random wants

- i want to be so sick, i want a fever so high, that when someone touches me, it burns. so sick, that i have to go to the hospital as an emergency patient. so sick my life is on the line. 

- i want to learn how to play the guitar.

- i want to learn how to sing and rap.

- i want to learn how to dance.

- i want to be skinny.

- i want to be a kpop artist. 


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I DO NOT want to be a kpop star. Sasaengs are crazily scary. I actually do want to be super sick, but there is barely any chance. I like have never gotten a cold, although I try. One would think wearing a t-shirt in midwinter would cause illness, but not for me. OTL I want to be skinny too. *looks at thighs* Not happening any time soon.
I'm happy that I'm not the only one that agrees with number 1
I thought it was weird (it is) but I'm not alone here <3