▲ heaven's call — kim jang min

Kayla; hc's leader, lead vocalist, songwriter

-farewell- :: aleyna :: nine out of ten

character name; Kim Jang Min
nicknames; Min :: her cousin calls her this :: he is still a baby and can't speak properly
birthdate; 25th December, 1992
age; 21 years old
blood type; A
birth place; Seoul, South Korea
home town; Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity; Korean
languages; Korean :: Native; English :: Basic 
ulzzang; Jo Eun Hee
links; click me!
back-up ulzzang; Su Eun
links; click me!
clothing style; Unique and comfortable! Jangmin likes to feel free in her clothes! Most of the times, she uses fashion as a way of communication and that's why she is called many times as the Rebel Fashionista! The result can be odd sometimes, but she manages to make it work. After all she was a student of designer for many years, she needed to learn something from that! She doesn't like bubbly colors, she prefers dark ones, like black and grey!
extra; Jangmin's natural hair color is black but she often likes to change the color to purple, sometimes brown and blonde! Has a birthmark with a shape of a butterfly on her waist, is a fan of ear piercings, however just has 4 in her right ear. 

personality on-stage; On stage Jangmin is what a leader uses to be. Caring, hardworking, always guiding her members with a smile on her face even when she feels down, she knows she needs to keep a smile not only for her band members but for her fans as well. She has a lot of weight on top of her shoulders but it's something she is already used to ever since the day she was given the position as a leader. Jangmin loves the cameras, even though she might feel nervous and embarassed from time to time. She loves to talk on interviews, helping the other members when they don't know what to say in some situations. She is also the one that is more comfortable talking about scandals and hate that they receive because she deals with it the most, as the leader. 

personality off-stage; 
A lot of the times Jangmin is described as immature, but in a lot of ways this doesn’t do her justice. She has a different sort of intelligence than the other group members, she obviously had no success in school grades, but she often makes very insightful responses to interview questions. Jangmin is also very caring and loving. You can see that in all of her relationships. I think the most evident though is how she treats her family. The fact that she has never shied away from talking about being close with her siblings, and talking about how she talks to her mom on the phone or through text everyday, says a lot about her character, and is very revealing about what kind of person she is. It’s one thing to be close with your friends, but for a teenage girl to treat her mother as a best friend shows the strength of her devotion to her family. It’s in her personality to be caring, and I cannot count the number of times one of her band members had said Jangmin is one of the best to go to if they want to talk about something serious, and that she can turn off the “goofiness” when they need her, and that she gives really good advices.

She is also very natural around kids, she knows exactly how to interact with them, how to hold them and play with them, and those kinds of behavior, being so instinctive showcases her nurturing qualities. She very often takes charge in interviews, addressing all the topics that critic the band, or are discussing their motivations behind things, or what fans think of certain actions they’ve done.  When those around her need the fun loving Jangmin, then she’s there to brighten the mood and keep them happy. When they need the brave Jangmin she’s there, battling rumors and protecting her group members. She never had a goal in life, she never had an ambition because she never thought she could achieve something as big as being the leader of one of the most popular asian girlgroup and move people's heart from worldwide. However, Jangmin is a bit insecure of herself. Not the insecure type that it's afraid that people will leave, that no one quite loves her enough or she could push people away! Instead, Jangmin seems to be insecure about being good enough. She doesn’t think she’s pretty, she doesn’t think her voice is good enough, and worries a lot about what people think of her. That's probably her biggest flaw! 

EXO | her brother's group.
christmas time | she loves christmas songs and decorations

winter | she just feels good in the winter season, snow is beautiful at her eyes
marshmallows | they are very soft and tasty
nail art | she spends a lot of time doing her nails and creating different patterns
pink panther | since she was a kid pink panther is her obsession
smurfs | she fell in love with smurfs when she went to america in a trip
skinship | she loves showing her love through touches
My Chemical Romance | they are a unique group with amazing lyrics in their songs
bad boys | they seem mysterious and she likes it
horror movies | you never know what happens next, and she feels excited seeing them
skydiving | she tried it once and fell in love with the mix of emotions it brought to her

- people touching her things | she becomes so mad that she would literally hit you
- being bothered | when she is deep in her thoughts she hates being bothered
- bad internet connection | it's probably the thing she hates the most
- crossing the streets alone | she was hit by a car when she was 10 years old
- small places | she will feel sufocated
- crowded places | she will have a panick attack for sure
- fish | doesn't taste good and she always feels hungry after eating it
- Twilight Saga Movies | too lame and too unrealistic
- liars | she can easily understand when someone is lying to her

- backstabbers | these people are worst than the devil
- violence | gets on her nerves all the time

- nail art
- online shopping
- reading
- doing exercise

- clapping her hands while laughing
- procrastinating
- rolling her eyes when she is annoyed
- biting her lips until they bleed

- clinging to everyone and everything during her sleep
- spending too much money without noticing
- she jumps a bit while she walks
- always has a bubblegum in

- fears of crossing the streets alone -  she was hit by a car when she was 10.
- spiders - since she was a child she is completely afraid of them.

- gymnastics - she has gold medal at cheerleading and national gymnastics
- voice imitation - she knows how to imitate many cartoons's voices
- basketball - even though she is not very tall, she plays it quite well.

