✔A+ kim heesun

annyeong, i'm Heeyoung



hello, my name is

name; Kim Heesun 김희선
other name; Gim Huiseon 金喜善 [Chinese name]
★Heeyoung [used by almost everyone who know her, it's her nickname since she was a baby because she was always crying when she was a baby, it was said that the name Heesun didn't suit her]
★Tinkerbell [used by Kai, because of her petite visual]
★Overdoer [used by netizens, when she does her aegyo or impersonation]
★superNATURAL/amazonian [used by her members, NATURAL as "being ", after returning to the dorm she will likely being ]

birthday; 08.11.94
age; 19

ethnicity; Korean
birth place; Busan, South Korea
home town; Busan, South Korea
---Fluent Korean [native language, she talks with Busan dialect]
---Basic English [still learning prior to debut]
---Basic Japanese [still learning prior to debut]

blood type; O


i'm beautiful, aren't i

face claim; May
links; xoxo

back up; Hana
links; xoxo

height; 165cm
weight; 42kg

style; She likes to be fashionable and is up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. She likes to wear cotton clothes. She has a casual style. Her everyday wear is baggy pants with t- shirt or skinny jeans with a cardigan. She usually wear something suitable for different occassion and is quite picky about her clothes. And if there pink outfits, she will definite wear them over any other colors. She prefer flat over heels and it's fine to her since she isn't the shortest afterall. She has a thing for beanie and she will surely wear it almost half of the time. She is all natural, make up free, not because she is confident about her face...maybe yes but the biggest reason is she is too lazy to stay infront the mirror that long to put on make up.  

extra; She has the face of a choding. She has a brown hair that reaches her shoulder, same like the face claim. She has has ear piercings || || || She has this special necklace that she will wear wherever she go and whenever it is. A jade pedant necklace that her father gave her before she left Busan || || She wears spectacles but only at home, she wears lens outside || ||


not that bad

Impression on people; Stubborn, smart, independent, patient, hard-working and determined. A few words many people use to summarize her personality with. Although they do forget with this that she is a very quiet, friendly and sweet girl too. She can get attached to people rather quickly, and so do almost anything to make them smile. She isn’t very difficult to please and is known by people because of her everlasting smile and laugh. She isn’t a person who talks easily about her own thoughts or feelings with others. She always has a lot of things on her mind and most of the time just lacks the words to express her thoughts and feelings properly. That’s the main reason why she’s so quiet around others. The second reason is that she completely doesn’t mind it to listen to other people. Listen to how they tell their stories to her and through that get to know them. It isn’t hard to get to know her.
--- Family, friends; Although she has a very layered personality she easily lets people come close to her. Even though sometimes they don’t even know this or sometimes she doesn’t really show how much she cares for a person since her biggest fear is losing them one day again. She is a caring person and emotionally involved with others. She can see small details in the behavior of others where most of the people will look over it. She is a filial daughter, family is very important to her. She never meet anyone she don't like at the first glance, anyone considered as a friend for her. Friend is a term she use very loosely. She is always caring and and enjoy meeting new people. Unless you give her reason to hate, she loves everyone. She is loyal, simple and truthful. She is one of the most flexible type. She tends to have a large number of friends though normally not many close or best buddies. She is friendly and enjoy being around others. She is flighty and not too dependable. Her flightiness and every changing personalities make her getting closer with people next to impossible. One minute she might be your best friend and another minute just someone who is just in the way. --- Loved one; As you might expected from a person with such a bend, she is very romantic. She always long for a long- lasting, committing, all in kind of relationship. And as long as she doesn't have it, she will always feel like something is missing within her. So she is definitely marriage material, but this comes with a glitch. Her inherent need for romantic relationship makes her rush into relationship without even taking the situation into account, to be more detail, she is still young that she don't even understand what a relationship means yet want to be in it. She has an extremely soft and sacrificing nature. This is good in the sense that if she has to gives up a better opportunity for her loved one, she can do it quite easily. But the negative side for this is the reason why at some points she starts to feel that she is being played by her loved one.

