✮// SKYLIGHT APPLICATION || Wang ChaoXing [Angel]


Username: -glimmeron  || 9  || Just call me Sapphire           tumblr_mf326q2iWH1rbktvx.gif




Name: Wang, ChaoXing (It means basically means starlight)
Hangul: 왕 차오 싱 (rough translation of Chinese Name above) ((Sorries, Chao ends up to be two syllables instead of one...))
Nickname(s): Angel - Name that family members call her, Diamond - name that friends call her(code name)

Age: 21
D.o.B: 05.28. 1993

Ethnicity: Chinese
Languages: Chinese-Fluent, Korean-Semi-Fluent, English-Fluent, Cantonese-Fluent, Japanese-Basic

Birthtown: Changsha, China
Hometown: Los Angeles, California (Basically, she was born in Changsha and lived there for about 2 years before her family moved to LA in America, it took her a while to settle down at first, but eventually she got used to the new language, English. However, when she was in Changsha, she never met Lay, until SM. Also, her parents were close friends but Amber and her never met until they were trainees at SM.)




- Bubble Gum and anything sweet (Especially chocolate and cupcakes!) ((A basically eating in general, since she trains so much, she barely gains any weight)) ((She also luvs coffee as well, but treats herself to it only on special occasions.))

- Dance

- Sports (Especially Basketball)

- Riding Bicycles (with friends)

- Hanging out with friends and family

- Traveling

- Listening to music on her phone (Earbuds are a must everywhere!)


- Having enemies/competition

- Messy/Unekpt Rooms

- Sweat (Especially if it's someone else's sweat)

- Having people on her bed (She will likely kick you off)

- Sasaeng Fans (She thinks that they're dangerous)


- Dancing

- Collecting random objects

- Doodling or drawing randomly

- Sewing (she always have little projects that she likes to bring with her)

- Rubrix Cube (true addiction, likes having races with Lhuan)

- Listening/downloading music on her phone


- Chewing on her lips

- Fiddling with Rubrix Cube

- Staring off into space

- Smiling a bit too much

- clothing (etc)

- Waking up Early/Sleeping Early


- Heights

- A bit claustrophobic, but not too much (Can survive in an elevator)


- Trained in dance since she was 4

- Addicted to kpop since she was 12

- Smiles practially 24/7

- Lived in the US for the majority of her life

- Tried many multiple sports in her lifetime

- Her favorite sport besides Dance was Basketball



She is the absolute, down-to-earth, sweet girl, being a true doll at times. It is her nature to be overly sweet and kind to others, especially to strangers and to friends and family. However, she is quite an introverted person, tending to keep her thoughts to herself, it is difficult to approach her first, since she is extremely shy, but once you get to know her, she will eventually open up to you. 

Angel, is quite an angel, with her near flawless looks, and her blazing smile. Her energy can practially brighten up a room, but that is, if you're friends with her. Even with her fragile looks, she is actually a tougie. She's stronger than she looks peoples, for trying many sports in her childhood, she loves trying new things and being active (exercising). Being one of the oldest, she is still a goody-two-shoes.

However, no one can be perfect. Angel is quite self-conceited actually, sometimes staring at her reflection in her combat mirror which she keeps with her all the time. But to make up for that, she is always sweet. But sometimes, it seems as if she's sugat-coating, but she isn't. 



She had the typical loving family, with an normal background. But when her yonger sister had died, she became quite introverted and closed up, trying to hide away the sadness and tears. It took her a while to recover, until finally she could smile again, with the help of her friends, and "boyfriend" Luhan, she finally found her smile again. 

As a child, she had taken many multiple sports, until she found her love for dance, when in then she continued to train for a few years. It wasn't until she was 12 when she found an addiction to kpop, where she got interested in the korean culture. It wasn't until she was 16 when she finally decided to try out for SM, and she got accepted in 2008. And for the following 5 years, she worked her off for perfection.


Father // Wang Guangli // 50 // Strict, Quick-witted // Continously talking about the future (He was a bit against her becoming a trainee, wanting her to find a more suitable career instead)
Mother // Wu Diwen // 52 // Loving, Over-Protective // Filled with questions and comments about life in general, quite picky about the smallest details
Older Brother // Wang ChanMing  // 25 // Joker, Trickster, Sharp-Witted // Tossing around jokes and sarcastic comments

Younger Sister // Wang ChunHua // Died at age 12 // Considerate, Thoughtful // The usual girly things, Mostly heart-to-heart talks



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Best friend // Lay (Zhang YiXing) // 22 // Idol/EXO // Calm, Sweet, Easy-Going // Constantly talking in chinese, practicing dance and training together, the usually have heart-to-heart talks

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 // Annie Wu // 22 // Chinese Teacher // Considerate, Thoughtful // Long chats over the phone, since the two were childhood friends 

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Friend // Kris // 23 // Idol/EXO // Soft-hearted, Clever, Mysterious // They love chattering in a jumbled mix of korean, chinese and english, mostly talking about their favorite sport, basketball.

