♛TEENACE♛ --> The Pretty Star; Jill






Full Name: Jiliann Albern
Other names:
---Chae Jiyeon 채지연 [her Korean name that was given by her mother, but since she was birth at USA, they went on with an English name as her official birth name]
---Chizuru Yata 八咫 ちづる [her Japanese name that was given by her Japanese ethnic bestfriend]

---Pretty Star [used by netizens; it's her twitter, tumblr and cyworld username]
---Ji/ Jiyeonnie [Ji is used by her father; Jiyeonnie is used by her mother)
---Yata- chan [used by her best friend]
Age: 21 [Korean age]
Birthdate: May 15th, 1993
Birthplace: California, USA
Hometown: Kyoto, Japan
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican- Korean

---Fluent English [she talks in English most of the time at home]
---Conversational Korean [she used to live in Korea when she was younger and since her mother is a Korean]
---Conversational Japanese [she lived there the longest]



The key to her personality is that she is a free spirited. Conformation is her curse. Rules and regulations are made for other people. Restrictions will blow out the creative spark that is ready to flame into life. She must be free and uninhibited. She is a beautiful girl, colorful and flamboyant. An extroverted bundle of energy, gifted and utterly irrepressible, everything she does is on a grand scale, big ideas, ornate gestures, extreme ambitions. However, this behavior is natural and isn't meant for show. Because she is confident, fearless in the face of challenge, she is almost inevitably successful. She usually makes it to the top. However, she should  be aware of her nature. Too much enthusiasm can leave her tired and unfulfilled. Even though she is willing to aid when necessary, her pride can often impede her from accepting the same kind of help from others. Her generous personalities give her the ability to attract friends, but she can be rather solitary person at heart. Her self sufficiency can mean that she has no need for close bonds with other people. She takes thrilling risks and burns the candle at both ends so she is fortunate to be blessed with good health. Not the most domesticated, she is more content out and about rather than at home. Her originality is the most impressive and outstanding of all her characteristics. She is quite imaginative and always able to see new paths where others may run into brick walls. She is very adaptable and are fit for various occupations, especially if those occupations allow her to take the limelight. In any of these occupational situations, she will take a radical approach. She works hard, but would rather gives orders than receive them.

She is attracted by the bizarre. No self-respecting her desires to walk in a tourist's footsteps. Instead, she takes a lot of gratification in finding hidden destinations, or, closer to home, locations off the beaten track. She is a popular person, but because of her personalities, she seems to gather as much criticism as she does esteem. Due to her tumultuous temperaments, she is not the most sensitive friend to those in need of a shoulder to cry on. But she is also sentimental at heart. Those who truly know her knows she is a loving soul who will become your best ally in times of need. Once the dynamic her has given her friendship, she will not let her friends down and will never falter in her allegiance to her companions. To her, a friend is a friend for a lifetime. Incredibly honest, She is known for sincerity and is a trusting soul. Because of this honesty, she doesn't realize others may not demonstrate or uphold the same codes of ethics. Making the discovery that she placed her trust in someone who is dishonest makes her quite sad, yet much more perceptive for future encounters. Negatively, she is egotistical and love to be the center of attention. Modesty is not one of her assets. Add to that the her temper and she has a bossy, dominating and authoritative being. She hates solicited advice and can be hopelessly tactless and insensitive to her lovers. People loves her so much because she generous, charismatic, irresistible, and so brave that standing beside her banishes fear. She generates excitement and turn heads anywhere she goes. She is free-spirited and impulsive and can help others achieve their dreams. Others love to be around her because she has a way of making people feel better. She is quick to fall in love, but does not surrender her independence easily leaving her to live life by herself. But once she becomes committed, she is unlikely to ever leave. It takes someone with thick skin who is easygoing to be her partner, because, despite her sentimental characters, she can be moody, and insensitive. Many people will want to run when the her temper is provoked.

Onstage; Regarding her stage personality, she has this special love for limelight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She is good in being y, thought a bit slack in aegyo. She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off. This also increases her money making opportunities, and she might well make her way into large money-making project in the future. But she has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling. Infront of the fans, she will usually gives loads of fanservices such as flying kisses and winks. In variety shows, she will be the her offstage truthfully. Around her members, she won't start any kindd of skinship but she will just go along if her members backhug and leans on hershoulder. Around seniors, she mixes well and show no sign of awkwardness..this may seems like a good thing but it isn't as some of the seniors find her as no respect and full of herself. Around guys, she actually click with guys better than with girls at the first meeting.

---Pink (her favorite color)
---Food (food is one of her prized possession)
---Jasmine tea (her favorite drinks)
---Manly guys (who don't? gosh she will be fangirling)
---Puppies (she has a terrible soft spot for them)


---Purple (no reason to that but she least like the color)
---Jade (no reason to that but she least like the gemstone)
---Spicy food (she has a low tolerance to spiciness)
---Caffeine (it's bad for health, thats what she thinks)
---Playboys (which girls love them anyway?)