Strengths; Her cute appearance and rather innocent looking face will probably make you underestimate her. Which is one of the biggest mistakes you can make around her. She may not be strong but she’s smart and due to her education and good working brain, she can easily come up with various plans to get out of certain unpleasant situations. And due to the fact that she’s patience, she always can wait long enough to make the right move at the right time. Unknown to many, she has a soft spot for kids. She enjoys challenges, the feel of adrenaline pumping through her veins. She keeps a very realistic perspective and tends to be carefree - perhaps too carefree. To her, life is game to be played, and even if she may seems like losing at the beginning she will checkmate in the end and win. She has a very charming nature, and she knows how to use it when she needs to. She has a very cunning side, shown only when provoked. --- Weaknesses; She cares too much for people -in general- to actually cause them harm.She has a strong believe in the good of people and so is easy to manipulate if you really want to do so. If someone hurts her friends, she holds this grudge for years. This can cause her to make rash decisions, and not think twice. She can’t stay in one place or position for too long and can get extremely hyper when she does have to. She hates being a leader and making decisions under pressure as well. She can't make decisions for others. If she gets too angry the tears begin to flow and never seem to stop until she is satisfied with bringing something down. She hates being talked down to. It makes her feel like she is worthless and can put her in a state where she is completely frozen and feels as if her body is made of led. Sometimes she can overcome the words that are being thrown at her but other times she can’t. To match her insecurity she can’t concentrate really well. --- Onstage; Call her pretty bold because she dares to do anything, everything. She's spunky and all the things that calls outgoing, a little ball of sunshine literally. She acts younger than her age may I add. With smile so infectious, this bright and optimistic girl will indeed brighten up your life. She is full of fanservices, she is sneaky, often creeps behind her group members, backhugging, sniffing their hair and slapping their . On reality show, she is how she is offscreen, a bit more tone down compared when on the performing stage. If she's around people whom she doesn't really know, as example other idols out of her friends or sunbaes, she will be quiet for awhile, her friendly onstage personality will emerge again when she feel comfortable with others around.

★Food [one of the group's shiskshin]
★Chocolate [her favorite food]
★Animals [she is an animal lover]
★Kittens [her favorite animal]
★Greenery [she is on support of the world green!]
★Rose [her favorite flower]
★Social networking [she is one of the member who is active in her personal sns]
★Super Junior [they're her ultimate favorite group]
★Henry [he is her ultimate bias]
★Children [she has a soft spot for children especially babies]
★Eyeliner [she really likes strong eyeliner]
★Rainy days [she likes the sound of the rain and often plays in it]
★Spicy food [this is probably the on thing that she can't eat, she just can't stand spicy]
★Animal abusers [being an animal lover, she is all against animal abuse]
★People that destroy greenery [being a greenery lover, she is all against greenery crimanals]
★Illa [a kind of wild flower, no specific reason, she just dislikes it]
★Slow internet [what's more annoying rather than slow internet while we are online?]
★Sasaengs [which idol likes them?]
★Playboys [which girl likes them?]
★/yuri [she is a straight person]
★Being a leader [she hates getting under the pressure as a leader]
★Medicine [Especially the pill and tablet ones, it's almost possible to make her eat it]
★Hot days [as expected from a person who loves rainy days]

★Eating [shikshin remember?]
★Travelling [she is curious about many places]
★Onlining [sometimes she will reply the fans]]
★Cooking [she is superb in cooking]
★Watching movies [she likes watching romantic and action movies, two contradicting genres]
★Playing chess [she said it clear up her mind]
★Playing keyboard [she often play it with her mother's keyboard]
★Habitually dancing
★Habitually smiling and laughing, even at the slightest reason
★Hugs someone/something in her sleep
★Listening to music through her ear piece before sleeping
★Waking up late
★Huffs when she is annoyed
★Zones out when she is bored
★ her lower lips when nervous or anxious
★Stuttering and mispronouncing when lying
★Chewing bubble gum
★Overdoes impersonation and aegyo
★She used to date once
★She wants to be taller
★She has a kitten named Aroo
★She enjoys listening to ballad songs
★She thinks that she's not photogenic
★She wants to be close with idols of the same liner as her
★She thinks she's the strongest in the group
★She have basic training in martial art, hapkido and taekwondo
★Her sns; facebook // instagram is Heesun Kim // @rose_k
★She rarely eat fast food, she prefer homemade dish
★She doesn't think she has jinx because it's depend on each person
★Her ideal type someone with double eyelids and a mischiveous smile
★She is considered as a Bagel Girl [baby faced with glamorous body]
★She wants to have captivating eyes, so she really likes strong eyeliner
★She has never done plastic surgery on her face or any part of her body
★She is currently study in Hanyang University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering
★She is cademically gifted since a young age with an IQ of 137
★The members say she wakes up the latest in the morning, but can get ready in just 3 minutes.
★She's very afraid of heights. She can't even take the upper bunk, and always use the lower one.
★She enjoys getting at dorm, which is where the nickname superNATURAL come from
★She tried Zelo's satoori rapping [rapping while mixing up various dialect] before but ended up as a gag
★Her favorite quote is 'Lets get a heart like a rose, arms your heart with thorns and let the rose bloom'
★She wishes she had a higher tolerance for alcohol, but she can't even take one glass [she's guessing that it's genetic because her mom has low tolerance as well]. Once during a get together with her members, after drinking one glass of alcohol, she had no idea where she was or lived and just fell asleep on a sofa somewhere
★Dancing [including Hip Hop and Jazz]
★CF Modelling [she has been modelling pre debut]
★Kkap [her dance cover, aegyo and impersonation are over the top, really energetic and overdoes]
★Keyboard [she learned how to play that since childhood]


