Psychology test

Stolen from IcyWish



You put a seed in the prepared ground, watered it, and waited.
Now you notice a new plant popped up. What is your first thought?

A. Hope it grows quickly. (because I hate waiting ^.^)
B. Be careful. Don't step on it.
C. Yes! Will it flower? 
D. Thank God! Many thanks to you, God, for its growth.
E. All right, no more waiting!

If you had an egg of unknown animal, where would you put it?

A. In a tree
B. Beside a road
C. Beside a river
D. In a cupboard 



The Plant:

This question indicates your attitudes towards your parents.

A.You don't want your parents to interfere with what you are doing 

B.You feel grateful to your parents for bringing you up and making you a nice person.

C.You rely on your parents so much and want them to always be close to you

D.You offer your sincere thanks to your parents for being who they are.

E.You want to be self-sufficient as soon as possible.


This is somehow right..


The Egg:

The egg indicates your attitudes towards your relationships with others.

A.You expect so much from your relationships. 

B.You don't care much in keeping your relationships.

C.You leave your relationship to fate. (Meh, I can leave with that)

D.You care so much about keeping your relationships. 


Haha, this went wrong~


The Fallen Key

While walking happily in the forest, you find a key on the ground. What's this key for?

A. a safe
B. a car 
C. a house
D. a jewelry box 


The Third Eye

If you could have a third eye on your body, where would you put it?

A. your head
B. your heart
C. your back
D. your hand 


What's in the box?

A box is lying on the road. What's inside?

A. An abandoned kitten
B. Garbage
C. Treasure
D. A surprise!

E. Nothing


The Rain

If you could choose something to rain down from the sky, what would it be? 

A. Pink snow
B. Red rose petals
C. Cash
D. Candies and chocolates
E. Rain; you don't want to create a disaster.



The Fallen Key

A. You look attractive to a strong man who will be dependable.

B. You look interesting to a "playboy" who enjoys a lavish lifestyle but never keeps his word. 

C. A dependent man who behaves like a "mother's child" will find you attractive.

D. A man with a sense of humor who often behaves unexpectedly will find you very interesting. 




The Third Eye

A. You have no respect for your loved one. Instead, you often exploit him or her. As far as love is concerned, you are too quick to fall. You easily fall in love with someone and leave them right away when you get bored.

B. You are scared of being cheated on by others and don't want to be disappointed. That's why you seem to be contented with unrequited love. 

C. It takes you a long time to develop your relationship and fall in love with someone. Once you love, you will love with all your heart, sincerely and forever.

D. It is difficult for you to get deeply involved with someone. Most of your relationships border on being more than friends but less than being lovers. 


Lol... too true


What's in the box?

A.You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others. 

B.You think good luck is something you won't attain. You expect only bad luck. It's probably safe to say that you do not buy lottery tickets

C.You think good luck will definitely be yours, someday... 

D.You think good luck might come your way, but if it does, you'll be so surprised. You'll be probably burst out laughing. 

E.You think good luck doesn't exist. Reality is built on practicalities. It's probably safe to say that you do not buy lottery tickets.

As the matter of fact, I don't.

The Rain

A.You are like most other ladies who dream of a memorable wedding.

B.Your love is so hot that you won't care for anything else, even a proper wedding.

C.You wedding will be influenced by money. Remember that money is not everything and give it a little more thought or your wedding might become a soap.

D.You are far too young to think about wedding. Enjoy ten or more years before thinking of walking through the aisle. 

E.You are willing to accept organized marriage. 


No, never. 


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