---Star gazing (it's her sentimental hobbies)
---Skiing (she learned that when she was 13)
---Rock climbing (she learned that when she was 14)
---Travelling (she loves travelling due to her background)


---Hugs someone or something when sleeping
---Curses in Japanese when she's piss
---Crying when she's scared
---Turns into a quiet person when she's sad
---Takes a walk without destination if she's bored


---Hemophobia, fear of blood (she’s not afraid of other people’s blood but when she sees her own blood, she freezes up. Her body starts to shake and she starts to cry. She doesn’t know why only the sight of her blood makes her so...)


---She is very close to her parent
---She is the only child
---She shares a very strong resemblance to her mother
---She is allergic to dogs but has two puppies named Nana and Jjang
---She sleeps last and wakes up first
---She is a huge fan of Super Junior
---She can makes a good impersonation of a puppy's sound
---She is very witty, outspoken and hilarious
---She likes to tease the younger members
---She wants to be closer with idols of the same liner of her
---She has visited many places in Japan
---Her ideal boyfriend has to be "manly"
---She would like to be known as a singer now
---Fellow members love and adore her a lot despite her strong facade and overrated background
---Once attended the Dream Concert as a Super Junior supporter
---Her first love was during her teens at the age of 14
---She dislikes doing the dishes
---According to members, she eats the most but does not seem to gain weight
---Top 3 idols she'd like to date: Siwon, Tacyeon and Junho
---A fan of BOF (Boys Over Flower)/ HanaYoriDango
---Her audition song: 50 Cent- Candy Shop
---She admires Lee Hyori and CL



She was born on March 15, 1993 in California, United States. She is the only child in her family. Her family moved a lot, this is because of her father's job, a former soldier in the U.S. Armed Forces in Korea. But whenever people ask where did she grown up, she will say Japan is her hometown, since she was raised there the longest. She is a half Korean, through her mother's side and through her father, she is of Puerto Rican- Korean descent. That's explain why her look is more to Korean. She is really close with both of her parent. Growing up, sometimes she do feel like a freak, because she is a mixed unlike almost all the other kids around her  but her parent taught her to ignore others' look and focus on herself. The family moved to Japan when she was six months old, then moving back to Korea when she was 7 years old.

She got scouted by an acting agency, Omnibus at a young age. Originally, she debuted in the media industry at the age of 9 as an English tutor on children TV shows, in channels Arirang TV and KBS. She stopped her carreer in Korea for prior to her moving to Japan. That was after 3 years in Korea, and all of that time her family stayed in army units. She often went to the Kyoto Music Centre with her school friends after school. It is a place where teenage bands and even dancing groups do performances. It is a small stage for the youngsters who inspired to be idols in Kyoto, a place where they will hang out and perform. She was inspired to be a performer too, a singer. Watching people dancing and singing, she always admiring a good performer and thinks those people are cool. They went back to Seoul after her father retired when she was 16. Shortly after her comeback to Korea, at the age of 17, she was contact by her old acting agency and joined them again. She officially entered the entertainment industry again in 2009 by acting in minor roles in dramas. She then starred in the Omnibus film "Romantic Heaven" as the supporting role but her big break did not come yet. She was in the 2011 Korean TV drama series "High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged", in which she played Chae Jiyeon. She auditioned for SM latter in 2011 and got accepted. In 2012, she was in SHINee's "Sherlock" as the lead female.


Father// Chris Albern// 45// Retired Army// Caring, Full of life, Intolerence// 9
Mother// Chae Jungah// 40// Celebrity Cook// Loving, Reliable, Possessiveness// 10


Chizuru Kagura [OC]// 21// Mechanical Engineering student// Calm, Honest, Organized// 9


Cho Kyuhyun// 26// Super Junior// Witty, Briliant, Naughty//  6
Seo Joohyun [Seohyun]// 23// SNSD// Systematic, Rational, Concern// 6
Lee Jinki [Onew]// 25// SHINee// Trustworthy, Moody, Pride// 5



