New Schoolife

Well, I thought my new shoolife will be great..

My teacher told me to spak in English everyday

if she entered that class.. OH MY !!

I usually dont talk in English, besides I talk in Malay

and now my teacher told that to me?

I'm so nervous about it.

And one more thing, we hade to speak in British accent,

I'm not good in that.. T^T

But then, I feel happy because maybe being 

a 1-year-old is great!!!!!!!!

But the juniors were flawless and tall.

I got many ideas to do fanfic but

its school time.

Uhh, never mind..


By the way, I Love my AFF's friend~ <3


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omg i live in london and i HATE British accent!! I really hate i, i try so hard not to copy and get a British accent!! I watch american movies alot so i have some sort of american accent lol XD bt don't worry u already seem to know English right?? ^^