✦ 신앙【Faith】⇢ Kimura Kanon, The Pink Rose


~ The Cherry Blossom Petal  Kanon ~

 Let's Play Masquerade.
Username : troubledwater
Nickname : TTW here.
Activity : 4.8 as of now, but slightly less as...school...happens.

✦ Now, Let's Begin.
Birth Name : Kimura Kanon

Other Name(s) : N/A

Nickname(s) :

  • As an AKB48 Research Student, Kanon's official nickname was "Kimunyon". She's still adressed by that name by Japanese fans.
  • Non-chan; Massu - her cousin - calls her this. It's pretty much just a shortening of her first name, but she doesn't like it very much. As such, he's the only one who calls her that and gets away with it. He also calls her Potato, and is the only one who can get away with it. Barely.

Age : 20 → 21

Birthday : February 19th, 1993

Ethnicity : Japanese

Nationality : Korean-Japanese - though until recently, it was just Japanese.

Birthplace : Edogawa, Tokyo, Japan

Hometown : Edogawa, Tokyo, Japan

Language(s) : Japanese (fluent); Korean (advanced and learning, though her Japanese accent sometimes bleeds into her words.)
Bloodtype : AB
ual Oritentation : Heteroual.

✦ Mirror, Mirror On The Wall.
Ulzzang : May (Goroke)
Gallery : Fact: this is my favorite gallery.

Back-up Ulzzang : Soyu (Bonjashop)
Gallery : HQ pictures and info and stuff.

Height : 160 cm
Weight : 50 kg

Anything Else? : Her ears are pierced - just lobes, nothing big. It's more or less an unwritten rule to not have a lot of piercings (unless you're hardcore or a guy) in J-pop, but now that Kanon's switched to K-pop, she plans on getting a helix piercing at some point.

Style : The amount of pink in Kanon's wardrobe is almost disturbing. You can tell it's your favorite color pretty much by looking at her, and though she wears other colors, pink is easily her favorite. Pink skirts (the shorter, the better - Kanon really does like miniskirts. She'll wear them when it's cold, even, which is pretty illogical, but she really does have an obsession with being cute.), pink shirts (usually in this style - it's a way to get more colors into her wardrobe, and Kanon can't read English, so she has no idea she's plastering a brand onto herself.), and pink dresses. The second biggest color in her closet is grey. That's mostly for things like sweatpants and jeans, with the occasional top or pair of leggings thrown in; although she wears pink every day, she doesn't wear all pink every day.

✦ More Please...
Personality :

 The first impression you get of Kanon is that she's cute, and chances are, that's going to be all of your first thoughts about her. She's short, has a pretty face, wears pink, and tends to be smiling; Kanon is the kind of person that would see a completely empty glass as half full, and that shows on her face. For better or for worse, you can read exactly how Kanon's feeling on her face. For the most part, Kanon's very cheerful, though. She's not unflappable, or anything, but prefers being cheerful to being sad; as such, she makes the effort to be joyful more often than she is sad. Surprisingly, it works. Kanon's not particularly friendly or mean, she's not particularly introverted or extroverted, and she doesn't even have a best friend that gets shown a different side of her, but she usually is happy. Kanon is a dreamer at heart, but that side of her comes out more when you get to know her. She really does believe in true love, and is convinced that everyone has a potential prince/princess waiting for them. She spaces out whenever she doesn't have to be super focused on anything,  and imagines really great things - maybe it'll just be Faith winning an award, or maybe it'll be epic dragon slaying. Kanon's best trait is her imagination. She's very creative, and though she can't always express it - more on that below - Kanon is surprisingly intelligent. She isn't the type of person that spouts algebra, or anything, but there's many an occasion where she says surprisingly meaningful things. 

Of course, Kanon's so trapped in her own head most of the time that it's hard for her to communicate with others. She tries to find the proper wording for things, but it just doesn't fly. Part of that is thanks to her studying Korean - she gets Japanese words mixed with Korean ones, and nothing's fun for anyone - but part of it is just thanks to her personality. She isn't a complete idiot, and she doesn't have a speech impediment or anything, but her communication skills certainly leave some stuff to be desired. She prefers not to speak on camera, because frankly, she can never say what she's thinking without it coming out weirdly or wrongly. Like I said, because she's also studying Korean, there's also now the problem of inter-language mixups and slang coming out oddly...it's not a lot of fun for anyone. Because of her general spaciness, she also often takes a few seconds to reply to things. Kanon's other big flaw is that, despite her best attempts to stay joyful, things don't always work; she's ridiculously unlucky. If Kanon's involved and there's a chance something will go wrong, there's a sizeable chance that said thing will go wrong. Her bad luck doesn't usually affect other people, but for the most part, it's hard for her to keep her smile on when things...keep happening.

