{ mαrkεd } // Kim Joon Ki


[ aliadane ♥ alia ♥ 5 ♥ english is my first language ]


"Who needs a soulmate when there are plenty of good, pretty women out there wishing to throw themselves at my feet and willingly let me do as I please? Not this guy, that's for sure."

name : Kim Joon Ki
nicknames : Joonie- by most girls

gender : Male
birthdate & age : 09/17/1992, 21
birthplace & hometown : Seoul, SK
languages spoken : Korean- fluent, native language; English- Conversational, he did very well in high school classes 

height & weight : 182cm & 74kg 

faceclaim : Moon Jongup
photos : tumblr gallery
backup faceclaim : 
Yoon Doo-Joon
     photos : tumblr gallery
describe your mark : simple tribal marking on outside of hand

character traits : flirtatious, outgoing, vain, skeptical, playful, stubborn, and charming
personality : Joon Ki is well-known around his campus. Guys want to be him, girls want to be with him. Joon Ki, well, he's the lucky guy who is able to call himself 'Mr. Popular.' He is incredibly outgoing and loves to make new friends. Even though he has lots of people he considers his friends, his closest friends are those he's been hanging around since he was young. He is incredibly loyal to those he lets close, and can be increasingly playful. He loves a good joke and pranking could be considered his middle name. He was a class clown in high school, enjoying the attention and the bubbling affection that grew in his chest when he accomplished making others laugh.

Joon Ki is well known for his love of women. Some people would think that is a bad thing, but surprisingly, most do not. Joon Ki isn't a manwhore. Okay, well, not to the degree of sleeping with random women he knows nothing about. Joon Ki asks women out, goes on a few dates, and usually gets bored. It's not that something's wrong with the girls; they're just not the ones for him. He can be dashingly charming, romantic and passionate with his chosen lover of the moment, focusing all his attention and time on the person. He likes to spoil his significant others and make them feel like they own the world. When he does find the right one, it's going to take him a bit to open up, as he's still not 100 percent confident that they won't leave him due to his past with women, and he certainly doesn't believe in the whole 'soul mates' mark. A mark is just that- a mark- in his mind.

Joon Ki isn't all fun and games, though. He can have a fiery temper, and can hold a grudge far longer than most people. It doesn't take a lot to get on his bad side, and it can take forever to get forgiveness from him. He can be increasingly stubborn, and hates being wrong. He tends to challenge all things upon learning knowledge, and isn't afraid to let people know that he doesn't trust something. His worst trait and flaw, though, is his vanity. He knows he's a good looking guy, and due to it, he has an ego the size of planet Jupiter. He tends to look down on others he doesn't know, and while he makes a lot of friends, he makes just as many enemies.

background : Kim Joon Ki is the second born son of Joon Suk and Mi Eun, a well known lawyer and his baker wife. As the second born son, Joon Ki was always allowed more freedom than his brother, Joon Myeon, not that the older cared very much. Joon Myeon was always more like their father, whereas Joon Ki found himself leaning more towards his mother's point of view. He saw the world for the creativity and masterpiece it could become. Due to this, Joon Ki lived in his own little make believe world for several years of his childhood. Even though he had a tendency to space off, Joon Ki and Joon Myeon always went out of their way to spend time together and nurture a healthy brother relationship.

Joon Suk always disapproved of Joon Ki's whims, often times trying to sidetrack and distract Joon Ki, only to find that he'd return to whatever it was anyway. Joon Ki was in grade three when he met Kim Jongdae. Little did he know, the boy he had just met would change his life drastically. Joon Ki started focusing more on his new friends, instead of floating through his own little world, and his socializing got better. He became much more outgoing, and found that he was increasingly popular amongst his friends. As they got older, he got more and more popular with the opposite , and by his first year of high school, had a steady string of 'girl friends'. It was during this time that he discovered his love of photography, and the distance between Joon Myeon and himself started to grow. Where Joon Ki bloomed and blossomed in the attention he was given, Joon Myeon had begun to focus on his future. Things began to get strained between them, always bickering, and by the time Joon Myeon went off to University, they were practically strangers.

But then Joon Myeon met his marked twin, a pretty woman named Jeon Hyosung. Joon Myeon had never really believed that being marked meant that they would automatically like one another, but he started dating Hyosung anyways. Joon Ki watched from the sidelines as the woman started showing up at family 'get togethers'. He found a certain appreciation for her, and thusly started to mend his relationship with his brother. Joon Ki felt a certain amount of skeptism towards the idea, but he respected his brother for it. He swore he'd take some time to think before rushing into anything with his mark twin. In fact, Joon Ki decided that just because someone is their 'soul mate' doesn't necessarily mean the two people will be a match made in heaven.

lifestyle : Joon Ki works fulltime for Stardom Magazine as a photographer. He lives alone in a comfortably sized loft apartment that is very minimalistically designed. Joon Ki was enrolled for Seoul National University up until this year, where he decided to take a year off to 'find himself' through his work. He is currently listed as a Photography major with a minor in Marketing.

