FAIRYTALE PIZZERIA || Bang Taejun, The Poker-faced Bambi


bang taejun
aliadane | alia | 10
Full name : Bang Taejun
Other names: None
Nickname/s : Junnie- was called by his older sister
Birthday : August 13, 1992
Nationality : Korean
Birthplace : Jeju Island, SK
Hometown : Seoul, SK
Languages : Korean- fluent, native language
Height : 181cm
Weight : 64kg
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Strengths: Rational, Loyal, Observant, Decisive, and Patient
Flaws : Untrusting, Aloof, Violent, Blunt, Judgmental, and Stubborn

Personality : 2+ paragraphs
Likes : Reading, Coffee, Pizza, Rainstorms, Nature, Photography, and Video Games
Dislikes : Being mute, Letting others close, Sweets,  the Cold and Snow, Movies, Large crowds, His asthma and having trouble breathing, and Being pressured into anything
Hobbies : Photography, Designing Video Games, and finding new restaurants
Trivia : He has been mute ever sice he was a baby; He discovered a passion for nature and photography when he was in elementary school; His favorite color is green; He hates movies because they always somehow end up reminding him of his past; His favorite food is pepperoni pizza; He likes his coffee black; 
Background : Lim Junhyun and Bang Damin were never meant to be anything more than a one night stand. Junhyun was six years older than Damin, but that didn't stop them from being ually attracted to one another. Damin had just gotten out of a nasty break up and just wanted some one to make her forget for a night; Junhyun was just looking for a pretty girl to have his way with. The two found each other, and the night was almost magical... Up until Damin woke up alone the next morning, Junhyun having snuck out at some point during the night or early morning. Damin felt used, dirty, and instantly regretted her decision from the night before. However, she could no longer regret that night when a month later, she found out she was pregnant. Seven and a half months later, Taejun was born.

Because Taejun was born early, his vocal cords and lungs were not properly developed. The hospitals kept him in the intensive care unit for babies until they felt like he had a fight chance at surviving. While his lungs did develop enough to survive, his vocal cords never did. For years he fought with Asthma and had to take daily breathing treatments to keep his lungs in proper functioning order, and due to this, he never really developed socially. Damin passed away a few months after Taejun's sixth birthday, leaving him alone with a father he had never known before. Of course, Junhyun had taken in his unknown child, raising him with his other daughter, Micha, who was three years older than Taejun. Due to all the upheaval, Taejun sort of clung to Micha as a woman, and she became his secondary mother.

Sadly, Taejun didn't have any real friends until his third year in elementary school, when he was happened upon by two boys who didn't mind that he was 'quiet.' The three became inseparable, and Taejun began to have a somewhat normal life. That was, he hung around his friends and his older sister, and hardly ever saw his father. Junhyun was one who was never really meant to be a dad. He made good money as a lawyer, but he was constantly gone and Taejun never had anyone to really look up to. As he got older, he really started putting up walls to separate himself from the others. Only his friends and Micha were allowed within his bubble. It remained that way, up until the accident. It was the end of his fourth year, and Micha was her second year at Seoul National University that everything changed, again. She had come home from school for the weekend, and Junhyun had offered to take her out to dinner to celebrate a good grade, and Taejun had stayed home due to 'feeling ill.' They got in an accident on the way home due to their father having drank during dinner. Taejun lost the little bit of family he had left, and in that moment, cut himself off from the world.

It wasn't until his second year of being at Seoul National University that he found the pizzeria. At first, he wasn't a big fan of the atmosphere, but the pizza was good, and it wasn't as busy as some of the others. He made friends (well enough) with the owner's daughter, Sunyoung, and began bringing his friends. Life has settled again, but Taejun knows it's only a matter of time before something else throws his life in the air again. He's just waiting for it to happen.
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Ulzzang : Won Jong Jin/The J
Back-up ulzzang : __
Style : Taejun prefers to be comfortable, but he will always look the best he can. He likes high fashion clothing, and even if he didn't his best friends would refuse to be around him until he was dressed 'appropriately.' He keeps his hair long, and likes to style it over his eyes to 'be mysterious.' 1 2 3 4 5
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Family :
Father | Lim Junhyun | 42 | Deceased (car accident- 2010)
Mother | Bang Damin | 24 | Deceased (accidental death by stray shooting- 1998)
Half-Sister | Lim Micha | 21 | Deceased (car accident- 2010)
Best friend :
Do Kyungsoo | 20 | Bakery Owner | They have been best friends since elementary school. He's one of the few people who know about his past.
Plotline Friends: The Nerdy Prince Eric, The Wallflower Belle, and The Flower-Child Snow White
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Plotline : The Poker-faced Bambi


i love you
Love Interest : Yoo Youngjae
Nickname/s : Jae
Personality : While Youngjae comes off as sweet and kind hearted, he can be very, very serious. He's very goal oriented and once he starts on a project, it's nearly impossible to get him to stop. He will occasionally slip a joke out, but for the most part, he's that friend that's always on the look-out for trouble. On the other hand, Youngjae can be increasingly Diva-ish and require being the center of attention more times than not. He's one of those openly gay and in your face males, and he isn't afraid to flaunt it. His fashion is one of the most important things in his life, and he will literally kill over his clothes.
How they met : Youngjae occasionally comes into the Pizzeria with his best friends, and one time, he ran right into Taejun, who was unable to warn him that he was there. He spilled Taejun's fresh, rather hot pizza all over one of his nicer shirts, and proceeded to nearly freak out on the mute boy, then got more mad when he couldn't seem to get any more response out of him than a blinking of eyes as an acknowledgement.
Relationship Status : Acquaintances/Slight Enemies
How they act around one another : Youngjae practically seethes every time he sees Taejun, remembering the shirt that was ruined. In return, Taejun just tries to avoid the boy as much as he can, even though he often finds his eyes wandering back to him when he's sitting across the room.

Back Up Love Interest : __

Nickname/s : __
Personality : __
How they met : __
Relationship Status : (No one is dating yet. You can be mutual crushing.)
How they act around one another : __


something's up
Love Rival : Kim Jongdae
Nickname/s : Chen, Chennie, ChenChen, Troll
Personality : Chen is outgoing, sporadic and rather dimwitted. He's a blast to be around because he's always joking around and making people smile, usually because he does something unbelievably irrational and stupid. However, this is all an act he plays. Chen is actually quite smart. He's learned that people receive 'funny and stupid' better than 'smart and quiet,' so he opted to step out and be that loud person who is always making others laugh with his outrageousness. He's always been an avid fan of music and learned to play the singing at an early age. Recently, he's gotten into classical music and has decided to become a songwriter, which he is quite good at. He's not particularly sporty, but he does like to occasionally play basketball or soccer with his friends.
How they met : Met on the first day of Taejun's third year of elementary school. Jongdae had been held back a year due to missing quite a bit of school the year before due to family death.
Relationship Status : Best friends
How they act around one another : __

Back Up Love Rival : __

Nickname/s : __
Personality : __
How they met : __
Relationship Status : (No one is dating yet. You can be mutual crushing.)
How they act around one another : __


Comments : So this is my character.
Suggestions : __
Scene requests : __
Are you okay with angst/drama? : oh hell yes.
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