there no matter what

Baby; She was born prematurely and weighed in at 4.2 kg at birth. During her mother's pregnancy, water had filled Heesun's stomach, which led her to become a premature birth. Bile was unable to be passed through her intestines, which eventually damaged her liver, causing a biliary atresia. Although the required surgery had low chances of sustaining life, she was able to survive the 10-hour long surgery. A year later, however, she was diagnosed with intussusception (a medical condition where parts of the intestine folds over into another section of the intestine) and received surgery for enterectomy.
--- Family; Born in Busan, Heesun never has known the joy of having a mother in her life, since she had died during labor. Her father grieved deeply for this loss but managed to raise his only daughter well. Having a great relationship with her built on love and trust, Heesun didn’t miss anything  that a child needs to have in their development. They weren’t that rich, but not exactly poor either and they always could manage to get enough food for the both of them to keep them satisfied and healthy. She never has had a lot of luxury in her life, but also isn’t the type of person to want such luxury. --- Growing up; Her father has taught her everything he knew about life and his work. Showing the world to her on an early age and how it exactly worked. Although he also had high expectations from her, which Heesun tried to fulfill every time. Leading her to have good marks at school and to soon start and help him with his work whenever she could. Besides this she also had a basic training in martial arts. Her father knew that maybe one day she would be not be in his protection anymore. And thus since her father didn’t want to lose his only daughter as well, he decided that it only would do her good if she would have a basic training. Heesun went along with this, since she knows the fear her father has to lose her and indeed a basic training couldn’t harm her. --- Career; During a family trip to Busan infamous beach in early 1999, when Heesun was 4 years old, she was spotted by talent agency, SM Entertainment, they proposed her a lead role in a CF. The scouter also saw a promising beauty in her and offered her singing and dancing lessons, opting to professionally train her in a singing career. However, the offer was turned down by her father, reasoning that she was too young. In 2001, Heesun began appearing in television commercials. She first appeared in a Lotte commercial with Korean actress Han Ga In. In 2008, her father allowed her to join SM Entertainment, and the agency enrolled her in vocal and dance classes, including hip hop and jazz. --- Future; In the twenty one years Heesun has lived so far, nothing really bad or spectacular has happened. She has lived a quiet, happy and peaceful live together with her father and a couple of close friends. Only now that she has become of age, she’d like to explore the world some more. To meet new people who and have a new impulse in her life which can even teach her more about it. To debut and shine like a star.

» Father::Kim Joonyoung ::42::Teacher::10

Characteristics--- Joonyoung has a tendancy to trust people a little too easily. His mother had raised him to care about everything and everyone with sincerity until her death. So even if someone has done wrong to him, Joonyoung will forgive them easily. He can also get emotional easily. Certain things can trigger Joonyoung to shed tears without a reason or he can get excited too easily. He tends to hide from others whenever he’s upset. His mind is sometimes easy to wander into random thoughts when he feels bored, which is quite common for him. Also because of his small stature, he is self conscious of how people see him.
Interactions -- He is overprotective when it comes to Heesun. He loves to shower Heesun with love and affection. Heesun was his pride and joy. The darling daughter he had always wanted. He is the best father that Heeesun can wish for, he is the most important person in her life, if she have to choose anything in the world to stay forever, it's her father.
» Mother::Chae Jungah::20 when passed away::was a housewife::---
Characteristics --- She was extremely friendly, but only gave her love and care to close ones. She adore music and has a keyboard at home. She was very active and is recognized for her voice as well as happy virus visual. Optimism. Jungah grew uplooking at the bright side in things, since the dark side never  interested her. She was always happy and joyful, and is able to make her husband smile even at the toughest times.
Interactions --- Jungah only live in the stories that Joonyoung always tell Heesun, Heesun wish she can be like Jungah, she also thinks that what her father want her to be.

