100 Truths About Me :P

001. Real name:

** Cindy 

002. Nickname:

** Cin, Dy, Cinderella (I sound like Heenim now >"<), Bunny, clumsy/klutz...


003 . Married:

** No one ... yet :).


004. Zodiac sign:



005 . Male or female:

** Female.


00 6. Age:

** 15.


007. High school:

** 80% ASIAN.


008 . College:

** Nahh.


009. Lives in:

** Sydney, Australia.


010. Hair color:

** Black.


011 . Long or short:

** EEE I had a haircut last two holiday weeks (Term 3) And its short :D.


012. Smoke:

** Nooooooooo.


013 . Drink:

** Favourites? keke Aloe Vera, Water, Happy Cup, Ice Tea, Soft Drinks, Juices ~ yahh :P Ohh, and Grass Jelly (havent had that in ages >"<).


014. Available:

** Uhm, yeah I guess ~ But Im not getting one yet :))


015. Are you a health freak:

** Nope x) Thats why I always get told off :))


016 . Height:

** About 1m 50 something :P I want to stop growing! Im taller than my parents TT^TT.


017. Do you have a crush on someone?:

** Yes ... unrequited love :)) gahh ~ used to it anyways :))


018. Do you like yourself:

** half half ~ at times :).


019. Piercings:

** Ears, Only one on each side though :D Imma good girl :))


020. Tattoos:

** No way :D


0 21. Righty or lefty?

** Righty.





022. First surgery:

** Ohh, like when I was 5?


023. First piercing:

** About a toddler's age ~ Before kindy xD 

024. First best friend:

** Lots! But most are asians :))


025. First award:

** KINDERGARTEN! I CAME FIRST IN CLASS !  <-- I was a troublemaker :))


027 . First pet:

** I dont ever own one ... *sighs* thats sad >"< I saw a little white cat this morning just outside where I live and I wanted to touch it and pick it out of its hiding place or someone hid it there but anyway ~ it was so cute and I have this thing with cute animals since my trip to Vietnam, so Im like .. aegyo and all that :)).


02 8. First vacation:



029. First concert:

** I wish I went to one :D


030. First crush:

** Year 5 but that was like not a real crush :)) For fun one sortta thing ... When I really did LOVE someone was either Year 7 or Year 8 :D


049. Eating:

** Now? Nothing >"<.


050. Drinking:

** Now? I have water next to me but Im not drinking it, does that count? :D


052. I'm about to:



053. Listening to:

** nothing at the moment >"<



054. Food:

** A lot ... ;).


055. Drinks:

** Scroll Up :D.


056. Color:

** Black, pink, yellow, white, Purple, blue, red, green, aiigo I love all colours :))


057. Numbers:

** 13




058. Want kids:

** Yesssssh ... or mayeb no? But IF I do, I want a boy and a girl


059. Want to get married:

** Yupp.


060. Careers in mind:

** Psycologist, singer, dancer, actress, LOTS :D.




068. Lips or eyes:

** Eyes.


069. Hugs or kisses:



070. Shorter or taller:

** Taller. I’m way too short, I wouldn’t want a guy shorter than me, that would be weird.


07 1 . Romantic or spontaneous:

** Romantic?


073 . Nice stomach or nice arms:

** Err ... seriously ?! I like neither~ I want a guy thats normal, no abs, no strong muscles, no extreme body features like full body hair and all that ... like seriously? LOL. A bit is normal, not those really bushy guys >"< They scare me >"<


074. Sensitive or loud:

** Both, but more sensitive ... geee my friend teased me for crying so easily =.=


075. Hook-up or relationship:

** Relationship.


077 . Trouble maker or hesitant..

** Umm…  Im both combined, but more of a hesitant.




078. Kissed a stranger:

** Nope, who would !?.


079. Drank bubbles:

** I dunno >"<


080. Lost glasses/contacts:

** I don’t have either.


081. Ran away from home:

** Nope :D Only on camp :)) / family vacation :))


082. Liked someone younger:

** Yeah, but he was only few months younger than me, like 6, but same grade and all, family friends ... I think it was my first actual love? Or was it? I dunno :)).


083. Older:

** Yes, one currently ...


084. Broke someone's heart:

** I try not to, but I do unintentionally ... Like when some people confess, I find my way out of replying, either go offline or walk away or say no or ... go around the bushes or something .. aiigo its hard not to because i cant say whats not the truth ... i guess its unavoidable!.


085. Been arrested:

** Nuuuu Im such an angel, why would I be arrested?! HAHAHAHAHA


086. Turned someone down:

** Yess ... a few times ... -sighs-.


087. Cried when someone died:

** Yeah Ofcourse! I even cry at happy moments, so why not at sad ?!


088 . Liked a friend:

** Yes, only once/twice (infatuation) that it wasnt ~.




089. Yourself:

** Umm, how can I say this? Yes, sometimes, No sometimes ....


090. Miracles:

** Yes. 


091. Love at first sight:

** Half half~.


092. Heaven:

** Ofcourse :D.


093. Santa claus:

** No? =.=


094. on the first date:

**What the heck ?! No way !!!


0 95. the more you hate, the more you love:

** Yeah ... I don’t get it… I tried to hate and ignore him (my current love) But it turns out I will for him >"<


096. Angels:

** yupp :D




097. Is there one person you want to be with you right now?

** Yes,a lot of people ... like him (my crush now) and and and ... God and and and Kim RyeoWook and Lee SungMin :)).


098. Had more than one boyfriend/gir lfriend at a time?

** Nuuuuuu Im not a cheater !


099. Do you believe in GOD?

** Yes :)


100 . Post as 100 truths about me .


Stolen SuperShawty, stolen from automatic who got it from supermeekey. :)


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ChubbyChibi #1
you're probably asleep now huh unnie?
ChubbyChibi #2

OH LOOK!!!! WE LIKE 13 !!!!! <333

Cinderella unnie! ^^ i love your nickname <3
ChubbyChibi #3
LOL xD we all got it from SuperShawty...


I wished I could post my blog >.< ugh!!! my comp won't let me copy paste!!! T^T