie. Usually books re always better and with lots of details)

habits // 
  clapping her hands while laughing (it's better than hitting someone that is beside you, like she used to do all the time)
  procrastinating (yes, totally and all the time, she is super lazy)
 biting her lips until they bleed (she doesn't even feel it, she just knows she is bleeding when she feels the taste in )
 clinging to everyone and everything during her sleep (it's a habit she has since she is a kid. She still sleeps with her plushie)

trivia // 
  she is friends with EXO's Jongin and Oh Sehun and was mentioned in XOXO's Thanks To
  she doesn't have an ideal type
  she is a big fan of 80's bands because of her dad. If she needed to choose one, she would say Guns N' Roses
  known as the 'Selfies Queen' among her group members
  she used to be a bit chubby when she was an high school student
 she has a lisp and she is not ashamed of it
 she and Suho from EXO were the voice actors for the animated movie 'Saving Santa'
 she is often seen as cold and reserved
 did her first appearance on national television with the drama 'Heirs' as the evil heiress Rachel.
 her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow' she knows all the lines
 her group members say she is eats a lot. Once they went to Mc'Donalds and she ate three hamburgers and after a few minutes she asked for more
 she dated actor Choi Jin Hyuk who is 9 years older than her. They broke up after a year and a half together
 if she could be an animal for one day she would be a fly, to spy on others without being seen
 she believes in God

personality //

Haesol is arguably the most complex of all her band members, so there are seemingly many contradictions in her personality until you look close enough to see the layers. Haesol can be very confident. She has no problem interacting with people right away, and she has a way of rolling with the interviewers even at times people find themselves cringing of second hand embarrassment from the off-topic questions. She, on the other hand, manages to brush things off as jokes if she doesn’t want to discuss it or answer them, with an ease that is admirable. She is always with a attitude that screams ‘think what you want of me, I don’t even care’. She also seems more than comfortable with going out on her own, or spending time by herself. This suggests not only a ease with getting along with anyone she meets, but a self assuredness that she can enjoy what she’s doing on her own - and that’s a sign of maturity. In the same way, however, Haesol can sometimes be very insecure.. She has a very visible outward confidence and she has an ability to charm people in both a friendly and flirty way and I don’t think she’s shy in the slightest. But, she has a lot of “am I good enough” moments. We can see it almost everyday if we spend a lot of time with her, in the way that in every interview when she’s talking she almost always looks to the leader as though she’s seeking confirmation that what she is saying is alright. She seems like she needs someone there telling her “yes you’re right, you’re ok”. So, because of that, insecurity would make her need to be surrounded by affectionate people that can reaffirm the fact that she’s not going to be left alone and that she IS good enough. People find  interesting that a majority of her friends are girls. I personally don’t think it has anything to do with the fact that she is afraid of being friends with a boy!  I think it has more to do with the fact that girls are typically more openly affectionate with their friends, so they would offer more hugs and “I love you’s” and more deep and personal conversations, which is what she needs to feel connected and important and just needed. One of the most interesting things about Haesol is who her friends seem to be. If you look at whom she spends most of her time with it’s generally a much older crowd, not talking about her group members, of course. This sort of lifestyle, living beyond her years and hanging with a crowd all in their late twenties or older and seemingly so natural at dealing with kids I think this say a lot about her personality.

She seems very ready to be an adult; especially in the emotional sense. In a lot of ways though, Haesol seems to be dominated by these emotions. She is very  impulsive, she seems to have a tendency to act upon her initial emotional response. In multiple occasions we can see  her giving in to sadness, jealousy (in getting almost moody when a certain member’s attention is off of her and onto someone else) and many times crying on stage. Haesol is  someone who is not afraid to recognize her emotions and isn’t one to try to hide them or force them down. She’s  easy to read; she wears her emotions on her sleeve clear and open for anyone who takes the time to notice them. She is also very empathetic, she is able to identify her own emotions and  can also easily identify those emotions in other people. In the same way she responds really well to what people need in the moment, and it’s this ability, which I think is part of why people so easily grow fond of her,  the strong ability to empathize, is typical among people who are comfortable with children because they are able to respond to the child’s inability to vocalize what they need, and she can do that, since she deals with a lot of baby cousins in the family. On a slightly negative side, her impulsive tendency to react to emotions can also get her into trouble, because I think she wouldn’t shy away from calling someone out when she was angry, or at least failing to disguise her anger, or upset etc. On another negative note, it can make her  very vulnerable to conflict because sometimes she seems to lack the ability to understand why people don’t think the way she does and see things the way she does. Haesol doesn’t  like to be in charge. It makes her feel closer to people if they are the ones demanding something of her, and her being able to give to!  It gives her  the security and feeling that she has made them happy. In this way I believe this reflects once again to her ultimate desire to feel needed and wanted and why she admits to being attracted to confidence.

