Characters of cunique

CuniqueCunique is a group of 4 members which consists of 2 girls and 2 boys. They've been in the training industries for quite sometimes now. Sooner, they're gonna debut their first album with the help of their trainers a.k.a their buddies, Exo. Members + Profile ~ Dallen Chai Kim Hua ~ChineseStage Name : Kim DallenBirthdate : August 1st , 97Height & Weight : 180cm, 60kgPostition : Leader, Main Vocalist and Sub-VocalistAbout Him : -Always care about his appearence-A straight guy that behaves like a girl -Likes to pretend to be an innoncent person-Teases people the most-Always act cool infront of fans/random people except his mates-Obsess with 'helmet' hair-loves to put cream on his face-Fashionista in this group-Taking selcas almost every hour and update about his life in social media-when he took pictures of himself, he looks really manly but in real life he's not so-Talks less but talks a lot in private-Playing hard to get-He looks stupid but actually he's a wise one-Never disappoint anyone-Going to the gym every weekend and show off his biseps and triseps .         .        .  ~ Cho An Na ~KoreanStage Name : AnnaBirthdate : March 12, 99 Height & Weight : 163cm, 53kgPosition : Main rapper and sub-VocalistAbout Her :-Seriously love to stay expressionless and quiet whihc people assume as Emo-Sometimes being loud whenever she wants too a.k.a Badass in this group-Who love using curse words when talking between mates-Obsess with hair colours(dyes)-Literally being sarcastic to stupid stuffs-Who buys lots of cute shirts but only wear them once or even NEVER-Obsess with paris and vintage pictures-Who does not vain in public-Too lazy to be smart-Stays up late at night to update tumblr, twitter etc...-Movie lover especially horror movie .       .       . ~ Tan Kun Hor ~KoreanStage Name : Kun HorBirthdate : October 20, 98Height & Weight : 178cm, 62kgPosition : Main Dancer, Lead Rapper and VisualAbout Him :-He is known as a 'Chick Magnet' because he got the looks-Flirting is his bad habit and he even hit on noonas-Also type of cold guy-Some even say he looks like a cat because of his sharp-edged eye-Fairess one among them-Sleeps no matter where he's at or what time it is-Likes cute cute stuffs like teddy bears etc...-Very friendly to certain people-Fail OG xD-Active in sports especially badminton- Cries the most although he is manly-Responsible and Caring-Vain type-Many noonas fall for him-Sometimes he's a bright sunshine type of guy but don't know why sometimes he's cold .      .     . ~ Chin Yie Jun ~ChineseStage Name : YJBirthdate : September 24, 99Height & Weight : 163, 52kgPosition : Maknae, Main Vocalist and Sub-rapperAbout Her :-Spoil brat who doesn't know how to do household-Totally rebellious person you'll ever know-She's the loudest in this group-Obsess with reading story books -Smartass type-Who loves to annoy hell out of people-Aegyo to something that is irrelevant -Fangirls a lot-Turns someone to be a badass like her-She's too honest that sometimes will hurt people's feelings-Always happy go lucky type-But becareful, if she's moody better not disturb her-You just can't say no to her-Always rely on someone-Someone who loves to stay with her phone 24/7-Caring -Too much common sense and people might assume she's stupid-Never had a relationship cause no one ever confess to her-Bullied at lot when primary-LAZY too


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norelle wrote it ~ hhahahahahahahahaha ??
aiyerr da f bro??? dis is so copy cat