I read Anterograde Tomorrow and I'm felling miserable and sad.

I'm crying omg. Okay, so it's like this...I was on facebook reading EXO related stuff when suddenly I see this picture of Kai and Kyungsoo, they looked so miserable in that pic OMFG TTT-TTT and the comments were saying "Anterograde tomorrow im crying omg" I was like "What's dat?" so I decided to check what Anterograde Tomorrow was(worst idea ever) it was a KaiSoo fanfiction. I read it in a frenzy because when I like a fic I never stop reading even if it's huge as (Anterograde Tomorrow is gigantic just so you know). IT WAS SO GOOD I COULDN'T STOP CRYING AND THE WRITING WAS SO PERF I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I'M WRITING A BLOG OMG SO MUCH CAPS, I just wanted to let these feels out because I cried so hard. I was sitting on my bed balling like a kid and I never did that before so it's so weird but I like it and HNNNNG KaiSoo fics are the best omg *SCREAMS AT THE WORLD THAT FANFICTION IS THE BEST THING EVER*. I liked dat fic so much I'll translate it to Brazilian portuguese(my language) because why not, my goodness more people need to read that perfection of a fic. I let me feels out, I'll ask the writer of AT if I can translate the fic oh Lord, wish me luck!


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