|| Dance of Demons || Park Jaekyeong || The Dark Felicity


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--kandarella | sara | 9/10 | gmt+8
Full name : Park Jaekyeong
Other name : Jade Park

Nickname/s :
--- Kyeong [used by her family]
--- Jade [used by her American friends]
--- Taeyeon- look- alike [used by netizens, because she looks like her]
---Smiley [used by people who know her, because of her always smiling face]

Birthday : 30/8/1995
Nationality : American
Birthplace : Seatles, Washington, United States
Hometown : Seatles, Washington, United States

Languages :
--- Conversationally Korean
---Fluent English

Height : 162cm
Weight : 45kg


Personality :
Meet DOD's very own 'felicity'!:-
With smile so infectious, this bright and optimistic girl will indeed brighten up your life. A real ray of sunshine? She most definitely is! She is clear and straightforward.She can be described using one metaphor, the sun. She want to be a sun giving out light and warmth to the whole world, and to see everyone in her circles thriving in or at least benefitting from her radiance. One other important thing needs to understand is she is the sign of extremities.
The leader of her own world:-
She exhibit impeccable bravery, superiority and sovereignty. She is expected to achieve extraordinary feats. She has strength of character to take command of any situation and her presence commands respect and attention.And just like a king, she has a big heart, she is generous and sensitive to others' feelings.She innately want to lead and be a master, but for those she adores and reveres, she is ready to become slaves. She is very well organized and do things just the way they ought to be done, but it is also true that she is much better at organizing and systematizing others' lives than her own.This traits of hers sometimes borders on bossiness. But all this effort to improve another person's life comes with an unnatural amount of warmth, kindly encouragement and a promise for help without having to ask, whenever it is needed.

Quite egoistical and it's easy to flatter and take advantage of her:-
She tends to be quite self- congratulatory and boastful and at the same time dominating, courting resentment from her peers. She is all about ambition and compassion, and at the same time headstrong and a little corrupted by power. But it equally characteristic of her to be contemplative and moody, especially when she's with herself.The other thing about her is her creative streak, she possess some talent that hardly anyone around her is good at. But she can also be influenced very easily, and are prone to losing out against nagging critism. She therefore have a great need to be encouraged and shown the right way. In friendship, she is very generous and caring, but may also get a little carried away and showers her affections on the wrong person.The same happens in case of love interests, but if the other person is the right one, he will find no derth of kindness and generousity.

Last problem:-
The only answer to this problem is self- control, hard work and paying heed to others' counsel. She shows her ambitious and sensitive character with her relationships with the opposite . And she is also in quite a bit of luck, but being a little imprudent, she likes to try her hand at speculation.She is very passionate and very faitful partner, but the problem is her extremely sensitive nature. And this sensitivity is on most occassion eclipsed by her influential and bossy exteriors. So it's quite possible that her partner may have hurt her in something he says without him even realizing it. That's why living with her takes some getting used to.

Regarding her stage personality, she has this special love for limelight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She is good in being y, same goes to aegyo. She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off. This also increases her money making opportunities, and she might well make her way into large money-making project in the future. But she has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling. Infront of the fans, she will usually gives loads of fanservices such as flying kisses and winks. In variety shows, she will be the her offstage truthfully. Around her members, she will do loads of skinship such as backhug and leans on their shoulder. Around seniors, she mixes well and show no sign of awkwardness..this may seems like a good thing but it isn't as some of the seniors find her as no respect and full of herself. Around guys, she actually click with guys better than with girls at the first meeting.

Flaws :

Likes :

---Greenish- blue (her favorite color)
---Jade, Sapphire, Amber (her favorite gemstones)
---Mirror (she loves seeing her own relection, thats why)
---Mobile phone (she is inseperable with her phone)
---Food (food is one of her prized possession)
---Sweets (thats her favorite after meal dessert)
---Jasmine tea (her favorite drinks)
---Manly guys (who don't? gosh she will be fangirling)
---Carrot (she eats them raw usually)
---Puppies (she has a terrible soft spot for them)

Dislikes :
---Taking orders (nah, she don't like it at all)
---Unecessary bureaucracy (not necessary right?)
---Discounted ideas (a big no to that)
---People who don't give 100% (work hard and play hard)
---Purple (no reason to that but she least like the color)
---Opal (no reason to that but she least like the gemstone)
---Diet (she loves food so...)
---Spicy food (she has a low tolerance to spiciness)
---Caffeine (it's bad to health, thats what she thinks)
---Playboys (which girls love them anyway?)

