WARNING: this is a rant

Ok, I am ranting, you have been warned.


I am... PISSED like you wouldn't belive it.

So I am going to rant for a moment.






Well... I AM sorry (No sarcasm here) about just dumping all of my feels onto you guys, but I am burnt out.


So, I am working in yet another new part time (Poor students like me need all the money they can get... crying) and of course there was a bunch of papers I had to fill out. I procrastinated, because every time I thought about having to write my name down, along other stuff, over and over I kind of just got this face


I left the stack of papers on the office room (Which I share with my family). I put them down by a corner, neatly stacked and ready so when I sat down to do them I knew where to find them. Well at about this time my sister was working on a project, and she is one messy brat. I told her she should clean up her junk and she told me later later.


.... FINE. 

SO. They are due tomorrow, so I was like, I have to this now... I go to the office, and the desk is indeed clean... TOO CLEAN. In other words, I couldn't find my papers anywhere. I checked my room just in case and nothing. I went to ask her what she did with all of the stuff on the desk and she tells me

"Mom came and took the papers and threw them out."


"ALL of the papers?"


Obviously I freak out because I know the trash can is outside by the road, ready to be swept up in the morning.

I try to calm down and I go ask my mom.

She looks at me... and gets angry at me!


She starts yelling at me, telling me I should have put them where they belonged where they wouldn't get thown out.


WHAT THE HELL IS THE OFFICE ROOM FOR??!!!!!! It's not like I left it in the kitchen table or the frikking couch. I stacked them NEATLY, on a CORNER. It's not my fault my sister's junk got all over the place! Besides, they looked very different from any of the stuff she had out.

So I had to dig through my trash while my mom continued to give me the 5th degree about how irresponsible I am and how this was all my fault.

By the way, fun detail, it is bellow zero by a long shot outside. It's -12 C (or 11 F). My mom gets even more mad, makes me go back in the house and she retrieved the papers.

She gives me one final scolding and hands me the papers.

And now I'm here, dumping my stupid feels online... 

Maybe it was my fault? I still don't see how her throwing away the papers I had put aside on an office desk is my fault...


Well that's that. Sorry.


Oh, and PS... I don't look quite as beautiful as Luhan when I'm upset... it't more like...






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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
omg, I know how you feel. Lately things like that have been happening to me. OTL
It . It makes you look like a bad child. OTL When in reality, we're trying!!! D:
Well, I hope you feel better now. ^^