As an idol, Kanon's seen as...a member. She's not known for being a happy virus, a super-amazing vocalist (though she can certainly hold her own), or somebody who's parcticularly fun to watch on variety. In general, when on camera, she speaks when she's spoken to...and says weirdish things. In post-production, after Kanon speaks, there usually will be a bunch of question marks added in; she doesn't really see what's wrong with saying what she says, which can be good (for amusement or wisdom) or bad (because sometimes, you have no clue about the message Kanon's trying to get across.) She really does like performing on stage, so note that; it's something she considers herself good at, and when she performs, she's almost always smiling. (Which can also be bad, since if you're doing a y concept, you should be looking all...not smiley.) Around fans, Kanon's also full of smiles - she really loves the feeling of being admired by other people, and when she's around her fans, it's literally a huge people of admirers. It's as an idol where Kanon finds herself the most happy.


Likes : 

  • Cherry blossoms; she likes them more than roses.
  • The color pink, which is her favorite...everything.
  • Springtime, flowers, and songs about springtime and flowers.
  • Sweets, especially candy canes; as long as it contains a decent amount of sugar, there's a big chance Kanon will be eating it.
  • School uniforms.
  • Tetris.
  • Johnny's Entertainment - though she is biased.
  • Miniskirts.
  • Korean dramas; her favorites are Dream High and Monstar.
  • J-pop in general.

Dislikes : 

  • Loud noises.
  • Tripping, which happens an unfortunate amount to her.
  • Wintertime. No flowers.
  • Scary movies of any sort. She can't stand gore.
  • Similarly, Kanon refuses to watch any movie without a happy ending.
  • K-pop. She'll perform it and everything, but she's honestly not a huge fan. There are a few artists she likes - KARA, Roy Kim, IU, Busker Busker - but she's not a giant stan of it or anything.
  • Rapping. She can do it, but she's not great, and prefers singing.

Habits : 

  • Biting her lip when she's thinking. 
  • Tugging at the sleeves of her sweater or other long-sleeved shirt.
  • Pushing her hair out of her face.

Hobbies : 

  • Learning choreography to J-pop songs. It's easier than K-pop by a longshot.
  • Playing Tetris. Her high score is really, really high...she considers it her best talent.
  • Shopping. Which is totally a hobby.

Trivia :

  •  Kanon's favorite song of all time is AKB48's Sakura no Hanabiratachi. Her goal as a Research Student was to perform it onstage with the members AKB someday. After leaving to join FATE Entertainment, she doesn't play it as much - too bittersweet. Maybe someday.
  • Her other favorites include Sakura Girl by NEWS, Sakura no Shiori and 10nen Sakura by AKB48, and...Miso Soup by Tegomass.
  • Kanon's ideal type is Andrew Garfield.
  • Kanon's cell phone strap is a pink puff. She has ones in other colors, but she's most commonly seen with her pink puff. 
  • Kanon's role models are Maeda Atsuko and IU. 
  • Kanon has a bit of a verbal tic; in both Japanese in Korean, she ends most of her sentences with "ne". 
  • Kanon really loves Kakao Talk. She uses it to communicate with an irritating amount of people.
  • Kanon is Faith's most gullible member. Easily.
  • Kanon considers her laptop - a Macbook Air in a pink case - to be her most important posession, and takes it absolutely everywhere with her.
  • Kanon's got perfect vision.
  • Although she's never had a boyfriend or anything like that, Kanon's first crush was on an ex-member of NEWS, Nishikido Ryo. It didn't work for a variety of reasons (including: an age difference of nine years, a dating ban, Kanon's inability to understand Kansai dialect, and Ryo's inability to see Kanon as more than a younger sister.) She still sent him Valentine's day chocolate anonymously.
  • Kanon collects stationary and cute pens.
  • Kanon can't write in Korean; she's got a minor grasp on writing in English, but she's best at Japanese. She's also not the best at reading Korean...
  • The only things Kanon can cook are breakfast foods and sweets.
  • Kanon is more popular in Japan than in Korea.

Pet(s) : [Optional. Will they leave with the group as well? Hyperlink a picture also.]

✦ Who Made Who You Are Today?

