40 Secrets

Stolen from Mylifekpop


1. What is your natural hair color?

Light brown

2. Where was your profile picture taken?

Made it by myself...

3. What's your middle name?


5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?

Umm... who said I have crush? O///O

6. What is your current mood?


7.What color underwear are you wearing?

Lol what with this question.. black

8.What makes you happy?

Family, friends... music?

9. What’s The Last Thing You Bought?

Hmm.. couple magazines

10. If you could go back in time, and change something about yourself what would it be?

My awkwardness

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would it be?

I wanna be bat

12. Ever had a near death experience?


13. Something you do a lot?

Read/Write. (Just being lazy)

14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

Be my friend (One-Eyed Doll)

15. Since when did you start liking your crush? Be Honest.

I just told you I don't have any.... (okay okay... 5 years ago?)

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

I don't know anyone

17. When was the last time you cried?

I don't remember, it's been couple months

18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

Never, and I won't unless someone pay 1 million... 

19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

Breathing under water

20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite ?


21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?

Don't go there

22. What’s your biggest secret?

That I too have been quite ed up at some point? 
(Mimi, u know something about this~)

23. What's your favorite color?

Black. I almost hate colors.

24. When was the last time you lied?

I don't remember

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

I watch tv rarely so no.

27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

At the moment nothing

28. Do you speak any other language?

Finnish (My own language) and English. I once spoke French too but not anymore since I've forgotten everything, haha

29. What's your favorite smell?

I don't really pay attention in things like this

30. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?


31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?

It's been.. quite some time?

32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?


33. What are you thinking about right now ?

That I should get up and take my dog out

34. What should you be doing ?

Read answer above. And write 

35. What was the last thing that made you upset?

My own ed up mind?

37. Do you like working in the yard?


38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

I... don't know

39. Name 5 things in your closet.

Clothes, bags, old belt, plastic bags, some old stuffs

40. Do you act different around your crush?

I... I don't think so.


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Q 3: Maria? I didn´t knew that yet~ but it´s a pretty name ^-^ (guess what my middle name is~~~~)
Q 22: Nika I see what you did there~♥!
Q 31: whaaaaaat? a quiet long time? Nika be aware of me - I´m gonna cuddle you to death!!! XD♥