into the melody → name.


→character's name; 
username + hyperlink | something to call you | activity level

[replace the image of headphones with one of your ulzzang, 500px width. delete all brackets. same with the second pair of headphones; the third is of your love interest. good luck.]

let's start at the very beginning.

Name: [Lastname, firstname unless you're a foreigner. In that case, firstname lastname.]

Nicknames: [Bullet if there's more than one; who calls her that and why? If your character has a relevant English/Japanese/Chinese name, put that there too.]

Age: [I'm not putting restrictions here, but at the same time, I don't really want to write anybody that's super duper young.]

Birthday: [mm/dd/yy]

Ethnicity: [I'd prefer if they were Asian, but really, it's up to you. Creative free reign, heck yeah.]

Nationality: [Also can be anything, but Korean would probably make the most sense.]

Birthplace: [As long as it's matched with their ethnicity/nationality, I'm fine.]

Hometown: [Same as above. If there are more than one, list those.]

ual Orientation: [Can be anything. Here at TTW applyfics, we don't discriminate.]


are you going to age with grace?




Faceclaim: [Ulzzangs or idols or whatever applies to your character, dude.]

Gallery: [Self-explanatory. Link it.]

Backup Faceclaim: 


Description: [Or: anything about your character's appearance that varies from the faceclaim you used. Anything from hair/eye color to tats and piercings. Go wild but stay realistic.]


so bitter and so sweet.

Personality: [I'm going to be super picky at this section. I want two paragraphs at least, which is probably asking for a lot. Good points and bad points, simple as that. Quality over quantity, always, and please try to make sense. Thank you.]

Likes: [5, bulleted.]

Dislikes: [5, bulleted.]

Habits: [5, bulleted.]

Hobbies: [5, bulleted.]

Trivia: [5+ but don't go overboard, bulleted.]


→it's my life.

Song: [Name and Artist, hyperlink the title.] 

Story: [One paragraph at least, but the more detailed, the better; if it's long, let it be long. Basically, describe your character's story here.  It should relate to your chosen song. Be creative, and good luck.]


Lifestyle: [How your character is living right now - where she lives and the like.]

Important People: [Friends/family/best friends/rivals sections are boring, so in this section, include who's important to your character. Try not to go too overboard, alright? As this is an AU fic, idol friends are seen as...not idols. Unless you want them to be. Copy/paste as needed.]

Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | 5 traits | Interactions

Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | 5 traits | Interactions

Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | 5 traits | Interactions

Relation | Name | Age | Occupation | 5 traits | Interactions


→i'd love you for a thousand more.

Love Interest: [Female, male, idol, actor, OC...this can be anyone or anything. Also, optional!] 
Backup Love Interest: [Just in case.]
Personality: [One paragraph or more.]

→i'm good to go.

Questions, comments, etc.?: 
Scene requests:
Anything else:


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