best friends;
» bestfriend::Lee Jooyeon [OC]::19::Mechanical Engineering student::9/10
Characteristics: Jooyeon isn’t always pleasant to be around. She’s usually very cold towards strangers but can easily warm up to them. She’s overly honest, and you can usually tell when she isn’t. Jooyeon is also very organized and enjoys order. Her emotional range goes from: Anger, boredom or neutral. Specific people can bring out sadness and happiness, but these are rare.
Interactions: They knew each other since babies. Their mothers had been friends for 13 years and that's why Jooyeon's mother never left the Kim family even after the death of Jungah. --- They spends most of their chilhood and teenhood together at the same kindergarden even until high school. The literally does everything together, make that for fun or work. Except for her family, Heesun is the specific person who can bring out sadness and happiness to Jooyeon. Heesun are the closest friend she had as a child. Even now Jooyeon often visits Heesun and helps her out with her study since she always leave classes due to training.

» friend::Lee Sandeul::21::B1A4::6/10

Characteristics: [Since he is your love rival, I'll just leave this part for you]
Interactions: They met in WM during trainee years. It was Heesun's first day as a trainee and she was talking to one of the trainer. Sandeul who was happen to walk pass them greeted the trainer. The trainer introduced Heesun to Sandeul as his junior. ---
They doesn't has trouble when making friends at first most likely because he does open up to people that easily.. nothing less. They grew closer through the trainee years as Heesun look up for him as her vocal mentor. Sandeul often monitor Heesun's practice and will tell her how to improve.

» rival::Sandara Park::30::2NE1
Characteristics: She isn’t very talkative and will be very distant towards strangers or aquaintances, some people think she’s rude. She often talks to herself or voices her thoughts aloud and she prefers to be alone instead of with people because of that. Her closest friends are able to see the real her, who is bubbly, talkative, and depressive…all at once… Yes, indeed, Dara is a very strange person. But she likes it that way. She is extremely agile, flexible and sneaky, therefore she can flee or hide from not-so-good situations, as well as trick people. She is very caring and giving, but only to those who need her help.
Interactions: For Dara, first impression last. Dara can’t trust Heesun, she can't think of her as a friend or acquintance under the same field. She keeps a mask of happiness to hide her uneasiness when with Heesun infront of others, but it just brings her down even more. Dara pretend to be good with Heesun, as if she accept her as a friend but this is just meet the cover. At times, she become harsher to Heesun even without her realize. Heesun didn’t really mind it, since she never had much to begin with. ‘Why lose something that was never there?’ she always thought, when Dara act rude or do something to her.
Why are you rival: Heesun is at MBC waiting room during a day where the group will having their MNET live stage, when she saw a purse right beside the door of the room. The purse belong to Dara of 2NE1, for some reason, she is there when there's no in 2NE1 schedule that need her to be there. Heesun opens the purse so see who's the owner and right on time Dara came into the scene. She see Heesun who is standing beside the door opening her purse and she actually think Heesun is a sasaeng or a thief, because she never really saw her before. Not believing whatever Heesun said, she firmly want to call the guard. --- First impression is important for Dara. And sometimes there's no reason to love or hate someone. Dara feels uneasy around Heesun and so does she. Even when they try to be closer after the purse missunderstanding. It is not working.



i like you

love interest; Kim Jongin [Kai]
group; EXO

age; 19
birthday; 01.14.94

personality; Kai seems fierce and like a playboy but really he’s just shy and also he so fragile. He gives it his all and does what he loves. Kai is really just a cute little boy behind all that shirtless photo shoots and fierce y facials he has. Knowing him, at times he can be an innocent boy but then within he is yet devious. He can be exteremely kind yet when starts making close friends. When it comes to enimies he transforms into a different person..Once that side of him opens up..let just say.. he can be ”Evil Kai?” He’s yet trustworthy when it comes to keeping a secret not leaving his friends behind. Kai mostly acts like a child younger then he usually his which people to find quite adorable. Theres not that much about ”Evil Kai” side because he only uses that personality for enimies or either self defense. He tends to hide his weaknesses. Not good  communicating with people because he is lack of words to express his thought and feeling to them. He doesn’t have much experince of making friends because he rarely seem to have any but once he make one, it will last. Is also simply too gullible to fall for anything. Kai may look just a child but don’t suspect that he’s weak. He is quite of a fast thinker when it comes to getting out from an unpleasant situation. He has quite the specialty in self defense so think before you do to mess with him.
how they act around each other; They first met when she was 7. They were chosen to be partners for the CF Kai's mother had him audition for. The public and producers around considered them a pair and always featured them together in commercials as they grew up, insisting they won't cast one without the other... so they saw each other a lot. --- They're soulmate. Heesun isn’t shy of expressing her affection over Kai. As for Kai, he is always ready to help her answers during interviews. Kai also likes to tease Heesun whenever he has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Sometimes, Heesun denies the caring gestures, but she really does like them judging by the way she attaches herself to the dancing machine. Kai even does the old school trick of distraction then putting the arm around the other’s shoulder. Very smooth and open minded, it is something that isn't what he usually does, if we consider his personality. They are often seen together on photoshoots, official events, or just about everywhere, much to their satisfaction.