Background : Kanon had a really normal time growing up until she was about 13. She grew up, got slightly above average grades in school, and did most things girls ages 0-13 did within that expanse of time. When she was 10, her cousin debuted in J-Pop group NEWS; she failed to get very interested in them, though she did like their music. Life went on.
Kanon's love for performing was fostered on the same day as she had her first encounter with the strings of fate. A friend of hers took her to an AKB48 theatre performance in 2006. That's where Kanon saw what idols really were - smiling and performing beautiful songs onstage. In that instant, Kanon wanted to be an idol. She turned to the friend that took her, ready to share her sudden inspiration, and another life-changing thing happened...she saw a pink thread of some kind connecting her friend to a member onstage. She thought nothing of it at the time, figuring it was a stage decoration or something. With Takahisa's blessing, in late 2007, Kanon auditioned to be a part of AKB48's trainee unit - Research Students. As a Research Student, she gained training and such, but there's more on that below. The pink thread things were everywhere - she'd be doing a stage, performing, and Kanon would be able to see these pink threads everywhere. She was a bit frightened and certainly clueless as to what they all meant, but didn't think much about it. She had lots and lots of training to do...

Family : 

Cousin | Masuda Takahisa | 27 | J-Idol (NEWS) | Funny, though most of his humor manifests in lame puns; kindhearted; shameless| Takahisa - or Massu, or Pumpkin, as Kanon calls him, is closer to being Kanon's older brother than he is being her cousin. The two are really close - they weren't huge friends growing up, but when Kanon became a Research Student, their bond multiplied exponentially. They may tease each other almost constantly, and they do argue a lot, but they're really best friends. He also serves as Kanon's unofficial mentor. NEWS has been a group for 10 years, and in that time they've gone through pretty much every idol-group drama in the book - scandals and member changes (started with 9 and are now down to 4.) and hiatuses. He's the absolute best for advice.

Mother| Masuda Kyouko | 48 | Manages business for Ichihiro's chocolate shop | Caring; feminine; motherly| Kyouko and Kanon have a pretty standard mother-daughter relationship. They're close, but at the same time, there's things Kanon would never tell her mother - although she does trust her, and is generally on good terms with her.

Father| Kimura Ichihiro | 50 | Chocolatier; sweetshop owner | Flamboyant; friendly; jolly | On the other hand, it's easy to tell that Kanon is a total daddy's girl. He runs a chocolate shop, and Kanon loves sweets, so could that easily be part of it? Yes. He was also a bit more supportive of Kanon's joining of the Research Students than her mother - if he hadn't followed his dream, Kanon's family probably would have an extremely small amount of income - if any.

Friends : 

NEWS Member - introduced through Massu | Koyama "Koya" Keiichiro| 29 | Idol | Motherly; charismatic; a good public speaker | Koya views Kanon like a little sister, much like the rest of NEWS does. They're cheering for her success, and if Massu's hanging out with the rest of them, he'll certainly be kind to her.

NEWS Member - introduced through Massu | Kato "Shige" Shigeaki | 26 | Idol | Intelligent; witty; a bit of a loser | Same as Koyama.

NEWS Member - introduced through Massu | Tegoshi "Tego" Yuya | 26 | Idol | Outspoken; intuitie; clever | Same as Koyama.

Friends | Chikano Rina | 20 | Idol (AKB48) | Girly; kind; extroverted | Rina was easily the saddest about Kanon suddenly leaving Research Students - she'd been looking forward to performing onstage someday with the girl, so their once-friendly relationship has slightly soured and became awkward.

Good Friends | Nakatsuka Tomomi | 20 | Ex AKB48 member | A little awkward; friendly; honest | Tomomi, on the other hand, supported Kanon's descision to leave. They weren't close as part of the 48 family, but after both of their graduations, they're good friends.

Good Friends, and the closest thing Kanon has to a best friend. | Marcus Koizumi (OC) | 20 | Johnny's Junior (read: a trainee.) | Overconfident; whimsical; gentlemanly | Marcus met Kanon through Shige, who's close to a lot of random Juniors; he pretty much talks a lot and says a lot of things while Kanon spaces out. They'd be a lot closer to each other if Kanon listened better, or talked more.


Rival : [Optional. 0-1 only. They may be idols, actors/tresses, ulzzangs and even OCs. Copy and paste as needed. Cross out if not needed.]

Name | Age | Occupation | Three major personality traits | How they met? | How they interact? | Why are they rivals?

 Romance Is In The Air.

