AT☢M • Jason Choi • Jason • Powerful Bullet • Main Vocal, Rapper


☢ Light up the darkness...



Choi  Jason
-farewell- | Aleyna | Nine out of Ten




☢ Should I go,  should I stay?

Full Name: Jason Choi
► Mr.President (his band members call him this because he playfully said that if his idol career fail he will be a president)

► Angry Bird (his sister call him this because she says he always looks angry)

Birthdate: 20th December, 1992
Age: 21 years old (International) 22 years old (Korean)
Ethnicity: British-Korean
Birthplace: London, United Kingdom
Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Height & Weight: 181cm + 68kg
Bloodtype: B

► Korean - Native
► English - Fluent  



☢ I do this on and on and on--

Even though he is  known as the bad boy, Jason is not exactly what people think he is. He just has the image of a bad boy, smoking, charismatic performances on stage, deep dark brown eyes and his body full of tattoos. Yes, he does look like those good looking actors we see in Hollywood movies, the type of boy that all the cute and good girls dream of, but his personality says otherwise! In fact his personality and his appearance doesn't match at all.
Through all his journey as a trainee, Jason was many times called insecure of himself, insecure of his talent. But if there's something that he is not, is insecure!

In his audition for Jellyfish he was confident to the point that even the judges made a point of telling him “you weren’t as good as you thought you were.”  While in the audition he almost seems cocky, it's not the case! Jason is just too caught up in living his life to worry about such things as insecurities. He gets up on stage and he enjoys himself and if that comes across as overly confident then it’s simply an accidental interpretation. He isn’t the kind of guy to waste time on the negative things in life.  It's interesting how Jason can literally befriend anyone, but doesn't make it often. He is very cautious of those he choses as friends and even seems distant and cold most of the time. Believe me when I say that Jason is not easy to get along with, even if he seems very friendly - which he is -  he is just selective! Many trainees were afraid to approach him because of his strong looks. Yes, they were afraid of the "book cover", not the inside! However, once he feels comfortable around you, once he considers you as his friend, believe it will be forever.  And even if he is cautious about others, in love however, he might get hurt easily. He would give himself completely to his other half and in that way he’s more easily at risk of heartache. 

Jason would brighten a room almost instantaneously. It doesn’t take much analyzing to realize that he laughs at literally everything, and that kind of attitude towards people is infectious. He doesn’t seem to have an off switch either and that would possibly be the single thing that would put people off. Not everyone can handle that sort of continuous energy.
 His band members say that he is the happiness of the group, the one that makes all the days count, he either make them laugh with stupid jokes or running around the dorm with a cigarret between his lips! 
Jason is also called 'dumb' a lot of times! He seems to be always in his own world, sometimes falling for looking at the sky instead of seeing where he was going! He obviously didn't had any sucess in school, but he is smart! In interviews, he is always the one that answers the hardest questions, when the other members have blank stares, he will just answer with a huge smile and confidence.
It would be wrong to label Jason as simple, because he isn’t and he knows it. He doesn’t take anything for granted, and he literally lives his entire life as though every single aspect is extraordinary. 

> summer rain (he can't explain why, he just loves it, it's refreshing)
> smoke (he started smoking with 17 years old, it's an addiction he can't stop)
> food (he is with no doubt the shikshin of the group)
> video games ( he can spend more than 10 hours in front of a computer, playing games)

> photography (he has a canon that goes with him everywhere)
> horror movies (doesn't feel scared, just excited)
> guitars (his grandfather gave him a beautiful guitar that has more than 80 years already)
> funny girls (the type of girl that will make him laugh when he needs the most)
> skinship (he loves showing affection through touches)

> violence (it really gets on his nerves all the time)
> backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
> being bothered (when he is deep in his thoughts he hates being bothered for no reason)
>  Twilight Saga Movies (too lame and unrealistic)
> fish (he thinks it doesn't taste good and he always feels hungry after eating it)

> bad internet connection (probably one of the things he hates the most)
>  small places (he will feel sufocated)
>  crowded places (people bumping against him? No thanks)
>  people touching his things (he will literally hit you)

> hiding his face while laughing (he doesn't even know why, but it's a habit since he was a kid)
> easting (biggest shikshin ever, remember?)
> procrastinating (yes, all the time, he is super lazy)

> checking his watch (it's a habit, he even does it when he doesn't has a watch)

> cooking (once again, food is the reason of everything. He is a good cook)
> watching movies (when the weather is cold outside, nothing better than stay home and watch a movie)
> reading (it's something he always liked to do. He even prefers reading rather than watching a movie! Books have always lots of details)
> sleep (probably the best hobbie)

> he was born in London to a korean mother and british father
> he believes in God
> If he could be an animal for one day, he would be a fly to spy on others without being seen
> his group members say he eats a lot. Once they went to Mc'Donalds and he ate three hamburgers, after a few minutes he asked for more!
> his favourite movies are ' The Lord of the Rings'
> he did his first appearance in Korean television with the drama 'Heirs' as Choi Young Do
> he is often mistaken as cold and reserved

> his ideal type is Jennifer Lawrence
> he is a big fan of 80's bands, and Guns N' Roses are their favourite
> he is friends with VIXX's Ken and Lee Hyori
> he is currently shooting a new drama
> he was supposed to debut as an actor only
> not a big fan of aegyo
> prefers curvy girls over skinny girls


His parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Jason had a fairly normal childhood until his parents decided to get a divorce. Things just weren't working and he could tell from their constant fighting. His father moved to London, and his mother decided to stay in Korea. During weekends and breaks from school, Jason was always flying back and forth to London to visit his father.  His parents were really young when they found out they would become parents! Jason's mother was just 17 and her father 18! Even though he was born to young and still immature parents, he always had the best things available to him, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. He never was a boy that used to have good grades, so as soon he told his family he didn't wanted to become a doctor, it was a shock to all of them, since the whole family history was about doctors or business people! The boy decided to stand up for himself and fight for what he really wanted - being a model-.
But as soon he is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, his dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Even though music was always a big part of his life since he was a child, Jason always had doubts about becoming an artist. His grandfather gave him a guitar when he was 10 years old and he fell in love with it as soon as he started to learn how to play. However, he never thought he could become far as a singer because his voice was nothing extraordinary, his dance moves were worst than a drunk man dancing and he was too shy to be in front of cameras. 
Jason was scouted to be a YG trainee when he was 16 years old, while he was shopping with his friends. A man complimented his style and happy personality saying that he should try to audition. However, YG saw nothing special about him. His dance moves were weak, his voice was unstable and he was too shy to even sing in front of a small audience. He had the looks, yes, but his talent needed to be nailed. YG accepted him though, deep down they knew he had something hidden. But he was transfered to Jellyfish Entertainment after 2 months of training under YG. It was a shock to him, he was already warming to everyone in the company. However, it was in Jellyfish that Jason left behind the shy personality and became a true star. With 5 years of training, he easily became a boy worth of a main vocalist position!





☢ Don't let me fall, baby.

Mother | Choi Min Ha| 39 | Doctor | 9-10
Father | Richard Smith | 40 | Surgeon | 8-10
Younger Sister | Aleyna Choi | 7 | Student| 10-10


Best Friends: 
Eric Nam | 25 | Idol / Soloist | hardworking, trustworthy, funny | 10-10


Jung Leo | 23 | Idol / VIXX | calm, reserved, talented | 8-10

Lee Hyori | 34 | Idol / Soloist | charismatic, confident, humble | 6-10
Kim Taeyeon | 24 | Idol/SNSD | funny, motherly, caring | 8-10

Kim Jongin | 20 | Idol/EXO | shy, humble, ambitious | 9-10




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☢ That B.O.D.Y.

Face-Claim: Won Jong Jin
Gallery: click me!
Back-Up Face-Claim: Nam Woong
Gallery: click me!

Jason is known as the bad boy in town because of his style mainly! There's not many color in his wardrobe, just black, gray and white mostly. A manly style with charisma in every single piece of clothe. Jason loves shirts with funny messages on it, sometimes ert ones, for example 'like what you see? now imagine without clothes ;)'. He always uses something to match, a nice watch, a nice bracelet or nice boots.
He doesn't spend much time around clothes and doesn't intend to do it anytime soon. He is not a fashion terrorist, he is just himself and his own st

Jason has three tattoos, one on his shoulder, other on his hip and other one on his wrist! All of them have a special meaning.




☢ Say U Say Me

Full Name / Stagename: Amy Lee / Ailee
Group / Occupation: Idol, Soloist
Birthdate / Age: May 30, 1989 / 24
Ailee is known as the most cheerfull person among her group of friends. It might not be noticeable right away because she always gives a wrong first impression. People might think she is mean and has a rock in the place of her heart, but it's really not like that. She doesn't trust people easily, she has always doubts when it comes trusting someone because she suffered a lot already and doesn't want it to happen again. Even though she keeps telling to herself that the innocent-looking girl already died, she is still really naive and sensitive. She is the type of girl that might not believe your kind words when you tell them to her, if you are being too kind, Ailee will think you just want to take advantage of her and want something in return. She is very pessimistic and it can be a bad trait for her causing her to feel depressed a lot of times! Ailee never feels she is good enough, not even when people say how talented she is! Even when she feels lost, she keeps her firm appearance and will walk around with a huge smile on her face! She will smile and pretend that everything is alright. She doesn't want to become someone she said she'd never be, Ailee is a good girl with a clumsy way of running and charismatic personality. Short-tempered and also very cocky sometimes, her patience has its limits and believe me when I say you don't want to test it!

How did you met: Ailee and Jason met each other when they were both trainees! The bus was full and the only seat left was next to her. It was a rainy day and as soon as they started to talk they became very close. They share the same interests and she seems to be very mature! She is a noona to him but he feels like he is the older one, since he just wants to protect and take care of her! She gave him her phone number and they have been super close since then. It's been 3 years!

How do you act towards each other: 
They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets.  Jason does everything for Ailee, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her. They often like to cuddle and talk about random stuff. 
Relationship: Crushing
Scene Requests: First kiss under the rain after a huge fight between the two of them!

Back-Up: Kwon Yuri




☢ There's an other me inside of me...

Stagename: Jason
Persona: Powerful Bullet
Position: Main Vocalist, Rapper
Back-Up Position: Leader, Main Dancer, Vocalist
Training Years: 5 years
Personal Fanclub Name: Warriors
Personal Fanclub Color: 
Member shipped with: Lead Rapper, Visual




☢ Rock your body!

Questions: HOW ARE YOU? ;)
Comments: I hope you like him!
Requests: None for now!
Suggestions: None for now!
Password: My Beautiful Disaster



(c) layout made by dino-tastic



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