- She was mentioned in EXO's XOXO Thanks To
- She is Kai's older sister and everyone can tell since they are very alike

- She says her best feature are her lips
- She says she doesn't have an ideal type
- Her favourite movie is 'The Day After Tomorrow' she knows all the lines
- Has a dog named 'Chingu' it was a birthday gif from her group members
- She was supposed to debut as an actress only
- She appeared in EXO's Miracles in December and Wolf Drama Version 
- She and Suho from EXO were the voice actors for the animated movie 'Saving Santa'
- She is very clumsy and keeps getting bruises on her body from falling a lot
- She is often seen as cold and reserved
- Monggu, Jongin's dog, once bit her because she stepped on his paw 
- She wrote almost all the songs of Heaven's Call first album.

background; Her parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Jangmin had a fairly normal childhood. She is the second oldest in the family, having a older sister and a younger brother. Jangmin is not the best example to explain how asians are always smart, because her journey when it comes to school is not the best. She never liked to study and it was a shock to her parents. Her older sister was amazing at learning new languages while her brother was really smart in maths. She was just a girl that had average grades, she couldn't become a doctor or have another awesome job with those grades. The girl decided to stand up for herself and fight for what she really wanted - being a fashion designer - . But as soon she is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, her dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Jangmin was scouted to be a YG trainee when she was 16 years old, while she was shopping with her friends in Gangnam. A man complimented her beauty and happy personality saying that she should try to audition. However, YG saw nothing special about her. Her dancing moves were weak and her voice was unstable. She had the looks, yes, but her talent needed to be nailed. YG accepted her though, deep down they knew she had something hidden. But she was transfered to SM Entertainment after 2 months of training under YG. It was a shock to her, SM is known from being harsh when it comes to training periods and methods. However, was in SM that Jangmin found her true self. With her brother as a support and Kangta as her voice mentor, Jangmin became one of the best vocal trainees. Like I said above, her talent needed to be nailed, and SM did it, with no doubt.
Mother:: Lee Min Ha :: 54 :: Surgeon :: motherly, caring, talented :: 10-10

Father:: Kim Sang Jin :: 53 :: Doctor :: funny. hardworking, trustworthy :: 9-10
Older Sister:: Kim Yu Na :: 25 :: Stylist :: carefree, smart, fashionista :: 9-10

Younger Brother:: Kim Jong In :: 20 :: Idol :: humble, shy, talented :: 9-10
best friends;
Amber Liu :: 21 ::  Idol f(X) :: Unique, trustworthy, funny, sincere :: they are like glue, sometimes people even think they are a couple :: 10-10
Oh Sehun | 19 | Idol, F(X) | shy. childish | 8-10

Camille Jung | 21 | Owner of a fashion store | reserved, unique |6-10
Daniel Smith | 18 | High School Student | funny, good-looking | 6-10
Samantha Smith | 18 | High School Student (and yes, Daniel's twin js) | cold, distant | 5-10

Rival's name: Kang Mirae (OC)

Group: SM Rookies

Age: 22

Why are you rivals?: Jangmin doesn't supports her feelings towards Jongin and vice versa. Mirae is too fake for Jangmin's liking and she doesn't want her brother to get hurt. Mirae likes Kai, alright, but she likes his fame even more. Before he was in EXO, she just used to ignore him or talk to him like she used to talk to everyone else, but as soon as Jongin debuted with EXO, seems like Mirae was under a spell. Mirae started to understand Jangmin's reasons and as soon as she had a time alone with Jongin's sister, she said something like 'i'll make your life a complete hell from now on'. Game on!

How do you met each other?:  SM Building. Kai introduced Mirae to Jangmin. Jangmin just wanted to throw up, to be very honest. Mirae seemed very plastic and Jangmin just hated her!

Status of rivalry: Rivals with a huge hate for each other. It's hate, literally.

love interest name; Oh Sehun
group; EXO
birthday; 12th April, 1994
age; 19
personality; What can be said about Sehun? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Sehun can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his voice! He often likes to write songs that will express his mood. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will defenitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. Sehun is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking. Yehet!!
how they met; Sehun and Jangmin met each other in front of SM Building. She is a noona to him by 2 years and it was the very first time she felt a strange connection with a boy that was younger than her. It all started in a rainy day. Jangmin was leaving the SM building after her first time training there, it was dark and cold, fortunately she had an umbrella with her. When she was about to leave the building to go home, someone grabbed her wrist. It was Sehun, this shy and good looking boy asked her if she could share her umbrella with him because he forgot his at home. Jangmin smiled and nodded her head. After a not so long walk down the streets of Seoul, Jangmin stopped in front of Sehun's dorm and waved goodbye at the boy that stood there watching her leave. On the next day, it was Sehun's time to take her home, because she "forgot" her own umbrella.
how they interact;They can't say that they are dating, because they are not. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. They act like boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes like brother and sister, other times like an old married couple. They are always there for each other, they share a lot of secrets. Sehun does everything for Jangmin, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her. They often like to cuddle and talk about random stuff. Jangmin is always there to compliment him, to say how special he is, and how he doesn't need to change to be loved, because she already likes him the way he is, and for her, he is the most amazing boy on earth. 
back up love interest; Park Chanyeol
group; EXO
how many trainee years; 5 years
how were your trainee years; Normal. Not a sea of roses but not a true hell! Jang Min always had a lot of fake friends because of Jongin! Having a super famous and already well known amoung the other trainees was a bit hard. Most of her friends started to want to get to know her to become closer with Jongin and that was a bit sad at first. But she managed to make everything work. She would skip classes to practice, she would wake up early and go to the dorms late at nigh just to enjoy the practice room by herself. 
how you became a trainee; She was scouted while she was shopping! In her audition she represented, sang and danced. However, she started in YG entertainmentent who didn't saw anything special about her and decided to send her to SM where Jangmin became a true artist!
fanclub name; Arcadians
fanclub color; #66ffff
back-up position; Lead Rapper, Vocalist
singing twin; Tiffany Hwang
dancing twin; Tiffany Hwang
rap twin; Hyoyeon

questions; None for now!
comments; I hope you like her <3
suggestions; The girls should go to Immortal Songs and have their own show, it would be awesome ((:
scene request; (i'll add this later, I promise)
song suggestions;     ▲ 


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