▌〈 샤넬 / syanel 〉 — Cho Hyejung / Hyejung


°Hye Jung
Athletic Queen

ºHyeJung Cho
character name // Cho Hye Jung
stage name // Hye Jung
nicknames // 
Hye // her friends and group members
date of birth // March 15 1992 
age // 22
ethnicity // Korean 
birthplace + hometown // Seoul + Ggyeonggi-do
languages // Korean [fluent] , English [moderate] 
ulzzang // ann + gallery/other gallery
back-up // Girim + gallery
height & weight // 167cm  &  50kg
other // Got her ears pierced and a star tattoo on her right ankle
style //
airport fashion  
traits // Responsible, Easy-going, Athletic, Sensitive and Anxious
expand // Hye Jung is a responsible girl. She carries out her responsibilities well such as the responsibility of being a leader.  She will also take responsibilities for what wrong doings she have done and sometimes being the eldest, she'll take responsibility over what her younger members have done wrong.  If she's given a  particular  job , order or command, she'll do it properly and be responsible for her actions. Furthermore, Hye Jung is an easy going person;one who can mix around well with different types of people. She's not  too closed and not too open, just neutral when comes to people she's not familiar of. She's considered as warm, considerate and easy to be with by her friends.
Hye Jung is also athletic. She likes to get involved with different types of sports ever since middle school. She just loves to be healthy and by playing sports is her best way to maintain her body and diet. Because she's athletic, she has good stamina and it benefits her in her career. However, Hye Jung also has her flaws. She's quite sensitive. For example, she'll get offended when people bash her or the group, she'll also cry to sleep whenever things don't go her way and she could get moody with someone who hurt her feelings and not apologise. She'll burst in anger when she couldn't stand it anymore(happens in big fights). Lastly, Hye Jung is a bit anxious. She tends to worries about their well-being and gets nervous every time she goes on camera. But this trait of hers isn't as bad as it seems.
trivia // 
Likes --- Music || Friends || Hugs || Vanilla and Mocha flavoured  sweets/drinks || Movies || Good looking boys || Winter || Parties || Beefs || Soccer 
Dislikes --- Horror stuffs || Insects || Alcohol ||  False rumours ||  Pumpkin and Pineapple || Rude people || Cramps
Habits --- Sings in shower || Talks to herself pretty often (but she's not crazy!!) || Claps her hand together when laughs || Says hi to people by giving a light slap on the shoulder ||  Stutter when she talks to HOT guys (Kim Woobin!!!) || Dance like crazy with only her undergarments when her roommate isn't around 
Hobbies --- Singing || Running (jogging, etc) || Swimming ||  Watch movies with the girls || Having night walks ||  Doing research on music
Etc --- Her motto is 'Act with your Heart' || she has a celebrity crush on Kim Woo Bin || Loves tying her hair in a high messy ponytail ||  Early Riser || Has acted twice before in musical dramas  during school years || Favourite movie is 'Sky of Love' || Played soccer for her school team  || Attending Dongshin University, studying broadcast entertainment 
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best friends // 
Byun Baekhyun // 22 // Exo // Bright, open-minded, caring and spontaneous
Hyejung and Baekhyun have known each other  when they met in front of SM building, before Baek became and idol. Hyejung went over there to interview some of the trainees there on how trainee life would be. Luckily, she found Baekhyun. They became friends later on, meeting at a nearby cafe to share on life and concerns almost once a week. He is very caring toward Hyejung. He is like family to Hyejung since she he acts like one and they share almost the same personality. They clicked well together.
friends // 
Min // 23 // Miss A // Crazy, blunt and outgoing
Min and Hyejung become friends as they used to be neighbours before she went to US and Hyejung moves out. They used to play together in their neighbourhood. They also used to  sing and dance together. When Min went away and Hyejung moved out, they lost contact a long time. They meet again as kpop idols during Syanel's debut stage. Min loves to talk random stuffs with her and advise her on the perks of being an idol
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love interest // Yoon Doojoon + Beast
nicknames // Hyejung calls him Doojoonie Oppa
personality // Doojoon's personality is what  Hyejung 'ideal man' would have. He is a very passionate. He puts in passion in anything he does, singing, dancing and even playing  soccer. He's the type to give it all. Plus, Doojoon is funny once people get to know him. He likes to goof around with people he's only close to with. Sometimes, his actions makes him funny.
Doojoon is also athletic. He's good in soccer and he's fit. He likes to be seen as charismatic when playing sports. He's also quite shy with girls but will put up courage if he really wanted to be friends with her. Doojoon is sweet but his sweet side would only pop up once in a while when he wants to make a surprise or something. His flaw would be that he gets jealous easily.
relationship // Both Hyejung and Doojoon have feelings for each other. They went to the same university, that's how they became friends and later develop feelings even before Hyejung debuted. Although they aren't an actual official couple, cause Doojoon is afraid to declare it for their own safety, they do act like one. They're having a secret affair without both companies knowing. Hyejung would treat him with a side of her only Doojoon gets to see, her playfulness side. He acts more like an overprotective boyfriend while she would be the girl that love to make him jealous and get on his nerves.
triva // 
They meet in university.
Hyejung was the one who approached him first when she saw him alone after a football match.
Doojoon loves to lightly brush his hands with hers and ignore it.
Been secretly meeting for a year and a half and still on-going
Favourite place to meet up is at Yoseob's parents restaurant (when the shop is closed already, Doojoon would ask for Yoseob's mom to let them use it for an hour)
Hyejung wears a necklace he gave
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trainee years // 3  and a half years. She originally auditioned for Cube Entertainment but she got rejected. Instead, a few months later, Delight Entertainment gave her an offer to auditioned for them. It was revealed that the person who auditioned her at Cube  recommend her to a vocal coach in Delight Entertainment, since they need girls for a new group. She  auditioned and got accepted in. She train hard alongside other members and became friends to some idols in the sister company. Hyejung nearly gave up in his 2nd year of training but fortunately, her best friend, Baekhyun encourage her to continue, sayng it'll be worth it.
solo //   (just putting an extra)
singing twin // Navi + 
dance twin // Yuri (SNSD) + 
rap twin // Jia (MissA) + 
variety show appearances // Cool Kiz On The Block, Running Man and Hello Counselor
position // lead vocalist-leader + lead vocalist
sub-group // y + cute.
future // being an actress in korea at first then maybe an actress in Japan. If she can't be an actress, she would be a permanent member in the variety show Cool Kiz on the Block.
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inspiritb2uty// 8.5 (daily basis through mobile)// Ika
questions + comments // Is my application okay? Do tell me if something is wrong + I just didn't want to put a lot for the friends and bestfriends section just too make things easier for you to write and she'll also have the other members as friends so yeah. I love your layout for the app! Good luck on writing!
suggesations // umm if there's romance going on, can Hyejung and Doojoon have a secret date  while filming Running Man together. Let  Hyejung explodes in anger once during their own variety show because she was facing difficulties with the dance and the members didn't fulfil their dorm  role(like who cleans, who cooks etc)
password // Let It Go - Demi Lovato


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