Trivia :
---She is very close to her brother
---She is the only child
---She shares a very strong resemblance to her mother
---She is allergic to dogs but has two puppies named Nana and Jjang
---She sleeps last and wakes up first
---She is a huge fan of Super Junior
---She can makes a good impersonation of a puppy's sound
---She likes to tease the younger members
---She wants to be closer with idols of the same liner of her
---She has visited many places in Europe
---Her ideal boyfriend has to be "manly"
---She would like to be known as a singer now
---Fellow members love and adore her a lot despite her strong facade and overrated background
---Once attended the Dream Concert as a Super Junior supporter
---Her first love was during her teens at the age of 14
---She dislikes doing the dishes
---According to members, she eats the most but does not seem to gain weight
---Top 3 idols she'd like to date: Siwon, Tacyeon and Junho
---A fan of BOF (Boys Over Flower)/ HanaYoriDango
---She admires Kim Taeyeon and Younha

Hobbies :
---Photograhy (taking photos at the places she visited)
---Pool (learned from her brother)
---Soccer (learned from her brother)
---Basketball (learned from her brother)
---Billiard (learned from her brother)
---Jigsaw puzzles (this is when she's lazy to play outside)
---Dancing (it's more as her passion)

---Hugs someone or something when sleeping
---Curses in English when she's piss
---Crying when she's scared
---Turns into a quiet person when she's sad
---Takes a walk without destination if she's bored

Background :
Her mother had lived in the USA since birth while her father is from Gwangju. Her father is a pilot and met her mother during his duty. She is the youngest child in the Park family. She has a brother named Park Jaebeom or better known as Jay Park. Born in Edmonds, Washington, in the Seattle area, Jade showed great interest in hip hop music and breakdancing at a young age, alongside with her brother. Her early teenage life is full of freedom and fun. Her parent is open mided and won't fuss up about small things. They treat Jay and Jade like a friends. She met many friends there. She and her brother was so close until Jay had to left to Korea after he was accepted in JYP.

Jade attended Edmonds Woodway High School, where she spent most of her break and lunch times practicing dance with friends instead of focusing on her school-work. Jade started listening to hip hop and rap music in her early teens, and spent time learning and writing songs herself during middle high school. In 2008, Jade became one of the first members of newly founded Seattle-based b-girl crew, Art of Girls (AOG). In 2009, her mother, seeing how her daughter spent more time breakdancing than studying, suggested she audition for Korea-based JYP Entertainment but failed on the first try.

She then later got street casted by FNC representive while she and her family visiting Jay in Korea.During trainee years she received further training in dancing, singing, and the Korean language. She couldn't converse with all the new people she met, due to not being able to speak the language very well, and she didn't know what to eat. She cried everyday for the first two weeks she was in Korea, but decided to work hard even though she wanted to go back home, to not disappoint her parents. Year by year she had improved her singing and dancing skills. She even came in 1st place at the 5th FNC Best Dancer Contest. Considered as one of CEO's favorite trainee.


Ulzzang : Park Hwanhui

Back-up ulzzang : Jang Chommi

Style :
She loves cool style. She didn't like girly style very much but she still like it. She's the most susceptible to fashion trends and brands. She likes limited edition items that bring out her personality. She has a thing for splashed colors and designs. She also has a thing for short and pants. She wears them more than skirt and dresses but for formal occassion she will wear dresses. She likes to wear sneakers if she go out casually. She will only wear heels if she is in formal occassion. For practice, she will wear pants or short with tank top or t-shirt. At dorm she will wear short with tank top or t-shirt.

She is in charge of the group's “S-line.” The line that goes from her hips is really fantastic. In fact, when you see her from her profile, her S-line appears. She doesn’t have an inch of belly fat, so when her hips are up, it really shows her S-line. With an height of 160cm, being one of the group’s shortest member is one of her complexes. Even if she casually didn’t diet prior to the debut, she naturally lost weight. Even though she eat a lot, ahead of their debut, when she looked at the members' body, her appetite would lessen. If she think about wearing the performance outfits, she won’t crave food. She wants to have captivating eyes, so she really likes strong eyeliner and always wear it. Her hair and eyes are natually in the brownish shade, this is due to genetic, her mother has brown hair and eyes too. She has a piercing on each ears. She has a birthmark at her back, in the shape of crescent moon.

