

AFF Username: Gracia

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Character Info:

Name: Ogg Je Ri

Age: 18

Born on: Korea


Born at: 14/03/93

Ethnicity: Korean/Chinese

Languages Spoken:  Fluent Chinese, korean, english and spanish.

Height: 1.60 

Weight: 48 kg

Blood Type: O+


Name: Do Hwae Ji


About Your Personalities:

Personality: Je Ri is a very shy person when you first meet her but then she's a very talkative person always smiling, loves make aegyos but only with her friends(girls) because when she is with boys she just can't do aegyos. She's very hapily for that reason she's never sad, she's very hardworking about her dream, being an idol.



- Heels.


-Spicy food.


-video games.


-Chocolate(she's allergic)




- Tears.

-Talk by cell.

Hobbies: Dance, rap and eat SPICY FOOD!

Talents: She's pretty good dancing and rapping.

Weakness: She can't act at all, Sports, cook( she burn everything)


About Your Family:

Family Background: Her father is from Korea and Her mother was from China, they met in China and went to korea where Je Ri  and Pyo Gun born. No one of her family was an idol.

Family Members: [state the NAME||AGE||OCCUPATION||DEAD/ALIVE

-Ogg Pyo Sun: Father, he's 40, he's a lawyer. he's a very protective dad but is because he doesn't wants to lose someone of his family again.

-Xiah Jeinxi: Mother, She was a designer, She died when Je Ri was 8 because of cancer.

-Ogg Pyo Gun: Little brother, he's 15. He's in highschool.

Career: Dance and Rap.

Name:  Ogg Je Ri

Stage Name: Jer

Group you are in:  Strawberry Fudges

Position: Main rapper and Lead dancer.

Persona: Aegyo and Talkative girl.

Years of Training: 3 years.

Experiences of Training:She has alot of experiences but one of them is when she was in SM ent: one day she was in dance classroom and she was very good, but then Jessica Jung from snsd entered to the room and told her that she was pretty bad and that she can't never debut because she that made her cried, for that reason she left SM ent.

Why you want to Join: Je Ri's dream is being an idol since her mother death, this is because when she was little and her mom was alive, her mother always told her that she was good at dance and that she should be a dancer, When her mom die she made a promise to herself become an idol, since that day she has been training for her debut.

Training Background: She was in SM ent for 1 year but then she transferred to Yoja ent.(2 years)

Extra Jobs: When she was 16 she worked in a fastfood restaurant but she got fired.







-Jino( SM ballad)

Best Friends: 




-Min kyu(OC)- she's her neighbor.


-Chunji(Teen Top)






Jessica Jung: Because what she said to me in SMent.

Luna, Kristal (Fx): They were laughing when Jessica said that to you.



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i can't see your whole form :((
anyways, i love your application form, you got accepted.. just edit the friend and crush list kay?? ^^
hi there!! thanks for applying chingu!
but i only accept 5 friends
and 2 crushes. ^^ thanks!