trivia : 
Joon Ki cannot function in the morning without coffee.
Joon Ki's favorite color is cyan.
Joon Ki is not fond of any body of water- he knows too much about the things in it.
Dubbokki is Joon Ki's favorite food, and he often goes on hunts to find the best one in Seoul.
Joon Ki will never admit to it, but he sings in the shower- horribly.
Back in high school, Joon Ki was offered a modeling position, but he turned it down in favor to be on the other side of the camera.
Joon Ki hates the snow and cold weather, as well as being sick, which usually comes with that time of year.
Joon Ki, as much as he says he doesn't, loves drama. He could sit and watch a drama on TV, cry his eyes out, and not consider himself any less manly.

family :
     Father : Kim Joon Suk | 49 | Lawyer | determined, hard-working, analytical, and skeptical | They don't exactly see eye to eye. In fact, at one point, Joon Suk threatened to disown his youngest son. Unfortunately (in his mind), Joon Ki does take after his father in his looks.
Mother : Kim Mi Eun | 48 | Bakery Owner | creative, thoughtful, free-spirited, and charming | Joon Ki has always been closer to his mother, since she nurtured his 'free spirit' and his will to do something other than practice law.
Brother : Kim Joon Myeon | 23 | Lawyer | outgoing, determined, focused, and organized | They are incredibly close in age- a little less than 16 months apart- but they vary in their outlooks on life. Joon Myeon is much more like their father, but he's not all bad. They get along well enough, as long as Joon Myeon doesn't start in trying to tell Joon Ki how to live his life.
Sister-in-law : Kim (Jeon) Hyosung | 24 | Homemaker | thoughtful, charming, kind-hearted, and soft spoken | Joon Ki thinks Hyosung is amazing. She's only been married to his brother for six months, but he loves her like the sister he never had.

friends : 
     good friend : Yoo Youngjae | 20 | Photographer's Assistant | forgetful, caring, witty, and optimistic | He's technically Joon Ki's assistant, but they've been working together for nearly 3 years and consider one another friends.

others :
     Ex-Fling : Kim Hyuna | 19 | model | flirtatious, outgoing, obsessive, and manipulative | They never went on more than three dates, but even with the knowledge that her mark does not match Joon Ki's, she's worked it into her head that he is her soul mate.
     Current Fling : Lee Chaerin | 21 | model | vain, cunning, catty, and dramatic | They've yet to go on a date, but Joon Ki is steadily pursuing her.

the main group : 
     L'amour : [5]
Ài : [7]
Amare :
Leibe : [4]
Amor : [8]
Sarang : [2]
Jongdae : [1]
Minseok : [6]
Yixing : [3]

love interest : Huang Zitao
     personality : Zitao is your typical male model. Gorgeous, haughty, and prideful. However, beneath that beautiful exterior is a man who is troubled. Due to his job, he has always been assumed to be nothing more than a pretty face, when in fact, Zitao is actually quite smart. He enjoys reading and contemplating deeper subjects, like the meaning of life. He's practiced in the martial art of wushu, which keeps him fit and 'balanced' in his mind. He enjoys the quiet and can come off a bit cold when people first meet him. Once you get passed it, though, he's incredibly loyal and can even be a bit childish. He enjoys making others smile, and can be rather witty.
how you met : Joon Ki does a shoot that involves Zitao being one of his models.
relationship : Extremely awkward, seeing as how Joon Ki is definitely straight. Or is he?
future together : Joon Ki can't help but be intrigued by Zitao, and thus ends up trying to learn everything he can about his 'soul mate' with out the other man knowing. However, along the way, something in him clicks, and he finally understands why he never really liked any of the women he was with for longer than a few days. He, "unfortunately" in his mind, falls for Zitao, before the man even knows they share the same marking. Eventually, he does confess, showing the marking to him. Zitao is just as taken aback by the fact that his soul mate is a man, as he had always thought it would be a women, but isn't displeased by the idea. I'd prefer a happy ending, albeit throw some drama in there with Minho. Please. Please, please, please.
trivia : Love triangle with Choi Minho is practically required here. Joon Ki takes to referring to Zitao as 'panda boy' when talking in public to his friends, because he doesn't want others to know his soul mate is a man, meanwhile, Zitao refers to Joon Ki as 'camera hottie.' Youngjae is the one who notices their markings match. 

backup : Zhang Yixing

questions & comments : Gah, it took me forever to finish this. I've been working on it for days now.

scene requests : 
     firstZitao being assigned to Joon Ki as a model (he doesn't normally work with males) and them getting into a 'disagreement' over male posing.
secondJoon Ki and Jongdae, and Joon Ki and Yoojin talking over his little 'issue,' getting both the male and female points of view on what he should do in his situation.
thirdZitao catching Joon Ki flirting with Chaerin on a set and getting jealous, before storming out in a dramatic fashion and causing Joon Ki to chase after him.

password : Huang Zitao




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