Family :
mom :: Park Sooyoung :: 51 :: Housewife :: Alive
dad :: Park Donghoon :: 56 :: Pilot :: Alive 
brother :: Park Jaebeom [Jay Park] :: 27 :: Idol :: Alive

Best friend :
Park Jinyoung [JR] :: 20 :: JJ Project :: Alive :: Witty, Briliant, Messy, Happy- go- lucky

Friend :
Chansung :: 25 :: 2PM :: Alive
Suzy :: 20 :: Miss A :: Alive
Seolhyun :: 20 :: AOA :: Alive

Stage name : Jade
Persona : The Dark Felicity
Position : Vocalist, Main Dancer, MC
Back-up Position : Lead Dancer, Vocalist
Fanclub name : Jaddict
Fanclb colors :
Training years : 3 years
Singing twin : Hello Venus's Nara
Dancing twin : GLAM's Zinni
Rapping twin : n/a




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Love interest : Kim Jongin [Kai]

Nickname/s :

---Jongin [he only respond to her when she is using that name to call him]
---Jongout [a nickname to ]
---Ahjussi [a nickname to because he looks matured than his age]

Group : EXO

Personality : Kai seems fierce and like a playboy but really he’s just shy and also he so fragile. He gives it his all and does what he loves. Kai is really just a cute little boy behind all that shirtless photo shoots and fierce y facials he has. Knowing him, at times he can be an innocent boy but then within he is yet devious. He can be exteremely kind yet when starts making close friends. When it comes to enimies he transforms into a different person..Once that side of him opens up..let just say.. he can be ”Evil Kai?” He’s yet trustworthy when it comes to keeping a secret not leaving his friends behind. Kai mostly acts like a child younger then he usually his which people to find quite adorable. Theres not that much about ”Evil Kai” side because he only uses that personality for enimies or either self defense. He tends to hide his weaknesses. Not good  communicating with people because he is lack of words to express his thought and feeling to them. He doesn’t have much experince of making friends because he rarely seem to have any but once he make one, it will last. Is also simply too gullible to fall for anything. Kai may look just a child but don’t suspect that he’s weak. He is quite of a fast thinker when it comes to getting out from an unpleasant situation. He has quite the specialty in self defense so think before you do to mess with him.

How they met : They met a shopping complex, a music equipment shop to be more exactly, in 2011. Jade was looking for a new guitar. Kai and his trainee friends was there too, he was accompanying his friend to buy a bass. He was walking when he saw a girl at the guitar department through the glass wall, he walks in and went to her closer by closer. Jade thought he is the person who work there so she asked if he knows which guitar will suit her the best

how they act around each other : They're soulmate. Jade isn’t shy of expressing her affection over Kai. As for Kai, he is always ready to help her answers during interviews. Kai also likes to tease Jade whenever he has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Sometimes, Jade denies the caring gestures, but she really does like them judging by the way she attaches herself to the dancing machine. Kai even does the old school trick of distraction then putting the arm around the other’s shoulder. Very smooth and open minded, it is something that isn't what he usually does, if we consider his personality. They are often seen together on photoshoots, official events, or just about everywhere, much to their satisfaction.

Status : Friends

Scene request :
---Jade and Kai go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's EXO members who help Kai and the girl he love for a successful date.
---Kai and Jade fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week




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Love rival : Krystal Jung

Nickname/s : Kai's girl [this nickname is use when Jade want to talk about Krystal to Kai]

Group : f(x)

Personality : As you could have guessed by now, Krystal isn’t always pleasant to be around. She’s usually very cold towards strangers but can easily warm up to them. She’s overly honest, and you can usually tell when she isn’t. Krystal is also very organized and enjoys order. Her emotional range goes from: Anger, boredom or neutral. Specific people can bring out sadness and happiness, but these are rare.

How they met : Met when Jade visited SM to see Kai. Kai who were talking to Krystal then introduced her to Jade.

How they act around each other : They has trouble making friends with each other and always being in awkward environment.

Status : Awkward acquintances.




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Comments : First of all english isn't my first language. Secondly, feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Thirdly, sorry for messed up with the layout with pictures. Lastly, hope you like Park Jaekyeong :)

Suggestions :
---Songs- After School's Shampoo
---SISTAR's Alone, Loving U
---Secret's Poison, Yoohoo

Scene requsets :
---DOD as guests in Star King with AOA
---DOD filming a commercial at the beach, they are so happy playing after the shooting end until they notice that a member is missing
---There's scandal that DOD and AOA is an official rival offstage and they don't get a long well. Some diehard Elvis even make an anti fancafe for DOD.

Are you okay with angst/drama? : YES
Scandals? : YES
Anything else : Hwaiting Authornim!
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