To My Dongsaeng....

To My Dongsaeng:

Sweetie Cupcake...I don't know what happened to you

Because you're shutting yourself away from me

And you practically ignored me

And I know that you're hurted or scarred

I understand if you don't want to tell me

But  I want to tell you this

Life is harsh, horrible and merciless

But you have to it

You have to survive and move on

You have to keep moving forward

You have to keep fighting until the end

You have to stay awake and alive

It's okay to cry, it's okay to feel depressed or helpless

But you can't feel like that for a long time

Because you still have a very long way to go

And it's going to be much MUCH more harsher than your problem

I do not know, but I'm sure about it

Yes, you can judge me and hate me all you want after I'm done with this

But I do this because I love you and I care about you

You're not alone

I'm right here

We're right here

So gather up your courage




Go forward! (Got it!)

Don't stop! (Got it!)

Our aim is the place where the sun rises

Walk on the path of hope!


The path is blocked by the River! River! River!

A stretched-out river!

The fated River! River! River!

A challenging river!


Throw away all your doubts!

Show your willpower!

Don't hesitate! Immediately

One step forward! Believe yourself!


Forward forward! Go straight ahead!

Cross the river!


You always see dreams in the distance

They feel like a distance that can not be reached

Pick up that stone

By your foot with all your might and throw it hard!


Just before your very eyes, a river is flowing

A big and wide river

Even if it's dark and deep, even if the current is fast

Do not be scared even if we're apart

That's right, there is a bank on the other side

So believe more in yourself


Just keep swimming through the darkness!

Don't look back!


If you reach out, a future exists

Don't give up on something you can not reach!

The stone that you throw

It grants a wish because its falling sound can not be heard


Inside your heart, a river is flowing

A painful, challenging river

Even if it doesn't go smoothly, Even if you almost drown

It's okay to repeat again, do not give up

There is a bank

Someday your struggle will bring you to it


Get over it!



Stop telling excuses to yourself!

Can't do nothing but keep going!

You have to keep moving forward!





Keep going on the path you've chosen!


Just before your very eyes, a river is flowing

A big and wide river

Even if it's dark and deep, even if the current is fast

Do not be scared even if we're apart

That's right, there is a bank on the other side

So believe more in yourself


Inside your heart

A river is flowing

A river of sweat and tears!

Even if you fail, even if it makes you cry

It is okay to start over, do not complain

Hold onto your dream

Until the day your wish come trues


Cross the river!

You can do it!


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Okay, is this for me or someone else? I can see the nickname you called me with, Soom eonni.
nunchii #2
Awwwwww :)You're sho shweet.
And hey.
Your ToppDogg fic.....