♥ MOONLIGHT ♥ CUBE's New Girl Group application ★




♠ Shoot Anonymous

Username : -glimmeron

Nickname: Sapphire

Activeness from 1-10 (1-lowest and 10-highest): 9



♠ Every, Every, Everyday  ♠

Name (+ hangul):  So Eun Mi

Age (17-24): 21 Years Old

Birthday (ex. ♠: Jan. 1, 2013): January 10, 1992

Birthplace: Vancouver, Canada



Blood Type: O

Ethincity: Half-Korean, Half-Chinese

Languages: Chinese(Fluent), Korean(Basic, but nearly fluent), and English(Fluent)



♠ I Lost my Mind

Ulzzang: Seo Sung Kyung

Hyperlink to Gallery: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/123549/195/the-world-of-pretty-face-closed-for-request-ulzzang-gallery



Height (clickie, include ft and cm): 5 feet 6 inches (167.64)

Weight (clickie, include kg and lbs): 53kg (119lb)

Back-up ulzzang: Choi Seo Hee

Gallery: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/123549/14/the-world-of-pretty-face-closed-for-request-ulzzang-gallery



♠ 'Cause You are my Baby ♠

Personality (no mary-sues, at least one flaw. min: 2 paragraphs): EunMi is a sweet, kind-hearted person. Just as her name describes, she is beautiful on the outside and as well as in the inside. However, she is a bold character, not scared to speak up. In fact, she enjoys making new friends and trying new things, and not to mention speaking up. Of course, being the girl she is, she actually enjoys public speaking, once taking a speech class and debate team before.

However, she is quite a tom-boy, prefering sports rather than girly things. In fact, she loves popping and hip hop over any other genre of dance. Being the stubborn perfectionist she is, she will not stop practicing until she is finally content. Maybe even locking herself in the studio if she has too. But the girl can be quite lonely at times, preferring peace and isolation so she can process her thoughts. But overall, she is a great leader, being bold and blunt at times. But even so, she is quite protective of her friends and family, after all everyone has a soft spot.

♠ Likes ♠:


1) Strolling alongside the beach/ocean by self (sometimes, she wants to be left alone)

2) Tends to like isolation so she can concentrate and process her thoughts in peace and silence

3) Listening to music with her blue earbuds

4) Loves to dance, mostly to hip-hop, but sometimes she loves to practice small lyrical/contemporary choreography pieces (mostly in an empty dance studio, where it’s just the mirror, music, and her)

5) Loves Bubble Tea (Babo Tea) and Chinese Food


♠ Dislikes (no 'miss-America' answers. ex. I don't like people who are mean and rude. I like helping the enviornment.) ♠:

1) Loud, Talkative people (Especially if it’s one of those rude people who like rattling off random rumors that are extremely mean and offensive)

2) Anyone who wastes energy (Ex: Keeping the water on for too long, keeping certain objects still plugged in, or keeping the TV on even when no one is using it)

3) The color yellow (Especially the ugly mustard yellow)

4) Anything that may stand in her way, whenever she wants to accomplish something, anything that blocks her way frustrates her)


♠ Flaws/Fears (at least 2) ♠:

1) Fears of spiders or anything that's an insect (creepy crawlies!)

2) Bold character; although sometimes a bit TOO bold

♠ Habits ♠: Biting on nails, writing in her journal (lyric journal AND diary)

♠ Backround (no orphans, survived on own, etc) ♠: Two parents, Mother is Chinese and Father is Korean (thus her korean last name). EunMi’s mother was dance teacher and her father was a computer programmer(engineer). Thus being the only child, her parents were extremely protective over their only, precious child. When it came time for her to audition, they gave her permission, not thinking that she’ll actually possibly be moving to a whole entire new country. At first, they were a bit cautious and scared to finally let her go, and refused her dreams of being a rapper. But in the end, they let their princess out out into the world, to fight for her dream.

♠ Family (at least one parent, no idol siblings.) ♠: format: relation - name - age - occupation:

Mother - Lee Diwen (chinese) - 42 - Chinese Traditional Dance Teacher

Father - So Duho - 45 - Computer

♠ Bestfriend (idol friends are okay, or you can make an OC) ♠: Emily Zhang was one of her best friends in Canada. Wherever they went, they always went together, they loved being each other’s company, and would almost never separate. When EunMi had decided to become a trainee, the two probably caused a storm of tears, but still to this day, they always keep in close contact. The only other best friend she has in Korea in Lay, the cute, caring gentleman that managed to break her cold shell. Since the two both love popping and Hip hop and like to practice and sometimes train together.



♠ XOXO, L.O.V.E ♠



♠ Crush (see masterlist) ♠: Kris

His personality?: Sweet and kind, Kris tends to be an extremely thoughtful person, always putting others before himself. Kris is such a gentleman. Although sometimes, he may be a bit clumsy, he always manages to be funny and hilarious. Even though he may look like a cold person, he’s actually quite warm inside.