back up love interest; Oh Sehun
group; EXO

love rival; Shin Dongwoo [CNU]
group; B1A4

age; 22
birthday; 06.16.92

personality; His actions being aloof and his actions seem always at ease. It seems that anything you throw on him will look good on him. The only greed he has which causes him to splurge his own money for is music CDs. CNU seems nonchalant on the outside but once you get to know him, he has a lot of thoughts and affection. He owns a sensitive personality. CNU even showed tears in not being able to hold back his emotions. With CNU’s honest side of being true to his emotions, you get the slight feel that he is weak. Raising dreams of becoming a singer since he was younger, he was finally able to achieve that dream after looking solely in one direction like a single-minded person. With the passion of an innocent state-of-mind, he is someone who is loyal.
how they act around each other; They met a shopping complex, a music equipment shop to be more exactly, in 2010. Heesun was looking for a keyboard. CNU and his trainee friends was there too, he was accompanying his friend to buy a bass. He was walking when he saw a girl at the keyboard department through the glass wall, he walks in and went to her little by little. Heesun thought he is the person who work there so she asked if he knows which keyboard will suit her the best. --- This gentle nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Heesun. He also has a rather peculiar affliction of caressing Heesun’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging Heesun to shop with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Heesun, she don't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought Heesun to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her. 

back up love rival; Jung Jinyoung
group; B1A4


i'm famous

stage name; Heeyoung
position; Triple Threat
back up position; Leader, Lead Vocalist

trainee years; 5 years in SM --- a year in WM
how were your trainee years; During her years in SM, she didn't play but make it into her real business, she is lazy at times/bad habit/. She had been independent since her childhood so living in a trainee routine isn't a problem for her. She can talk to others, gaining some friends. Her problem is the girl group diet that all girl trainees was forced to follow to have that dream body. Last but not least, she is a bit impatient regarding her debut, as a trainee she always had been thinking when and how will her debut be. She was set to debut as a solo in 2012 but the plans fail due to her sickness, vocal cord polyds. She went through the surgery and left SM. Truthfully her world crumbled as she already have a special love to perform, she thought all of her hard time won't get paid, she was told that her voice will be slightly change after the surgery. But she wake up after the slump, after received some wake up call from Kai. She is ashamed to back to SM thus auditioned for WM and got accepted. She continued her training in WM and was the last member to be added into the group.

fanclub; Heester [Heeyoung's sister/ brother]
fanclub color; #FF6699

singing twin; Nicole
dancing twin; Nicole
rapping twin;

scandals; Scandal that she is Kai's Ex girlfriend.
are you ok with scandals?; Yes ma'am!

plastic surgery?; Nopes, she has only the face of a choding, not the face of the prettiest.
are you ok with plastic surgery?; Maybe in the future but that won't be what she want anw.


see you soon

questions; n/a
comments; English isn't my first language. Feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Good Luck authornim! It's long but I wish all will worth it. Lastly, hope you like Kim Heesun :)

suggestions; Appearence in Weekly Idol, Sesame Player and their own variety show.
scene requests;
★Heesun and Kai go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's EXO members who help Kai and the girl he love for a successful date.
★Heesun faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Kai visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
★Heesun got drunk by a glass of wine and fall asleep on the couch, Kai decides to help to get her to the dorm. Before he can excuses himself from her room, Heesun wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, Kai hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
★CNU hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Heesun, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her singing doesn't turn out well.
★CNU and Heesun fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
★CNU and Heesun caught in the rain, he almost kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps her before running away


song suggestion; AOA's Elvis, A Pink's I Don't Know, T-ARA's Why Are You Like This.













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