Love Interest : Kim Sangwoo - better known as Roy Kim.
Status : Kanon's Favorite K-Pop Artist and celebrity crush.
Age : 20 (July 3rd, 1993)
Occupation : Soloist
Their Story :

Bom Bom Bom is probably Kanon's favorite K-pop song, and that's how everything began. Everything about it is nice - the spring feeling, the bittersweet lyrics, the acoustic guitar, the cute video...it's the kind of thing Kanon really likes to listen to. She didn't pay much attention to the actual singer of it until she watched the video for the first time - originally, she'd just downloaded the mp3 - and found him to be cute. Her celebrity crush began there. She first met Roy at a fansign. She had some time off from training, and really wanted to buy Roy's CD and get it signed. She did, he smiled & signed, there was eye contact. In that moment, Kanon was completely and utterly head-over-heels in crush with Roy. She bought his album when it came out, his OST for Reply 1994, and has a poster of him - well-hidden, of course. They have yet to meet as two idols, as opposed to an idol as his fan, but here's how I'm guessing that would go.

Roy's a nice guy. He's a bit overconfident, though you can argue he has reasons to be - Bom Bom Bom was a huge hit last spring - but he'll treat his fans with respect. He didn't go through the trainee process - rather, he won a contest - and because of that, he's not exactly used to the K-pop industry's no-sleep constant-work mentality. Though at first he sees Kanon as a fan - she admires him and idolizes him, and she does foster a celebrity crush on him, it's pretty obvious how much Kanon likes him. She couldn't have been more obvious about it if she was an anime character; Roy could be her perfect prince...if he noticed how much Kanon likes him. That's the problem - he doesn't notice, at all. Kanon compliments him and pretty much squees about him when he's near, but he can't pick up on it. That's the problem. It's pretty much a one-sided crush and nothing more.


Back-up : Eric Nam

Love Rival : [optional. put their name and who they are and tell me why and how they'll play the love rival. remember, optional.]


✦ Now, Let's Begin.
Origin :

Kanon was an AKB48 Research Student from 2007 to 2012, which is where most of her training took place. Despite not getting promoted to the main group, only performing in trainee stages and on trainee songs, and generally not being a very popular member of the group, Kanon kept trying...and trying... and trying. To document her experiences, Kanon opened up a blog - which is still her main social network - and mentioned the pink strings of fate in 2010. She hadn't made any sort of connection to her abilities, and it just seemed like a weird, Kanon-esque metaphor at the time. That is, until one Charlotte Im found her blog. It was a shot in the dark - the cultural differences caused a lot of confusion - but in 2012, Kanon finally gave up her dream of being a member of AKB48 and reluctantly (at the persistence of the CEOs. For two years, Kanon was stubborn and refused.) joined FATE Entertainment. No graduation ceremony, hardly an announcement that she was gone, no official statement on her blog - just a sudden move from Japan to Korea and a removal from AKB48's official website. She still regrets not staying with AKB, and if she wasn't going to be debuting with Faith (or, if the pink strings hadn't been explained to her), chances are she'd have let the industry to work at her father's shop by now. All in all, Kanon trained for 5 years under AKB and about two under FATE, for a grand total of seven years. She's getting used to K-pop little by little.

Pre-Debut Experience : Various Research Student related things - she participated in all stages from 2008-August 2012, and was in all Research Student tracks between 2010 - August 2012.

Stagename : Kanon
Persona :  The Cherry Blossom Petal
Position : Lead Vocalist/Sub-rapper - the pink rose.
Personal Fanclub Name : Pink Cherries
Fanclub Color(s) : #F9E9EC&#DD8F8F

Social Media/Networking : Ameblog: ameblo.jp/kimunyon; Twitter: @kanon93
Singing Twin : Kashiwagi Yuki (AKB48 — 1 2 3)
Rapping Twin : Namjoo (The only link there is.)
Dancing Twin : Ahreum (ex-T-ARA -1 2 3)

✦ Bye For Now~
Questions, comments, concerns? : 

Various Kanon-related notes:

  • Too much J-pop. Oops. NEWS are my babies. It was an accident.
  • Her personality is so detailed. I'm proud of myself =D
  • Kanon means "flower sound", which is really fitting, but I actually didn't know that until I googled it.

Scene Suggestions : Sometime when Faith is way famous and on - definitely not their first - concert tour...this. And, of course, Kanon and Roy meeting up as idol-and-idol. 

Song Suggestions : Close Your Eyes, With You, Like A Dream, Crying, My Song

Anything Else? Eterenally afraid I'm bugging you by applying for this, but like..I really like your fics. NEXT and its time travel, August and its CCM-ness, Unstoppable and their returning, Daybreak and their inner demons, and now Faith and fate? Heck. Yeah. So, uh, I applied for this too. I'm sorry if I'm bugging you and if I'm not bugging you I'm still sorry, because...I keep applying.
Password : Faithfully.



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