♠ How did you meet/want to meet? ♠: It was around the time she was accepted as trainee at Cube. Kris’s mother and her mother were close friends when they were in high school, and when news got around about EunMi becoming a trainee, they were surprised to find out that Kris was a trainee at SM as well. The two have never formally met before, but when EunMi was going home from long hours of training at Cube, EunMi accidently bumps into Kris near the SM building. After a long chat over bubble tea, the two realize that they were quite similar. And little did EunMi know that a small crush was starting to form.

♠ How do you want your love to unfold* ♠: Somehow the two always manage to go to the same bubble tea shop at the same time, always bumping into each other. Although it shouldn’t be a surprise to see that same 6-foot tall giant all the time, sometimes, it’s quite surprising the number of times that they always bump into each other. EunMi and Kris’s cold hard shells eventually melt when they continue to have their bubble  tea talks, telling each other about how they felt and their tiring training hours at their companies. Since they’re both rappers, they like to practice together sometimes as well.

NEW! Back-up crush: Luhan (heh...heh… all in EXO :P)

NEW! His personality?: Luhan is a kind-hearted, true sweetheart. Even with his adorable doll face, he may seem extremely fragile. But in real life, he is actually quite manly, even if no one will actually buy that reason. Luhan is a true gentleman, making sure to everyone else before him. Although it may look like he is much younger than his real age, EunMi even thought that he was actually younger than her, making him her dongsaeng at first sight. Only, she was wrong. And little did she notice the small pinch of love that was bubbling up inside of her.

NEW! How do you want to meet? *: EunMi was close friends with Kris. And when the two would meet up for their weekly bubble tea talks, Kris decided to bring along his other, Bubble Tea lover with him. At first sight, EunMi barely noticed that she was in love. Accidently calling the boy her dongsaeng, instead of her oppa, there was a lot of blushing that day.



NEW! Rival: CL (2NE1)

NEW! Her personality: Fierce rapper, EunMi and CL were once good friends, but once she had made it into YG Entertainment as a trainee, slowly the two grew apart. Before you knew it, jealously and envy grew inside of EunMi, slowly gnawing at her. CL was bold, and wasn’t afraid to show her diva, and the special spunk inside of her. To her closest friends, she was kind and caring, but to her rivals she was quite fierce. Always managing to make it on the top, CL made all of her rivals suffer and crumble down. Only EunMi was a special case, whenever they were around, CL would do her best to make EunMi even more jealous.  

NEW! Back up rival: Hyoyeon (SNSD)

NEW! Is her personality the same? If no: Hyoyeon is a bold, fierce character. Never letting anything stand in her way, she would always be in the first place while making all of her enemies suffer in defeat. She is quick to remind everyone that she is the best, and always smothering it in their faces.


♠ Baby Don't Cry, Tonight ♠


♠ Stage Name* ♠: C-Jewel

♠ Persona ♠: Bold Rapper, Strong Leader, Shining Star

♠ Trainee Years (4-9) ♠:  5 years

♠ Position ♠:  Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer

♠ Plastic Surgery? ♠: No


How did you feel when you were auditioning for CUBE?: At the audition, just before they walking into the room, EunMi felt a huge nervous breakdown. But once she walked in the butterflies in her stomach relaxed a bit. Knowing that she was just one step away from her dream, she held herself together, making sure that she was performing at her best.

How did you feel during your trainee years?: Tiring, demanding hours of training. But also a mix of exhilarating, fun times. Because EunMi was so persistent to fulfill her dreams, she worked hard, always pushing herself to be better, and try to come out as the best. But don’t think that she considers herself as #1 ALL the time. Actually, EunMi is quite a modest person. She worked hard, sometimes pushing herself a bit too hard, but finally, she would fulfill her dream. She did make a handful of trainee friends, but however some didn’t treat her the same due to her being half-chinese, but some people were accepting.

How did you feel when you found out you got into CUBE ent?: Once that letter came in the mail, EunMi when on a extreme hyper rush, running in circles around the house before she could actually settle down to open the letter itself. But once she read those words, she left as if she had accomplish the most hardest thing in the world. The house became a whole slaughter of tears mixed in with tears of joy. Once she got her parent’s consent, there was nothing that was going to stop her. EunMi Fighting!





Comments: I hope this application was relatively satisfactory!

Am I Allowed to Change Anything With Your Character?: Sure, if you need too!

Fan Club Name Suggestions: Moonbeams, Sailor Moon

Scene Requests: None, maybe a Kris scene? Ehhhhh? Ehhh? LOL, I kid, I kid! No need to add a Kris scene in there :P Only if you want to :P


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- Sapphire <3



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