↺Behind the Scenes - Yoo Eunji - The Director

I'm Yoo Eunji, the one behind the scenes.   tumblr_lmmfm0LuC31qda81qo1_500.png



Behind the Scenes
username:  jekkajekkainfinite
activeness: 10

Let's Talk about you
Character Name: Yoo Eunji

  • Hyunnie, Is called this by her best friend.
  • Madamme, Is called this by her sister
  • Young Lady, is called this by her father
  • Darling, is called this by her mother (sometimes)

Nationality: Korean-Japanese
Birthdate: October 6 1992
Age: 21
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Languages: Korean (Main Langauge) 
Japanese, English (Fluent) Chinese (Mandarin), French (Basic)
Height: 164cm
Weight: 46kg
Blood Type: O

I'm beautiful just the way I am
Ulzzang faceclaim: Lee Eun Ji
Gallery of 5+ links: 1-2-3-4-5
Back-up faceclaim: Jang Hae Byeol
Gallery of 5+ links: 1-2-3-4-5
Features: She has multiple ear piercings up her right ear.
Fashion: 1-2-3-4-5

More about Moi

Eunji is a bit off a loud, and obnoxious kind of person. When you're with her, she'll always be there to shout her lungs out. This girl can reallyreally yell, which is why she's a director. She can be able to get everyone's attention, just by speaking over them. But with that, comes a down side. She has a very short patience. She will only talk over people once or twice, before she loses it. So people tend not to talk loudly whenever she's directing. And there's also a good side to her loud voice. She is very skilled in high notes and chest voice. She can sing very very well, and if it weren't for her parents, she would've been a kpop idol by now. Her voice is very powerful and very strong for her appearance. Not only can she to her chest voice very well, but she can do head voice loudly, and it still sounds good.

However, when it comes to her parents' case, she is mature and very serious in things, unlike her calm, and fun personality around her friends. She is like a princess being forced to marry a peasant. Acting how they want her to act so she can get what she wants. Only, the parents are much, much meaner. When around her parents, she has a very serious face and will even turn her back on her friends just because of those tyrrants she calls parents.

Eunji was born in Kyoto of Japan for about three years before her family moved to Busan of Korea because her father had a job promotion. Eunji stayed in Busan for practically her whole life, choosing the path her parents wanted her. Eunji's dad was a screenwriter, and her mother a photographer. They wanted her to be somewhat of that type of business too and for them to follow in their footsteps. When Eunji was about 16, her parents adopted a girl, Jiae. Jiae was very very jealous of Eunji and always tried doing unthinkable things to her older sister. And frankly, Eunji hates her as well. But, we'll get back to that later. While she was in Busan, she took the chance of going to a school for arts. And she, of course, had to go into the department of screenwriting, like her father. However, the class she loved the most was music, and directing. Music played a big part of her life and it was important to her that she kept it with her. In school, her friend taught her how to sing, and she wasn't half bad. She kept singing almost everywhere. She loved it. However, her parents (her father specifcally) hated the thought of her singing. They thought of singing as disgusting and crude and isiotic. When she had told her parents she wanted to be a singer, her father beat her. Nonetheless, her father had gotten her a job all the way in Seoul. And now that her high schoo, career was done, she was able to go there by herself, but, she had to bring Jiae along....

  • Singing
  • Piano
  • Writing
  • Bubble Tea
  • Talking loudly


  • Acting proper
  • Being told what to do
  • Her parents
  • Skirts
  • High heels

Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Piano
Fears: Having her father beat her

Habits: Bites her nails, her lips, chews her hair, drools in her sleep.


  • She's used to using a Busan Dialect (satoori)
  • She likes to sing in the shower
  • She learns a lot of girl group dances
  • She's mastered all of F(x)'s and Girl's day's dances
  • She hates stuck up people


Forever by your side


Mother | Yoo Usagi | 48 | Photographer | Unlike her father, she is much more motherly, but still, very strict and can be a bit rude.  | Like with her father, Eunji tends to act very proper and polite around her parents || Father | Yoo Howon | 52 | Screenwriter | He is very strict, and very very mean. He is serious about everything and thinks that respect and following orders is the key to everything | Eunji is very polite and does everything Howon asks. || Adopted sister | Yoo Jiae | 20 | She's y, rude, mean and ugh | Jiae and Jaehyun hate each other, they are nowhere near each other, and they now live in different houses.


Jung Eunji | 20 | IN APink | Bubbly, cute, funny, lovable, and super comforting | The two are best friends! They're comfortable with each other and have no problem about being around each other. If anytime she sees Eunji, she screams and hugs her. | Best Friends

I think I'm in love with you

Love interest: Chen

Age: 21

Personality: Chen is very rude, y and stuck up. He thinks that he's all that and all high and mighty. And Eunji HATES it. Chen is sassy and he hates Eunji

How you met: The two met on the day of Eunji's first job working with exo. When Eunji shouted at everyone to be quiet. Baekhyun just kept talking. Eunji was so pissed off at him, she wanted to slap him so badly. Baekhyun showed a lot of sass and he was a jerk that day and Eunji's curssed him since that day 

Backup love interest: Baekhyun

Age: 21

Personality: Same as above

How you met: same as above

Me, my job, and I
Plotline: The Director
How you got accepted: Her father got her the job
How long you've been working at SM Entertainment: 3 years
Job background: Eunji was originally going to be a screenwriter for the dramas and music videos for what SM had, but Eunji insisted on being a director because she had the skill for it.
Past jobs: Cafe Waitress
And, CUT!
Scene suggestions: N/A
Comments: Sorry, this is thefemalepresident's new account here! So, here is my app!
Song suggestions: N/A
Password: Chocolate Love by F(x) (The version I prefer)


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