What If Your Ex Says This To You?


1.Hi! How are you? We havent talked for a while
- Neh oppa, we haven't ^^ How have you been? ^^

2. You wana hangout with my peeps and I?
- mmm... where, when and with who? :o Are there any girls ?

3.I LOVE U..
- Ble` *sticks tongue out* Stop Joking >"<

4.DO u want some cookie?
- If you have extras ^^

5. Let's take a photo together?
- Hehe are you sure you want it with me and not with her? :) Jokes, I look ugly on photos :P

6.Help me with my homework?
- Okay. What is it about?

7.Here's my gift for you...
- Woah! What is this for?! How much did it cost?! Why did you buy it for me?!

8. Let's just text, arasso?
- uhm, yeah, if you want to ^^

9. Want me to buy you and iPod?
- Oppa!! >"< It's expensive and I don't need one right now >"< Its a waste of money!

10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
- Oppa ... are you sure about this? If I have no-one to sit next to ... then yeah

11.Hi baby!
- Uhm ... hi?

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What if your ex says this to you?


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@gikwangljoe: aiigo kamsamnida :)
What do you mean? (the last part)
@--chanel: hehe Im picturing myself and the guy I ... love still (not ex, i dont even talk to my ex anymore, but i wish we could still talk, I mean I dont have the courage to even go near them >"<) Yeah and Im picturing him saying that and Im how I'd replied in Vietnamese :))
you're a freaking damn nice. >"<