before i sleep

omg i'm bored! I'm shopping for clothes now through bloshops actually x: gonna sms this person tomorrow to see if I can get a hoodie. I already have Tiffany's orange hoodie and now I'm checking if I can get Sica's~

gonna wear that orange hoodie to sleep >< My mom was like "Kel, why are you wearing a hoodie?"
and i'm like "Err.... So that my rheumatism doesnt act up"

Yes i have rheumatism, haha~ had it since 2 years ago. If i stay half under my air con for too long, my shoulders start to hurt, and if i go to sleep without wearing clothes, my arm's screwed for the next day. I'm serious, no joke. Usually it's my right arm that hurts more. just finished updating a chapter on my fic, but it wasnt an update, just clearing some doubts my readers had.

and just now i was reading some fics from other authors and i'm like "Whuutt..."

I mean.. It was a taeny fic, and they met each other for the first time in chapter one, then they started dating like an hour after they met and i'm like 'wtf? that's not even possible.'

I'm not gonna mention who the author is, and there are probably alot of people out there who are doing fics like that. I mean.. the storyline is nice.. but they get together.. way too quickly.

and my cough's not getting any better. and i ate a expired lozenge == fml

and some people ask me why I'm not doing a fic where the relationship is NORMAL, like a boy-girl relationship

trust me, I'd love to, but it would be way too awkward. I'd be facepalming myself twice as much.

oh btw guys~ let you guys in on a secret :X

I play the chinese zither xD

and since now is my school holidays, i actually wanna learn the piano, inspired by my own fanfic

and now i'm starting to learn korean, but i don't understand how to memorize vocabulary and how to form proper sentences ):

and G-market doesnt sell korean textbooks for me to read == that's the irritating part. So if any of you are proficient in korean, impart to me abit of your skills yeah? X:


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