Think you know me?

Stolen from: emxily

1. What is your name?


A: Angelica


2. How old are you?


A: 18


3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace?






4. What is your height?


A: 5’2


5. Do you have any siblings?


A: Two, one bro one sis and they're both 10-11 years older

6. What is your eye color?


A: Brown.


7. What is your hair color?


A: My natural hair color is black-brown but right now it's light brown


8. Do you wear glasses or conacts?


A: Glasses, but only when I'm driving or I can't see anything from afar


9. Are you right handed or left handed?


A: Right


10. Do you have any piercings?


A: Two on each ear, my conch, nose, and belly button


11. Do you smoke? 


A: Vape, real ciggs are nasty af


12. Do you swear?


A: yea lol but it's only bad when I'm angry


13. Do you get along with your parents?


A: Most of the time


14. Your heritage?


A: Asian? Is this supposed to be vague? Or should I be specific? Filipino


15. Your fears?


A: The dark (kinda), bugs (especially spiders >.<), heights, etc. there's way more


16. Goal you would like to achieve this year?


A: Good grades, getting fit and eating healthier, passing all my classes so I can graduate


17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger?


A: “Omg.” “Lol.” “Haha” “Like" "Dude"


18. Best physical feauture?


A: Eyes


19. Your bedtime?


A: My mom expects me to go to bed at 10 but since she works till 12, I usually go at 11 lol


20. What time do you arise in the morning?


A: 6 am on school days, anytime on weekends/vacations


21. First thoughts waking up?


A: "I don't wanna do anything today"


22. Do you shower daily?


A: Yup


This or that?


23. Bright or Dark?


A: Bright


24. Chocolate or vanilla?


A: Chocolate!


25. Dogs or cats?


A: Dogs, I'm allergic to cats


26. Pepsi or Coke?


A: Coke


27. McDonalds or Burger Kings?


A: McDonalds


28. Ant or dec?


A: What?


29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?


A: Both


30. Cappuccino or Coffee?


A: Coffee


In the last month have you......


31. Drank alcohol?


A: Yea but not very much (like a glass of wine)


32. Gone to a mall?


A: I just went today lol


33. Eaten a box of oreos?


A: Nahh


34. Eaten sushi?


A: I wish Dx


35. Been on stage?


A: No


36. Been dumped?


A: Ehh... I'm gonna go with no


37. Gone skinny dipping?


A: Never


38. Stolen anything?


A: No


Have you ever.......


39. Laughed for no reason?


A: All the time


40. Been caught doing you weren't supposed to?


A: Yes


41. Been in love?


A: I wouldn't call it being "in love"


42. Fired a gun?


A: No


43. Been drunk?


A: A few times, I wish I didn't remember most of them though -.-


44. Been called a tease?


A: Yes


45. Been beaten up?


A: Not legit


46. Shoplifted?


A: Never


What was the last........


47. Furry thing you touched?


A: My dog


48. Thing you've said?


A: "Yea"


49. Songs you've listened to?


A: Yours- Tinashe


50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?


A: My friend who I haven't talked to in a while :)


51. Movie you watched?


A: Despicable Me 2


52. Things you were doing before this?


A: Showing my mom what I bought


53. Time you cried?


A: Last weekend


54. Song you've sang?


A: I don't remember


55. Time you looked at the clock?


A: A minute ago


56. Food & drink you've had?


A: Chicken parmesan crusted pasta and water


57. Flavor of gum you've chewed?


A: Spearmint


58. Shoes you've worn?


A: Boots


59. Stores you've been in?


A: Forever 21




60. Planet?


A: Exo Planet


61. Age you've been so far?


A: Anywhere between 1-10, and 17 somewhat


62. Season?


A: Summer or fall


63. Number?


A: 18


64. TV Show?


A: Vampire Diaries, The Originals. Spongebob lol


65. Flower?


A: Pink roses




66. How much cash do you have on you?


A: $15


67. What's a word that rhymes with door?


A: . Haha first thing that came to mind


68. What T-Shirt are you wearing?


A: Forever 21, and it's actually a long sleeve


69. What brand of shoes are you wearing?


A: I'm currently barefoot


70. What did your last text message say?


A: "I was just thinking about that" you guys don't need to know lol


71. What were you doing at midnight last night?


A: Watching k-dramas


72. What's your current desktop picture?


A: Tao (well, a baby panda lol)


73. What's a word that you say a lot?


A: "What"


74. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?


A: The brightest one because I'm awesome


75. How is the weather right now?


A: It's almost freezing and windy


76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite ?


A: Hair and the whole face


77. Are you too shy to ask someone out?


A: Yes because I'm afraid of making an idiot out of myself


78. Can you do a headstand without a wall?


A: I wish


79. Who would you like to see right now?


A: Him.


80. How many pillows do you sleep with?


A: Six, and a pillow pet so seven?


81. Would you go a date with someone on MySpace?


A: No one uses myspace anymore lol


82. How do you want to die?


A: Happy


83: What do you want to be when you grow up?


A: Nurse practioner


84. What country would you most like to visit?


A: Korea of course lol or Japan


85. How many CDs do you own?


A: Don't know


86. How many things in your past do you regret?


A: A lot


87. Do you think you are attractive?


A: If I try really hard or if I'm just having a good day


88. Do you believe in yourself?


A: Half the time


89. Do you want to get married?


A: Someday


In a boy/girl.....


90. Favorite eye color?


A: Doesn't matter, preferably brown though


91. Favorite hair color?


A: Doesn't matter


92. Short or long hair


A: Depends, as long as his hair isn't longer than mine


93. Height?


A: Taller than me, but not too tall to the point where I have to tilt my head back just to look at him


94. Weight?


A: He should at least be fit, but it doesn't really matter


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