Love Interest: Kim Himchan
Age: 24
Group: BAP
How you met: They met a shopping complex, a music equipment shop to be more exactly, in 2010. Jill was looking for a guitar as a gift for one her friend. Himchan and his trainee friends was there too, he was accompanying his friend to buy a bass. He was walking when he saw a girl at the guitar department through the glass wall, he walks in and went to her little by little. Jill was trying to take a guitar that was hanging on the wall when she stumbled backward, as the guitar was quite heavy for her. Himchan who were close to her quickly held the guitar before it hit the pretty face of Jill. Jill was shock but quickly thanking him for his quick react, she also thought he is the person who work there so she asked if he knows which guitar will suit her friend the best.
How you interact: They fight a lot, they don't even seems like normal friends. Himchan will be a stone whenever he makes a skinship interaction with Jill. Jill is quite use to Himchan's shy side and sometimes she will flirt with him a little, touching his hand and then leave him alone when he's blushing. Jill likes to chan whenever she has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Jill isn’t shy of expressing her affection over Himchan as she has a crush on him. As for Himchan, he just think Jill as his friend. Despite fighting a lot, he is always ready to help her whenever she needs. Sometimes, when Jill is tired, Himchan will volunteer to help her. Jill will deny the caring gestures, but she really does like them judging by the way she attaches herself to the boy. Jill also often does the old school trick of distraction then putting the arm around the other’s shoulder when they were together alone. Very smooth and open minded, what's more shocking is Himchan didn't deny them. They are often seen together on official events or just about anywhere, much to their satisfaction.
Relationship Status: Friendzoned
Closeness: 7
Back-Up: Jung Daehyun



Love Rival: Park Chanyeol
Age: 21
Group: EXO
How You Met: They met in SM during trainee years. It was Jill's first day as a trainee and she was talking to one of the trainer. Chanyeol who was happen to walk pass them greeted the trainer. The trainer introduced Jill to Chanyeol as his junior. As Chanyeol was a rather friendly guy, he still is now, he offered to take Jill for a look around the building. Thus that making Chanyeol her first trainee friend in SM.
How You Interact: This happy nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Jill. He also has a rather peculiar affection of caressing Jill’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging Jill to shop with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Jill, she don't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought Jill to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her. 
Relationship Status: Friends
Closeness: 8
Back-Up: Byun Baekhyun



Rival: Sandara Park [Dara]
How You Met: Jill is at MBC waiting room during a day where the group will having their MNET live stage, when she saw a purse right beside the door of the room. The purse belong to Dara of 2NE1, for some reason, she is there when there's no in 2NE1 schedule that need her to be there. Jill opens the purse so see who's the owner and right on time Dara came into the scene. She see Jill who is standing beside the door opening her purse and she actually think Jill is a sasaeng or a thief, because she never really saw her before. Not believing whatever Jill said, she firmly want to call the guard.
How You Interact: For Dara, first impression last. Dara can’t trust Jill, she can't think of her as a friend or acquintance under the same field. She keeps a mask of happiness to hide her uneasiness when with Jill infront of others, but it just brings her down even more. Dara pretend to be good with Jill, as if she accept her as a friend but this is just meet the cover. At times, she become harsher to Jill even without her realize. Jill really mind it, since she can't never tolerate with something as she seen as poking her pride off. She begin to hate Dara for everything, even when the girl smile. She always want to surpass Dara in all.
Closeness: 2
Back-Up: Gong Minji [Minzy]




Back-Up: Do Hweji

---casual )
---formal )
---airport )
---training )
---dorm )
EXTRAS?: She has the face of a beauty. She has a long straight black hair that reaches her waist, same like the face claim. She has has ear piercings || || || She has this special necklace that she will wear wherever she go and whenever it is. A black pearl pedant necklace that her mother gave her before she before started training in SM || || She wears spectacles but only at home, she wears lens outside || ||


Stage Name: Jill
Persona: The Pretty Star [the name was famous since it's her sns's name so SM decide to stick to that as her persona]
Fanclub Name: Jilism
Fanclub Colour: #ff6699
Position: Main Rapper, Dancer, Vocal, Visual
Back-Up Position: Leader, Main Rapper
Sub-Group: Flame Ace
Position: Leader, Main Rapper

Back- up Position: Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocal
Singing Twin: Bekah
Back-Up Singing Twin: Kahi
Dancing Twin: Dara
Back-Up Dancing Twin: Park Bom
Rapping Twin: Bekah
Back-Up Rapping Twin: Kahi


Comments: English isn't my first language. Feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. It took me quite a long time cause I was trying to not break any rule and I think I pass(?) I wish all will worth it. Hope you like Jiliann Albern. Good Luck authornim! :)
Suggestions: n/a
Scene Request:
---Jill and Himchan go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's BAP members who help Himchan and the girl he love for a successful date.
---Jill faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Himchan visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
---Jill got drunk by a glass of wine and fall asleep, Himchan decides to help to get her to the dorm. Before he can excuses himself from her room, Jill wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, Himchan hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
---Chanyeol hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Jill, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her rapping doesn't turn out well.
---Chanyeol and Jill fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
---Chanyeol and Jill caught in the rain, he almost kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps her before running away
Show Request:
---Weekly Idol
---Sesame Player
---Running Man
---Happy Together
Password: XOXO


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