`Scenarios for OML (Kwon Haena)


Your first day on the show with your partner and some one else's wife hitting on your husband, granted it's playful flirting but what would you do?
To be honest I would try to act cool. I'm not the jealous type so I would probably play along with her and laugh a little at it. However, I would hold him closer all the time, I mean, you never know ;)

Surprise date! The PDs told you and your partner that you will be going on a romantic date to the movies. But little do you know that Kim Shinyoung has to accompany the date and she interferes with you two. How would you put up with it?
It's a surprise date and as far as I know a romantic date is with two people, so a third one in the middle isn't something nice. I have a lot of patience with others, being a leader teached me that, but I can change completely when I feel mad. I wouldn't like it, at all.

For a mission, all of the kids and their 'parents' have to play freeze dance. Your husband accidentally prods another contestant on the show in the eye, not too hard, but hard enough to hurt. What would you do?
Like you said, it's accidentally, he didn't meant it! I would bow and say i'm sorry, but to be honest I think I would laugh, I laugh when I am nervous, so what? Not in a mean way, I just can't control it!

Upon joining the show you, before you're even 'married' to your partner, you find out that you have a kid! A shot gun wedding is in call for this. How would you react to the PD telling you this.
I would react normally? I mean, it's a baby, I like babies o.o

Later into the show, the girls put on a y proformance for the guys. For girls: During your solo part, what would you do if your voice cracked when all eyes are on you? For guys: What would you do if that was your wife?
I would just keep going as if nothing happened. I am a professional, I am an idol, this happened many times before and I needed to just keep going. Stopping in the middle of a performance just makes everything more obvious, I mean, a lot of people love you so much they don't even realise your mistake, they just want to see you singing in front of them.

Once you recieve a child to take care of, you and your husband are pushing her in a stroller and walking along in a park. When an ahjumma who knows nothing about the show approaches and congradulates you on your beautiful child, what would you tell her?
I would smile and nod my head saying thank you to the old woman. It was so kind of her. I would play the role of a proud mother and just play along with it. After all i'm also very good at acting ;)


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