Always Into-you ღ | [Angela Lin]









Always Into-you 


(Angela Lin)



The Intro:

Username: sparkle_diamond (

Nickname: Diamond

Activeness:  9 (But seriously, I like check every single day :P)




The Basics:

Name: Angela Lin

Nickname(s)Xiao Xiao (quite ironic, since her smiles are extremely rare, which is why her members like to saying, "SMILE!" although she doesn't want to), Angel (Because it is her stage name, and as well describes her character and fragile looks), Ice Princess (the best way to describe her, closed and stoic, the true ice princess)

Birth date: February 14(Valentine's Day~)

Age: 19 years old

'Oil' type: 0

Height: 165 m





The Core:


Personality: Angela is a sweet, caring person. She is very thoughtful for others, always managing to put her friends before herself. But however, Angela tends to be quite forgetful, despite being an android, and for all the perfection that she struggles to be, she has quite a load on her shoulders. She is the true perfectionist, always practicing for hours in the dance room, dancing for nearly hours until she is finally satisfied. She tends to daydream quite often, wondering what it would be like if she was a human, not an android, but when it comes time to perform or practice, the focus comes immediately. Being an android, she is extremely obedient, always following orders and commands, but in some extremely rare cases, she might not follow, but that is rare.


She may seem stoic but she is actually a very optimistic person, always looking forward for the future. But she is quite introverted, shy at first making her a very mysterious person overall. However, once you get to meet her personally, she'll eventually warm up and open up to you. That is, if you speak up first. She is a pure, innocent girl, matching with her fragile, beautiful looks. She can be quite stubborn at times, refusing to charge up and rest if she's in the middle of cleaning, cough cough, perfecting her routinue, and she'll probably lock herself in that studio if she needs to. 


Being the second youngest, next to the maknae, she may seem just like the maknae, only more on the calm side, and quite shy. Sometimes, she feels like she's the outcast, but in reality, the maknae is always there for her. She slightly dislikes doing aegyo, but if the maknae does it, she is most likely forced to do it as well. Overall, the best way to describe her is the ice princess, with her cold exterior and piercing stares, it's easy to think that she is quite stoic. Until you crack that cold shell, she might open up. 


Likes: Bubble Tea, Skirts, Cute T-shirts that have graphic designs, Shopping, and Dancing (of course)

Dislikes: Rollercoasters, Spiders, Untidy/Dirty Rooms, Talking to strangers/people she doesn't know

Hobbies:  Dancing, Drinking Bubble Tea (Which she had an addiction too since she started getting interested in Luhan), Surfing the Internet

//MORE: She loves bubble tea for it's out-of-the-world sweet taste, and as long as she gets to see her Luhan, she'll practically do anything just to see him. On the side note, even though that androids don't necessarily have to eat, she still does, just for him. 


Habits: Twirling her hair around her index finger, Practicing for hours, and Snuggling with her Teddy Bear (Yes, she has a teddy bear), Drumming her fingers against something

Fears: Fear of spiders and anything that's creepy crawlies, plus she purified of heights, completed scared of being too high off the ground.


- Loves to dance

- In her free tine she likes to surf the web

- Is called Angel for her fragile and flawless looks

- Has a large collection of teddy bears

- Tends to be quite possessive

- Originally planned to become a ulzzang, but soon they had programmed her to be able to dance. Plans were changed.





The Visual:

Ulzzang Name: Baek Sumin

Ulzzang pictures:    

❀  |  | ❀  |  |   MORE: # | #

Back up Ulzzang Name: Seo Sung Kyung
Back up Ulzzang Pictures:

❀ | ❀ |  |  |  |   

Clothing Style: She loves to wear her sweats and loose fitting t-shirts for dance practice, but when on the go or whenever in public, she loves to wear flirty and colorful skirts to make herself stand out among the rest. Sunglasses are a must at the airports, or whenever traveling. She prefers plain and simple clothing however, but she is quite a unique one whenever she tries to wear something new. She loves trying on different outfits and different styles from time to time, but once she settles for something that she likes, you'll see her wearing that same style for months. 

Number: 003 and the color is TBA. (Code: #A9F5F2)





The Performer:

Stage name: Angela

Personal Fanclub name: Angels

Personal Fanclub color: 003 and blue (Code: #A9F5F2)

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, and Vocalist

Singing:  Juniel Link

Dancing: BoA Link I will also provie a "pre-debut" video that you may use in the story! (It's actually me dancing, but we can pretend that it's Angela for now!) LINK <<

Rapping: Hyoyeon from SNSD (MAXSTEP) LINK 





The Social:

Member they are closest to: 005, Maknae

Member they are awkward with: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Opinion on Leader: She loves her as a leader and as a big sister. But however, when she starts getting on her motherly side and starts being touchy, then she'll feel a bit uncomfortable, but the two are the best of friends. Angela always looks up to her.

Opinion on DAN-B: She is always a happy-go-lucky person, which Angela loves about her. The two are good friends, but not as close as Crystal and the maknae. However, the two love to hang out whenever they go on shopping trips, DAN-B was Angela's first friend, until the maknae came along, but netherless the two always love to chat and practice together.

Opinion on Main Dancer: That's me! 

Opinion on Lead Vocalist: Angela has an awkward relationship with her. Since they were 'trainees' the two were practically rivals, fighting for the main dancer spot, but once she had gotten the role, the two split apart, once being close friends to being enemies. The two are very competitive with each other, and with her prickly personality, Angela tends to avoid her as much as possible. Jealous sure can get in the way of things.

Opinion on Maknae: The two are the closest, and the best of friends, they always stick together since they both LOVE to dance and they have similiar personalities AND they are close in age. Whenever she see them, they're always stuck together, side by side chatting.

Opinion on being an Android: It felt strange at first, feeling as if you're alive but not at the same time. The world suddenly seems so vivid but fake at the same time. Soon the world starts to change, when suddenly, she felt someone. Feelings, they said. Feelings is the sign that you're becoming human. Now, the persoective of the world has changed.





The Lover:

Love Interest: Luhan from EXO

Personality: Angela seems to find a similiar connection with Luhan, since they both had perfect and fraglie looks, she tends to be drawn to him. Luhan is a kind, caring person, always putting others before himself. He is the true gentleman, always pulling out the chairs for the ladies, and opening the doors. 

Relationship: Angela bumps into Luhan at the Bubble Tea shop, where she frequently likes to visit. Since she had been programmed to know fluent Chinese, she interacts and chats with him on their bubble tea visits. Somehow, the manage to always bump into each other there, constantly spilling their bubble tea on each other, (thank god for those caps!). Finally, the two grow closer, and once he debuts in EXO, he still manages some time to visit her, at that same bubble tea shop.

Back-up Love Interest: Jimin from BTS

Personality: Cute, but yet manly at the same time. He is so thoughtful for others, making sure to always spend extra time with his friends, and his loved ones. But don't let that cute face trick you, he is much different from that.

Relationship:  Being an extreme b-boy he always finds time to practice in his secret hideout, behind the Samsung Company. Once, Angela had accidently bumped into him, toppling right over him. Luckily however, he caught her from falling. 





The Goodbye:

Comments/Questions:  None! :D

Scene Requests: I request a bubble tea shop scene for Angela and Luhan! :D

Song Recommendations: APink - No No No or SNSD - I Got a Boy



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picture credit goes to google and tumblr.




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