SOP: Clear your browser cache


Ever since the Great AFF Crash of March 2012, clearing browser cache has been a mantra and a way of life. LOL. If I can't log in or if I'm experiencing problems, I go to tools for Chrome and settings for my phone and tablet and I clear cookies, data, etc. I feel so smart whenever I paste: Clear your browser data and then log in again. If you still experience problems, contact Support [that was before when we use the tickets.] Yes, paste, because I copy it from my list of default replies. 

Apparently, if they didn't change the layout, AFF will go over the bandwidth limit. Wow, the site is overloaded. According to Wiki, once we go over the bandwidth cap we need to pay and also,

Once a fixed download cap has been reached by the end user, the speed at which they access the internet is usually throttled to a slower speed, cut off, or they are charged for excess data usage.

So, choose: The layout or we suffer slow page loading, cut off or charged for excess data usage.

Boss won't fix something that isn't broken. A disaster is about to happen if they didn't update/upgrade/change.

Memorize this line: If problem arises, clear browser data. [if only i could do this offline]


- Keeper 

/but the layout designer's tastes though... aha... okay... sorry...


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Thanks for helping us spread the word!

Oh xD i haven't seen the crash in 2012 xD
I like the layout, it's very streamlined, so no complaints here. I also like the cartoon-y versions of stuff too, makes it kind of cute.
I personally think the new layout is neat!
I'll get used to it~
xinnie #5 stealing this,for ewxplaining reasons....thank you...
Doing that fixes a TON of problems usually LOL and I missed the great crash of 2012...I you remember what time of the year it was???