It’s impossible to overlook the fact that Haesol simply has that “it” factor. There isn’t much to say on the topic, because it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what about her it is that draws people to her the way that she does. And yet it’s pretty hard to dispute the idea that Haesol seems to be the crowd favorite and in a lot of ways I don’t think you can narrow it down to one or two characteristics. She’s Shin Haesol - an incredibly famous person who is just good at being famous, whether she intends to be or not. Deal with it.

background //
Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Haesol had a fairly normal childhood until her parents decided to get a divorce. Things just weren't working and she could tell from their constant fighting. Her father moved to London, UK and her mother decided to stay in Korea. During weekends and breaks from school, Haesol was always flying back and forth to London to visit her father.  Her parents were really young when they found out they would become parents! Haesol's mother was just 17 and her father 18! Even though she was born to young and still immature parents, she always had the best things available to her, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. She never was a girl that used to have good grades, so as soon Haesol told her family she didn't wanted to become a doctor, it was a shock to all of them, since the whole family history was about doctors or business people! The girl decided to stand up for herself and fight for what she really wanted - being a fashion designer - . But as soon she is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, her dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Even though music was always a big part of her life since she was a child, Haesol always had doubts about becoming an artist. Her grandfather gave her a guitar when she was 10 years old and she fell in love with it as soon as she started to learn how to play. However, she never thought she could become far as a singer becuase her voice was nothing extraordinary, her dance moves were worst than a drunk man dancing and she was too shy to be in front of cameras. Haesol was scouted to be a SM trainee when she was 14 years old, while she was shopping with her friends. A man complimented her beauty and happy personality saying that she should try to audition. However, SM saw nothing special about her. Her dancing moves were weak, her voice was unstable and she was too shy to even sing in front of a small audience. She had the looks, yes, but her talent needed to be nailed. SM accepted her though, deep down they knew she had something hidden. But she was transfered to Jellyfish Entertainment after 2 months of training under SM. It was a shock to her, she was already warming to people there. However, was in Jellyfish that Haesol found her true self. Haesol wasn't the shy wallflower anymore, she was a confident star! Like I said above, her talent needed to be nailed, and Jellyfish did it, with no doubt.


                                            THEY ARE MY EVERYTHING 
» bestfriend - Amber Liu - 21 - alive  - Idol - Amber and Haesol were mistaken as a couple more than once. They often like to peck each other on the lips in a playful way. They are very close 
   » friend - Kwon Boa - 27 years old - alive  - Idol - 9-10 - talented, affectionate, ambitious, wise
   » friend - Leeteuk - 30 years old - alive - Idol - 10-10 - warm, friendly, trustworthy, stubborn
   » friend - Kim Jongin - 20 - alive - Idol - 10-10 - shy, hardworking, polite, mature

                                                     ( MY LOVER 



age // 19 years old

personality // Sehun has a hard personality to deal with. 
He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Sehun can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his voice! He often likes to write songs that will express his mood. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will defenitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. Sehun is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking. Yehet!!

how did you meet // In front of SM Building in a rainy day. Sehun didn't had an umbrella so they just decided to share the same. After that day they became pretty close.

how you act around each other // 
They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. Sehun does everything for Haesol, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her. They often like to cuddle and talk about random stuff. Haesol is always there to compliment him, to say how special he is, and how he doesn't need to change to be loved, because she already likes him the way he is, and for her, he is the most amazing boy on earth.

relationship // Crushing



















stage name // Sol
fanclub name // Arcadians
singing twin // Ailee for Main Vocal / Tiffany Hwang for Lead Vocal
dancing twin // Tiffany Hwang
position // Main Vocal
back-up position // Lead Vocal

                                            THE END OF THIS  

what can i call you? // Aleyna!
comments // I hope you like her!
questions // How are you hun? ahahah (:

scene requests // None for now!







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