
Okay 3 thngs have been on my mind for the past week or so. 

1. 'Something' byTVXQ has been stuck in my head like as soon as it came out! like seriously, im in love with that song! its on repeat all the time!! ^.^

2. EXO SHOWTIME! They are so freaking silly sometimes i just can't take it anymore! i watched ep.6 last night 9this morning at 12:00am >.>) and i laughed my head off and woke my sister up and she told me to shut up. Eventually she watched it and did the same! they just make me laugh so hard!

3. Writer's Block. for my story 'The Faults of The Pearl' i cant think of anything else! I'm freaking stuck on what to write next and I writing a blog... *slow claps* 

Okay thats it! sorry for wasting your precious time! I love you~ mwahh~



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