Confession #36

I remember that last year (2012 really), I would send chapters of my fan fics (with the addition of this one U-KISS fan fic I read) to my boyfriend. And he said that, I quote from our Gmail chat when I sent him my alien EXO fic, "tis the greatest american tale told by a filipino (or anybody else, really)". Yup. Btw, he WAS a B2St and UKISS fanboy so um. Yeah. Now, he listens to Indie Rock and other genres of the such (especially Pink Floyd), while I still listen to K-Pop. Mhm. This is the life I live.


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lol aw das cute

so omf
i was at pmall right
you know how asian it is
i went to one of the kpop stores
and i texted my friend
i'm like
u wanna buy me a kpop poster ehuehuehue
i was joking obv.
but hes like sure.
and i kept asking forreals? and hes like yeah think of it as a late christmas gift ;~~~~~; lemme kis-- squish the boy OTL OTL /shot
but nah i dont think hes gonna get me one lmao i never told him who's poster and yeah