Group Performance

So, my friends and I were given a task, which is to choose an english song to be performed in front of the whole class. I would like to hear you guys' suggestions on the song that we shall perform! Preferably a song which convey a good/ meaningful message :)


Taylor Swift Mean (well ..... I love the meanings xD)

Justin Bieber Be Alright 

Journey Don't Stop Believing 

Jason Mraz I'm Yours 


Please suggest some songs :) 


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ButterflyShida #1
whatever is ok
John Lennon - Imagine
I did an interpretation of the song and spoke in front of the whole class about the meanings behind the song and my teacher kinda liked it lol :)
Open arms... love the song... ^^
Open arms! Exo sung it unnie.... Ehehehe... :DD
Auburn-Perfect two xP