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Friend // Amber // 21 // Idol/F(x) // Tomboy, Loud, Snarky // Since they both had came from Los Angeles, they had quite an connection They love talking about the "old" times, and their parents were close friends, but they weren't formally introduced until they were trainees at SM.

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Friend // Emily Zhou // 21 // Translator // Talkative, Lively, Self-Conceited // They were once best friends back in the States, but when Angel went to Korea to train, they slowly lost contact, however, Angel remembers to respond to her emails once in a while. She was the one who had gotten her into kpop and encouraged her to audition for SM.



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Name: LuHan
Age: 23
Occupation: Idol/EXO
Status: strangers // friends // best friends // crushing // secretly dating

Personality: Being the true doll he is, Luhan is the true gentleman. Although his looks practially scream out "Cute!" he's actually quite manly, being extremely friendly to everyone, especially if they're chinese. 
How you met/will meet: The two bumped into each other at SM, during their trainee dance class. Since then, he likes to bring her to the bubble tea shop with him, just to get his favorite treat. They met around 2010, and once they found out that the other was chinese, it became a flurry of chinese chattering.
How you act around each other: Always joking around, laughing at their silly jokes and probably choking with laughter. They sometimes have those daily heart-to-heart talks were they pour out their feelings. And he had even confessed to her just before they debuted. 

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Back-up Love Interest: Zhang, YiXing
Age: 22
Occupation: Idol/EXO
Status: strangers // friends // best friends // crushing // secretly dating

Personality: He is the calm, sweet person, who can easily lighten up the atmosphere with laughter. At times, he can be extremely serious but other than that, he is quite soft-hearted.
How you met/will meet: Same as Luhan.
How you act around each other: Same as Luhan, only Lay has deep conversations with Angel. Since both were born in Changsha, they have a strong connection.



Stagename: Angel
Persona: Dance Angel, Smiling Angel
Personal Fanculb: Gods/Godesses - As being the guardian angel, the fans will be called the godesses
Fanclub color: Cyan(
#00eeee) and Golden Rod (#ffb90f)

Trainee years: 5 years
How did you get into SME: Angel auditioned for SM in 2008, when she was 16, for the Global SM Audition in Los Angeles. 
Any Companies before SME: No
Trainee life: It was a hard and tiring 5 years. But having skills in dance already, she was already on the level 5(or year 5) with training on dancing. However, her singing wasn't the best, so she had many vocal lessons and training for the past few years. They had orginially planned to have her to debut with f(x), but changed at the last minute, pushing back her debut time. She was actually okay with the decision, for the fact that debuting with only 6 months of training was simply not enough. But as time dragged along, Angel slowly lost hope, but she couldn't give up now, for all the years that she had worked for.

Main Vocalist, Dancer [ ]
Tripple Tread [ ]
Lead Vocalist, Rapper [ ]
Lead Vocalist, Dancer [ ]
Main Dancer, Vocalist [ 1 ]
Lead Dancer, Vocalist [ 2 ]
Main Rapper, Dancer [ ]
Lead Rapper, Vocalist [ ]

Past experience: 

- Back-up Dancer for F(x) Airplane
- Back-up Dancer for BoA
- CF with EXO-K: Sunny 10 (LINK) ((Pretend that it isn't Juniel))
- Filmed MV with Mr.Mr LINK

Talent Twins:

(I realized that the singing/dancing/rapping twins weren't on this page, so I decided to add it here...)

Singing Twin: SPICA Jiwon ((0:49 Mark and 3:22 Mark; If you turn on the subtitles, it will tell you do is singing) , 2)

Dancing Twin: Miss A Min ( 1 (1:25 mark) , 23)

Rapping Twin: (NONE, not a rapper)






Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye | Joo
Gallery: klick // klick

Back-up Ulzzang: 
Kim Shin Yeong
Gallery: klick // klick

Extra: Ear Piercings - Her parents finally allowed her when she was 10, so she could finally wear earrings


Comments: I hope that this application was reliatively satisfactory.
Suggestions: Shows - Weekly Idol, Sky TV(just like EXO TV or BIGBANG TV), or Running Man(Basketball theme)! Scandals - Luhan and Angel seen at the Bubble Tea Shop together Scenes - Lay and Angel training/practicing in the dance studio at SM
Song suggestion: I love the song, Angel or Into Your World by EXO-M, and yes in chinese please! OMG, What if Luhan and Angel do Troublemaker? LOL, I take that back! Anyways, what about Twinkle by SNSD? No wait, that's SM... Um... APink No No No? If you're looking for a cutesy style. Or 2NE1 I am the Best if you're looking for kewl, electronico.  

Password: Yes, I did... But where is it?!?!?!
Why should your chara be in the story? Angels are needed in this dark world.


Back to the Story



I hope you enjoyed my application! :D 
[The following gifs are also of Angel as well, and I thought that they were absolutely adorable! :D ]
And here's a GREAT photo for her! AS AN ANGEL SHE IS~
[Yes, she loves listening to music, and is practically attached to her phone, just so she can listen to her music ]
[A bit obsessed of her coffee as well ]


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